Myth Invasion: I Kill the Gods on Earth

Chapter 613 Lin Fan’s threat!

"That guy is crazy!!" someone suddenly exclaimed.

"Damn it, how could there be such an unreasonable lunatic in Daxia!"

"Isn't he afraid of breaking the comradeship between us and Daxia?"

The consortium representatives all looked nervous.

no doubt,

Daxia officials will not declare war with the Free State.

Just as they expected.

But there happened to be a madman who exceeded expectations!

And that madman’s strength…

For a moment, everyone thought of the terrifying sword that destroyed thousands of nuclear explosions!

That is a power that surpasses existing human weapons!

And the most important thing is...

"How dare he come!"

"That guy is a complete lunatic! He has no regard for international impact!"

"He completely disregards our alliance with Daxia. He doesn't care at all about the safety of all mankind!"

Even the old man in the first seat was no longer as calm as before, and said with an ugly face: "Isn't he afraid of provoking a head-on conflict between us and Daxia?"

General Mike said coldly: "Have you forgotten the Order of the Phoenix we cultivated? Or have you forgotten how the leader of the last free country died?"

"This Lin Fan has no concerns about international influence or the Human Alliance!"

"Even if his behavior brings danger to the safety of all mankind, he will not take it into consideration!"

The Order of the Phoenix tried to capture superpowers in Daxia, but Lin Fan took them to the Free Country and uprooted them!

All destroyed overnight!

In the last free country, Lin Fan broke into the White House several times, and his final death was inextricably related to Lin Fan!

That is a lunatic who completely ignores international law and just breaks into other countries' borders!

The most important thing is that this madman's current strength... is invincible here!

This is an extremely dangerous person!

Such a madman should be tried and executed, but now there is no way to check and balance him!

That roar still echoed in everyone's ears.

"Anyone who offends our Daxia will be punished no matter how far away!"

At this moment, everyone remembered the tragic situation at the Order of the Phoenix base.

The houses collapsed, the flames burned, and the broken limbs were scattered among them, roasted into charcoal.

And the one who broke into the White House without permission... The defense of the White House was not tight, but it seemed useless in front of that young man!

That black knife is unstoppable!

For a moment, everyone felt that death was approaching, as if the banquet hall in front of them would turn into the tragedy of the Order of the Phoenix in the next second, and these consortium representatives would soon become minced meat!

In their opinion, Lin Fan was a greater threat than a god!

Someone actually said directly: "Otherwise, we can just choose to join Daxia! In this way, we are also Daxia people, and we also have the Great Steel Wall, which is absolutely safe..."

As he spoke, there was a hint of yearning in his tone...

"Are you stupid?" Mr. Roosevelt angrily shouted: "Have you not seen what kind of treatment those affiliated consortiums we cultivated in Universe Country received after they were included in Daxia!"

"Do you think you will still be living the life you are living now in Daxia?!"

"Let me tell you, all the affiliated consortiums we cultivated in the Universe Country are farming and raising pigs in the northwest production area!"

"Do you think our treatment can be much better than theirs? With the previous conflicts between us and Daxia, I'm afraid we might as well be farming and raising pigs. Every one of us would have to dig out a manure pit!"

For a time, all representatives of the consortium expressed their stance: "We must not merge into Daxia!"

"Yes, it is the hard work of several generations that we live such a good life!"

"Even if we can't hold on, we people can still live in favorable conditions, and only ordinary people will die. But if we enter Daxia..."

"So, I propose to order five thousand god-killing mechas from Daxia on the grounds of defense against the gods!" General Mike said loudly: "After I have said it, who is against it!"

No one objects!

After all, that was Lin Fan!

That is an extremely dangerous madman, a madman who has no regard for the safety of all mankind!

Seeing that there was no objection, General Mike's eyes showed a hint of joy, but he still said coldly: "Since there is no objection, I will contact Daxia and place an order..."

But right now.

A voice sounded.

"I object!"

General Mike looked at the old man at the head in astonishment and said quickly: "Father, now is not the time to care about gains and losses. Even if it allows Da Xia to earn some resources, it can at least make Lin Fan have some scruples, even if he really comes to kill... "

"You know, even if we can't defend ourselves against the gods, only the common people will die. We can even take a huge amount of supplies to the space station to escape!"

"But once it falls into the hands of Daxia... we will live, but we will not live like we do now. Instead, we will go to the northwest production area and be the same as those ordinary citizens of the Universe Country, or even worse than them!"

"We will be sent to dig out manure! We will live a life worse than death!"

"The property we have managed for generations will be returned to Daxia! Father, you can't be stingy now... I am thinking about the interests of our Jishi Association and our various financial groups!" General Mike said eagerly.

But the old man waved his hand and said firmly: "I mean, five thousand units is too few. Since it is to resist Lin Fan, I think it is at least 10,000 units!"


At this moment, General Mike took a breath of cold air.

"Only 10,000 units!" The old man nodded fiercely, "This is not to protect our citizens, but to protect our property, we must do our best!"

"The old man is wise!"

"I'll go back and make preparations right away. Our Carnegie family is willing to contribute 10%! As long as Lin Fan doesn't come looking for us!"

"In order to maintain our current life...I will pay ten percent!"

For a time, everyone agreed!

General Mike looked at the scene in front of him in astonishment. He could not imagine that his previous proposal to purchase two hundred God-killing mechas from Daxia to defend against the gods was sternly rejected by these people.

But now, I proposed 5,000 units, but others thought it was too little and insisted on ordering 10,000 units... This is a human absurdity.

"Mike, what's wrong, don't you agree?" The old man looked at Mike.

General Mike suddenly came back to his senses, suppressed the ecstasy in his heart, and said in a deep voice: "I agree, since it is about interests, then we must try our best!"

The old man nodded and said in a tone that could not be refused: "Then this matter is settled. Mike, you will be responsible for this matter. In the afternoon, you will draft the documents and make the order with Daxia."

General Mike shouted: "Yes!"

"Well, Mike, you did a good job this time." The old man smiled extremely proudly, raised his glass slowly, and said to everyone present: "Now, let us raise our glasses to express our respect for General Mike!"


Everyone raised their wine glasses high, with respect and gratitude on their faces. Even the fat middle-aged man who had drinks thrown on his face before looked at General Mike with fiery eyes.

"General Mike, thank you!"

"As expected of someone who has experienced in the military, General Mike must have foresight! We only thought about God, but forgot about that guy!"

"That guy is much scarier than a god. If General Mike hadn't predicted the danger, I'm afraid we would all have been killed by that lunatic!"

"This time, General Mike protected our property in advance! Let us pay him the highest respect!"

Mike looked at the people who were raising glasses to him, nodded slightly, raised the glass and drank it all in one gulp!


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