Myth Invasion: I Kill the Gods on Earth

Chapter 555: Awarding Military Merits

Today’s army is really too competitive!

Some soldiers even stopped eating and kept walking between tables with their hands on their hips. They didn't say anything and just pointed to the numbers written on their chests to show others.

There was even a soldier who got a big sign with "five" written on it out of nowhere, and it wasn't too heavy, so he just held it there.

A soldier asked curiously: "Will the sign you are holding sink?"

The soldier holding the sign turned around and smiled: "What are you talking about? How do you know I killed five sea beasts?"

The warrior who spoke suddenly looked complicated and said: "Forget it, just pretend I didn't ask..."

In Daxia's army, comparison is now prevalent, and they even don't forget to compare while eating!

This is a very bad trend!

But Lin Fan suddenly smiled.


This culture of comparison is not good in other aspects, but when it comes to comparing military achievements and comparing who can kill more sea beasts... the more, the better!

Daxia needs this kind of comparison!

Those warriors who had killed fewer sea beasts sat there feeling depressed, with regrets on their faces. They just wanted to kill more sea beasts next time and feel proud.

A squad leader sat there and complained to his brother's squad leader: "Damn it, I'll kill a few more next time! Look at that idiot who killed two, and how crazy he is now! His mouth has never been closed!"

"Stop talking, you're doing pretty well. One of my soldiers killed three. I, the squad leader, just shined his shoes and lit cigarettes, served him soup, and had to wash his clothes when he got home. !”

"I just met the platoon leader, and I was about to complain, but the first thing the platoon leader said was, "I heard that one of your soldiers killed three sea beasts? But wait, this is a precious egg! After a while, the division commander came over to personally record his merits and awards, and asked him to be the deputy platoon leader! ". After the platoon leader finished speaking, he went to give the soldier a squeeze on his shoulders. Where do you think I should go to reason with him?"

"But I haven't said anything yet...after all, that kid killed three!"

"Damn it, next time the sea beasts come, I must kill a few more! Otherwise I will have to help the whole class wash clothes!"

The squad leader clenched his fists, wishing that the sea beasts would come quickly so that he could kill a few more!

The warriors who have not killed the sea beast are full of fighting spirit!

And the warriors who killed sea beasts, under this kind of honor, also wanted to kill a few more, maintain this kind of honor, and don't be compared with others!

"Damn it," a soldier who killed two sea monsters turned to the soldier who killed three sea monsters and muttered: "We will work harder next time to kill more. The look in the squad leader's eyes changed when he looked at me just now. He turned around and said If I were kicked out by him, he would laugh at me to death..."

"Stop talking, I was so arrogant just now that I slapped the platoon leader on the head... Don't let the chain go down next!"

Another warrior who had killed two sea beasts clenched his fists and said: "My mother just called me and said that grandpa said that if I kill one more, I can open a separate page in the family tree. If I kill two more, I can In front of my great-grandfather... Damn it, let’s fight!”

The soldier on the side also whispered: "My mother also called. She said that my father blew it in the whole village, but he met a cruel person. Three of his children killed... My father was so angry that he asked me to Next time, kill at least two sea beasts, otherwise don’t go home..."

"My mother called me just now and said that I killed two sea monsters. The township head sent people to send certificates to my house and gave me two hundred thousand yuan... My mother said that she would kill three more and ask the county head to come to my house later. The county can also reward me with a house, and I will still have money to marry a wife later. Damn it, give it a try!"

"Damn it, your family also gave you this reward, and mine also gave it! My mother said that if I kill ten next time, I will have two apartments! During the next period of time, I have to spend time on the training ground. "

The soldiers who had made great achievements in battle clenched their fists. The generous rewards and comparisons made them want to kill a few more!

Lin Fan looked at the looks of the soldiers and had no intention of stopping the comparison.


This kind of comparison is exactly what Daxia needs!

This kind of comparison will turn Daxia warriors into howling wild wolves. They are no longer afraid of sea beasts and only want to kill a few more!

This was also tacitly approved by Jin Lao, or promoted by Jin Lao, in order to let the Daxia warriors compete with each other to kill the enemy!

It's just like when my parents said when I was a child, "Comparing with those useless ones is nothing to do. Comparing is just a matter of learning."

"This fighting spirit is stronger than that of our Great Qin army." Bai Qi also looked solemnly and nodded slightly.

