Thunder penetrates the heart of heaven.

The young man stood under the thunder, and his figure illuminated by the lightning looked like the master in charge of this place.

Demi god!

Human demigod!

After hearing Lin Fan's answer, the white blond woman froze on the spot, only left in shock.

"Impossible, impossible!" She suddenly screamed and stared at Lin Fan: "You can't be a demigod!"

"The four strongest people in our Order of the Phoenix are only at the ninth level!"

But the next moment, before Lin Fan could say anything, the white-blond woman suddenly shut her mouth.


She suddenly remembered that just now, in just a few seconds, the young man in front of her had killed two of the four strongest people in his Order of the Phoenix.

Add her words.

That’s three! !

For a moment, looking at the boy in front of her, the white blonde woman's body suddenly began to tremble.

Daxia, a demigod actually appeared?

How can this be!

The Order of the Phoenix originated in Europe and America, to be precise, it originated from the Jishi Society.

It is an organization that obeys the principle that outstanding people should rule ordinary people.

Also because of their pursuit of "excellence", they have been researching human genetic modification for more than a hundred years. Not long ago, their long-delayed human genetic experiments suddenly succeeded in dozens of cases!

The strongest among them has reached level nine!

That's the four of them.

But there is no precedent for genetic modification in Daxia, so how can it be possible to directly create a demigod?

And their Order of the Phoenix is ​​actually an enemy of a demigod?

For a moment, the white blonde woman's eyes were full of fear, and her voice trembled: "Why don't we negotiate a deal..."


The words stopped abruptly.

The sword flashed past.

Heads rolled down.

The white face was full of astonishment and shock, and he didn't understand what happened at all.

But the headless body was still standing alone in the rainy night, and was even making moves to take a step.

After that body.

The dagger in Lin Fan's hand was dripping with blood and rolled down like a curtain of beads.

With raindrops dripping from the tips of his hair, Lin Fan stood in the rainy night and said expressionlessly: "My request is that anyone who steps into the Great Xia will die!"


Thunder rises again.

Lin Fan shook off the blood drops on the short knife in his hand, sheathed the knife, and turned to look at the headless corpse.

"What do you think of this deal?"


The headless corpse collapsed into the water.

Lin Fan, who was holding the knife, turned to look at the shivering red-haired girl hiding in the distance, and the unconscious Gong Shuming.

The rain was blurry, and the girl couldn't see Lin Fan's movements clearly.

The falling rain suddenly shattered, and the murderous boy appeared in front of him!

"Don't kill me!" For a moment, the girl shouted in fear and even put her hands in front of her body.

Wisps of flames sprouted from both arms, but due to the fatigue of the previous escape and the heavy rain, only a few small and pitiful flames emerged.

The young man in front of me was really terrifying.

The girl watched helplessly as Lin Fan killed the three people who were chasing her with an expressionless face.

The girl had personally experienced how powerful the three men who were chasing her were.

But in the eyes of this young man, he was like three ants, crushing him to death without any ups and downs in his emotions.

"Okay, it's safe."

The girl raised her head, only to find that the cold boy had a reassuring smile on his face.

It's like as long as he's around, everyone is safe!

For a while.

The girl only felt that the boy in front of her was a little divided.

On one side is a cold and ruthless killing machine.

On the other hand, there is the brother next door.

It's hard to imagine what a person has gone through to become like this.


On the bus back.

Gongshu Ming lay weakly with a life-saving pill in his mouth, and complained to Lin Fan: "You were too fierce just now, it scared the little girl."

"How about I pay some money to see a psychiatrist for you."

Gongshu Ming said somewhat seriously.

"If you have experienced the same thing as me, you will also become a knife." Lin Fan wiped the short knife expressionlessly, "Sometimes, if you kill one person, more people will survive."

at the same time.

Free country, in the white palace that symbolizes power!

"Jill is dead?" Puchuan's fat body sat on the chair and roared angrily at the screen in front of him.

"Dead." Lord John of Britain nodded, "Our Ambassador witnessed with his own eyes that he died at the hands of Lin Fan."

"The same goes for our ambassador." Asan, the leader of the Yin Emperor Baixiang Kingdom, also looked complicated.

"Then, why didn't our team take action..." Pu Chuan gritted his teeth, but then he received a video.

It was video footage from a surviving Free Nation battleship.

I saw.

On the endless sea, dark clouds pressed down on the city, like a sea of ​​clouds drooping from the sky.

Thousands of warships were launched, their missiles pointed directly at the border of Daxia, ready to go.

The deterrence within it is self-evident.

This is the last step in the plan formulated by Puchuan and the leaders of other countries, using the safety of Daxia to force the representative of Daxia to sign a land cession treaty!

Everything seems to be going well.

Although Daxia is powerful, the military power it possesses is far from being able to compete with the countries in the world who have joined forces.

Even if it can compete.

This wave of missiles passed by and was caught off guard. How many of them could Daxia intercept?

If a few are missed, the city of Daxia will be reduced to ruins.

"It seems to be going well." Puchuan was a little puzzled.

But the next moment.

A beam of light came speeding from the direction of the Daxia border!

Shining light!

That's... the light of a sword!

Just for a moment.

It seemed like there was only this dazzling light left between heaven and earth.

The dark clouds that were rolling towards Daxia were split into two at this moment.

The sea water was cut in half.

At the same time, the battleships pierced by the light were also divided into left and right halves.

The screen even recorded the appearance of the officer who was about to press the launch button and the battleship at his feet being split open!

On the sea.

The young man stood with a knife in his hand.

A roar, like thunder rolling in the sky!

"Anyone who offends our Daxia will be punished no matter how far away!"

"This..." Pu Chuan's eyes widened in disbelief.

"According to the reports of our returning officers, Daxia seems to have mastered terrifying power." John, the leader of the British Empire, said solemnly: "At least, it is an individual with terrifying force."

"I don't mind starting a war with Daxia until I figure out how Daxia does it."

John rubbed his eyebrows.

The scene was silent for a moment.

And right now.

A young white man wearing a red cloak with a phoenix on fire opened the door of Trump's office.

"The leader of Puchuan," the young man said with a gentle manner and a hint of arrogance in his eyebrows: "I can explain to you how this guy did it."

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