Myth Invasion: I Kill the Gods on Earth

Chapter 59 Lightning in the Rainy Night

At the same time, the steel hands of the battle doll retracted in an instant, and then stretched out countless iron ropes, tightly wrapped around the bald head, and bound him in place!

The bald head wanted to turn around and run away, but was unable to move. He could only watch the eight spikes stabbing him fiercely!

A battle doll created by the Mo family!

His underestimation doomed him to death!


Right now.


That blond white woman with shining eyes, take a step forward!

For a moment, invisible ripples spread.

The raindrops falling from the sky actually stayed still in the sky.

The spikes stabbing at the bald man also stopped for an instant.

Gong Shuming's expression changed, and the remaining eighty-two combat dolls behind him clicked at the same time. However, fifty-six combat dolls were imprisoned in place by an invisible force field, unable to move!

A person with telekinesis abilities!

Eighth grade!

But even so, the remaining twenty-six steel dolls still roared and rushed towards the three people.

Looking at the twenty-six battle dolls charging towards them like giant steel beasts, the blue-haired white man sighed.

"You are very good."

"If you can die at the hands of my Order of the Phoenix, you are not wronged."

next moment.

He held out his hand.


The rainwater on the ground surged at this moment, condensing into a majestic water dragon, and rolled up with a bang!

Crash directly into those battle dolls!

The rainwater under the feet of those combat dolls was like chains, instantly entangled in the feet of the combat dolls, and even flowed into the core of these combat dolls along the gaps!

Just a moment.

Twenty-six combat dolls stopped in place instantly.


The water dragon, which was a hundred meters long, roared and rushed away, crushing all the way!

It directly hit Gong Shuming's body, and Gong Shuming was directly hit and flew up.


The blue-haired white guy points again.

Between the sky and the earth, countless raindrops are like sharp swords, shooting out from all directions, stabbing Gongshu Ming!

"Mechanism, shield technique!"

Gongshu Ming didn't have time to think anything, he hugged the girl behind him, the mechanism box on his back opened instantly, and pieces of hard iron plates popped out instantly!


In just an instant, those iron plates overlapped to form an iron ball, tightly guarding Gong Shuming and the girl.

"Ding ding ding!"

The raindrops were like a million swords, hitting the iron ball hard.

Every time I hit it, there was a dent.

Ninth grade, water power user!

The iron ball vibrated violently.

The girl hugged Gong Shuming with a look of fear, but she heard a weak voice: "Don't worry, I will protect you..."

Gongshu Ming's bloody face forced a smile.


Just the next moment.


Thousands of raindrops exploded with a bang.

The iron ball shattered instantly, Gongshu screamed and vomited blood, and his big hands that were condensed by the rain pulled out of the iron ball!

In the distance, the blue-haired white man was held up by the rain, looking down at Gong Shuming like a god, and whispered: "You are still too weak."

"Haha, three against one, even the ninth grade. Even the eighth grade has come out. How dare you criticize me, the seventh grade?" Gongshu Ming coughed out a mouthful of blood.

As soon as these words came out, the blue-haired white man was stunned, and then said: "Looking at it this way, you and Daxia's mechanism skills are actually quite powerful."

"In this case, I can't let you live anymore."

A water sword condensed in his hand.

And right now.

"This time, I will protect you!" A voice sounded.

Gongshu Ming looked back and saw that the girl who had been hiding in his arms stood up straight.

The whole body is blazing with flames!

"The talent is good, I didn't waste my efforts to catch you." The blue-haired white man nodded and pointed out!

next moment.


The rain all over the sky condensed into a water dragon, directly extinguishing the flames of the girl, and smashed the girl to the ground!


The water sword also came out of his hand, reflecting the flowing light, and stabbed Gong Shuming in this dark rainy night.

Gongshu Ming gritted his teeth and said: "I will die if I die. Eighteen years later, I will still be a hero of Daxia..."


Suddenly there was thunder in the sky, as if to set off the tragic and solemn sound of Gong Shuming.

A flash of lightning lit up the world.

Hit the blue-haired boy straight on the head!

The blue-haired boy's head flew up and blood spurted out.


That's not lightning!

That's... the light of a sword!


The blue-haired boy's body instantly stiffened and he slowly fell down.

His head was still rolling on the ground, and the sneer on his face was still twitching, as if he still didn't know what was happening.

Blood stained the standing water.

A foot stepped on the head.

The dagger drips with blood.

The tips of my hair are dripping.

"You're done!" Seeing the young man's figure, Gong Shuming laughed loudly while vomiting blood in pain.

Lin Fan, who was covered in rain, raised his head expressionlessly, looked at the blond white woman, and the bald white man who was still in shock, and showed a cold smile.

"You may not know that I, Daxia, have a saying."

"Friends come from far away."

"He must be punished!"

The muscular bald man stared at Lin Fan, clenching his fists angrily: "How dare you kill Ciel!"

"Damn Daxia people, die!!"

The bald head looked like an angry beast, with towering muscles all over its body, and it slammed into Lin Fan with terrifying force!

Lightning flashed again on the rainy night.

The lightning passed through the bald head's body.


The dull steps of the bald man suddenly stopped. He looked at his body blankly, feeling as if all the strength in his body had been taken away. He opened his clenched fists feebly and touched his belly.

There is a gap there.

Why is there a gap in my belly?

The bald head touched the gap, and the next moment...

"I see." At the last moment, the bald head seemed to suddenly understand something.


His body split into two, and the two parts fell heavily to the ground.

Blood flowed and entrails spilled.

behind him.

Lin Fan shook the short knife expressionlessly, blood spilled from it, and the sharp blade was washed clean by the rain again.

That knife not only cut off the bald man's body.

Even the rain in the sky was cut off in an instant.


It was only then that rain fell on the ground again behind Lin Fan.

In the pouring rain, Lin Fan turned around and looked at the blond white woman.

He didn't speak.

But the blond white woman saw three words on his face.

"It's your turn."

this moment.

Even though she and Lin Fan were only separated by layers of rain, she still felt that death was so close at hand!

This is the evil spirit from hell!

In the rain.

Lin Fan walked with the knife in hand, raindrops dripping from the blade.




The steady steps are like the death knell.

The blond white woman looked at the young man walking step by step through the rain in disbelief. She actually gave up running away, but asked tremblingly as if she was pursuing an answer: "You, what level are you at?"

Lin Fan said calmly: "Demigod."

On a dark rainy night, lightning breaks out again.

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