The fighting spirit of the Great Qin army is due to Great Qin's original military merit system and the atmosphere of comparison!

But the fighting spirit of these juniors in front of them is actually better than that of the Qin army!


The soldiers' chatter and laughter fell silent.

The leader of the group, Chen Zi, walked up to the central stage, held a microphone and shouted loudly: "Quiet, sit back in your seat, that Wang Xiaohu, stop standing there holding the sign, I know you killed four!"

"Ha ha ha ha."

The soldiers burst into laughter, and Wang Xiaohu, who was called out, did not blush or be shy. Instead, he held up the sign and walked back to his seat with a showy face.

"You brat, you're the only one who can play the harp." The leader, Chen Zi, was not annoyed. Instead, he cursed with a smile on his face.

Then he cleared his throat and said, "Today is the celebration banquet of my 358th regiment!"

"Thank you all for this battle!"

"Without you, our area cannot be defended! Without you, those sea beasts will invade my country!"

"Everyone is working hard!"

"All the brothers here are great!"

He saluted sharply.

The soldiers also stood up and saluted.

"Okay, everyone, sit down." Leader Chen Zi waved his hands cheerfully, "Now, let's reward based on merit!"

"Issuing merit medals and recording military merits!"

"Commander, come here!" The regiment leader Chen Zi looked back. The soldiers were shocked to see that it was the division commander who had arrived in person!

"Those who kill a sea beast will be given third-class merit, their military rank will be raised one level, and they will serve as squad leader!" Chen Zi took the list and called the names loudly: "Li Xiao, Wang Bai, Muke..."

As the list was read out, rows of soldiers lined up quickly and walked onto the high platform with their faces full of glory.

There were nearly a thousand people!

The teacher pinned exquisite badges with "One" engraved under the Great Wall on them, and his eyes were filled with incomparable respect.

"You did well this time!"

"Thanks for your hard work!"

Every time a soldier is given a badge, the division commander must salute in person and shake hands after the salute.

And this scene happened in every regiment.

These celebrations were also broadcast live across the country and were watched by the people of Daxia.

"Hahaha, that's my son!"

"From our village!"

A primary school student invited his classmates to watch TV at home. Just to witness this scene, he pointed at a young soldier on the TV and shouted with pride: "That's my brother!"

Surrounded by relatives, one parent said proudly: "Look at my precious son, is he handsome?"

Some parents took their mobile phones and quickly sent this scene to the parent group and colleague group.

this moment.

Warriors on the high platform, greet the glory!

Thunderous applause.

The whole country applauds!

The soldiers saluted again and then filed off the stage with smiles on their faces.

"Those who kill two sea beasts will be credited with second-class merit! The military rank will be raised by two ranks, and they will be promoted to deputy company commander as an exception!" Chen Zi took the list and said loudly: "There is Geng Dong, there is Liu Mubai, and there is Bai Zhaoyun..."

The applause became more and more thunderous, and even the soldiers who had gone up to receive the award clapped desperately!

They know how difficult it is to kill the sea beast!

Luck and strength are indispensable, especially strength!

This time, there were three to four hundred people on stage. Each one of them straightened their backs. Even if some of them were bandaged, they could not see any pain.

His face was full of glory and pride.

It seems that even the wound no longer hurts. At this moment, that wound is a badge of glory!

The division commander successively brought them more exquisite badges with "two" engraved under the Great Wall.

"You did a great job this time!"

"Thanks for your hard work!"

The word "very" emphasizes the tone!

Every time a soldier is given a badge, the division commander must salute in person. At the end of the salute, instead of shaking hands, he gives a friendly pat on the shoulder.

This is even more different than the award given to a warrior who killed a sea beast...

But the soldiers didn't complain at all, they all applauded desperately, their eyes were filled with envy, even the soldier who killed a sea beast looked yearning.


Nothing to be jealous of!

On that battlefield, sea beasts rushed up one by one, killing them at will!

If you have good marksmanship, quick reactions, don't retreat, are powerful, and are not afraid of death, you can kill more without anyone stopping you!

This is an honor earned through hard work!

Next, the warrior who killed three sea beasts was awarded a prize.

First class merit!

Promote company commander!

"Of course, the company commander can't promote that much yet." Captain Chen Zi smiled, "But don't worry, if the ones in front die in battle, it will be your turn!"

Current company commanders: "..."


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