White Palace, inside the first office.

"Beep bell bell."

An inconspicuous phone on Puchuan's desk suddenly rang.

Puchuan, who was lying on the table and snoring, glanced at it. When he saw the phone call, he jumped up and picked up the phone with his fat palm.

There was no small talk and the voice on the other end of the phone was straightforward.

"Someone destroyed the Order of the Phoenix and killed one of my members of the Jishi Society."

As soon as these words came out, Puchuan's whole body trembled: "What!"

"The nearest military district has started to pursue you. I need you to mobilize all your forces to blockade the coast and blockade the airport."

Pu Chuan did not hesitate at all: "Yes!"


He raised his right fist high and said loudly: "Ji Shihui is on top!"

"Ji Shihui is here!"

The same cry came from the phone.

Pu Chuan hung up the phone, his eyes filled with anger and a hint of fear.

He is also a member of the Jishi Association!

It was even with the help of the World Society that he became the seat of the Free State.

It was a powerful organization, and prominent figures, such as the Rockefeller family and the Carnegie family, were all members of the Society.

Even most of the leaders of the free countries in history were members of the Society for the Relief of the World.

But Pu Chuan, and those leaders of the Free State, were not even considered members of the Society of Aid for the World, and were only the lowest members.

"Got to catch those guys!"

"Otherwise...if Jishihui is dissatisfied with my performance as the leader, they might replace me. In fact, the next leader to be shot may be me..."

Pu Chuan looked nervous and shouted: "Hurry, hurry up and ask people from various military regions and police stations to call me..."

at the same time.

A jeep speeding through the night.

In the silent night, the engine roared.

No one spoke in the car, only breathing.

Although everyone had won a great victory in the previous battle, at this time, there was no trace of joy on everyone's face, but a trace of nervousness.

In the city that was quickly retreating behind, sirens were blaring, and military armored vehicles could even be seen conducting searches.

The previous battle was difficult enough, but now the hardest part has just appeared.

The difficulty in this raid plan against the Order of the Phoenix is ​​not the attack.

It's about retreat.

Because the raid was extremely sudden, the Order of the Phoenix never imagined that just because they were arresting Daxia citizens in Daxia, a few people would dare to go deep into the Free Country and break into the Order of the Phoenix at night.

This suddenness and unexpectedness prevented the Order of the Phoenix from taking any real defensive measures.

But retreat is different. As soon as there is movement, the Free State will have enough time to pursue and intercept Lin Fan and others, and it can rely on its huge military theory to block the first team of the God-killing Army on its own border.


The real difficulty of this revenge plan officially begins after the battle between Lin Fan and others is over!

"Don't be nervous." Zhao Guochen said in a low voice while slamming on the accelerator: "We moved very quickly, and Mr. Gongshu Ming's wooden bird also played its role, and the surveillance camera couldn't see our shadow at all."

"They don't know what we look like."

"They are still searching the city intensively. They would never have imagined that we have already left Sanban City."

"A few of my friends and I have been lurking here for a long time. We also thought about what to do if we encounter a bad situation, so we prepared a safe house in advance, just in the town ahead..."

"Once we get there, we'll be safe and just avoid this manhunt."

As Zhao Guochen spoke, a Free Country-style town could be seen faintly ahead of the road.


Just as the jeep was about to pull into town.

"Don't go in!" Lin Fan suddenly said.

Zhao Guochen was slightly startled: "Huh?"

"This search is not that simple. If we hide here, once we are discovered, it will be hard to fly." Lin Fan said in a deep voice: "Send us away directly!"

"If you stay here, you will have long nights and many dreams. Just leave and save yourself from being exposed later."

Lin Fan knew that the Free State would never give up on hunting him.

He stole the Empress Phoenix Phi!

Zhao Guochen thought for a while and nodded: "Okay, we have considered this situation before. There is our evacuation point on the nearest beach."


The jeep turned left at the intersection and headed towards the nearest beach!

Along the way.

The atmosphere inside the car was extremely depressing.

Because everyone knows what will happen once it is blocked by a free country.

Although the members of the first team of the God-Slaying Army are extremely powerful individually, to be honest, they still cannot compete with the entire military power of a country.

And once they are caught, Daxia officials cannot come forward to rescue them.

Before leaving, Guozhao had already said it.

Daxia officials will not admit their true identities.

This means that once you are caught, Daxia will recognize you as a citizen of Daxia, but it will not recognize you as a killer sent by our officials to attack the Order of the Phoenix in the Free Country.

It sounds cruel.

But this is a silent battlefield.

Countless Daxia people are fighting for it on this silent battlefield. Even if they die, they will not be able to return to their hometown in the name of heroes, but just die quietly.

This is faith!

Zhao Guochen is one of those Daxia people fighting on the silent battlefield.

Good thing.

With everyone in a nervous mood, the jeep drove for a full hour with the accelerator at the bottom, and finally stopped at a rocky coast.

This is not a tourist coast, but a rocky beach that is difficult to set foot on. In addition, it is still three o'clock in the middle of the night, so there is no one at all.


Zhao Guochen opened the car door, got out of the car and waved, "This is it!"

The members of the first team of the God-Slaying Army also jumped out of the jeep. Lin Fan looked at the rocky beach ahead and frowned slightly.

The cold moon shines down, and the rugged rocks look particularly ferocious and shadowy in the sea water.

"Follow me." Zhao Guochen stepped on a few rocks and walked into the sea, turning back to greet him.

Lin Fan didn't have time to think too much and quickly followed with the first team of the God-killing Army.

"This is it."

Zhao Guochen suddenly stopped.

There were no ships around.

Under everyone's puzzled gaze, Zhao Guochen bent down in front of a huge rock, seemed to have untied something, and then raised his hand.


A piece of camouflage cloth was immediately pulled away.

The huge reef was actually camouflaged with camouflage cloth, and underneath the camouflage cloth were three motorboats fixed by steel bars!

"Get on quickly, one can seat two people." Zhao Guochen urged, "There is spare gasoline on the motorboat. After getting on, drive in the direction of 95. There is a speedboat parked on the sea twenty kilometers away. Change to the speedboat and continue driving. , there is a small sailboat anchored on the sea two hundred kilometers away!"

"You just pretend to be traveling around the world, taking the water route and returning to Daxia."

Lin Fan was about to jump on the motorboat, but then he felt something was wrong: "What about you!"

"What the hell!" Zhao Guochen said, "I'm not exposed either. In addition to covering you, I have other tasks."

"You guys go up quickly and I'll unscrew the screws on the steel bars."

Zhao Guochen urged in a hurried tone.

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