Lin Fan looked at Zhao Guochen who looked anxious.


Standard military salute!

The members of the first team of the God-killing Army behind him also looked at Zhao Guochen with respect and saluted with Lin Fan.

"Stop trying this useless thing," Zhao Guochen urged while tightening the screws fixing the steel bars: "Get on the motorboat quickly."

"When you return to Daxia, I'll treat you to dandan noodles." Lin Fan smiled and waved: "Let's go!"

Lin Fan got on a motorboat.

The members of the God-Slaying Army team also boarded the motorboat one after another.

The engine roars!

Water sprayed from behind the motorboats, but the three motorboats were still unable to sail out due to the fixation of the steel bars.

"Something is will be fixed soon!" Zhao Guochen sweated on his forehead as he used a wrench to tighten the screws.

The screw turned out to be rusty due to being soaked in sea water for a long time. This was an accident that was not included in Zhao Guochen's evacuation plan!

The screws are rusty, which is just an inconspicuous detail on ordinary days.

And in this kind of work.

Any inconspicuous detail may make all the preparations meaningless!

And right now.


On the road where they came, there were suddenly the roaring sounds of several engines!

In the dark night, a dozen military jeeps roared towards me like angry beasts!


A beam of searchlights directly hit Zhao Guochen who was tightening the screws. A military jeep with the national emblem of the Free State was parked a hundred meters away. Dozens of fully armed Free State soldiers wearing special combat uniforms jumped out immediately.

"What are you doing!"

"The first city to issue a ban, the coastline of the Free State is closed and entry and exit are prohibited!"

"Get off the coast, warning, get off the coast, or we'll do something to you..."

Because of the obstruction of the reef, the Free State soldiers could not see Lin Fan and others sitting on the motorboat. They could only see Zhao Guochen standing on the reef tightening screws.

"Damn it..." Lin Fan looked ugly as he held the short knife and was about to get off the motorboat.

"Don't be impulsive...I, I'm about to twist..." Zhao Guochen blushed.

And right now.

A Free State soldier shouted: "Sir, this guy seems to be tightening screws, and there seems to be the sound of a motorboat engine behind the reef!"

As soon as these words came out.

Any fool understands that the guy tightening the screws is letting people go.

The captain who was leading the team suddenly looked ugly and immediately raised his walkie-talkie: "Team 032, Reef Beach, requesting support, requesting support! Found a suspected suspect preparing to abscond."

Ten minutes at most.

Hundreds of patrols from around will arrive!

But this is not enough.

The leader of the team raised his trumpet and shouted: "Please stop immediately and raise your hands to surrender, otherwise we will use force! Warn once, warn twice!"

But even so.

Zhao Guochen was still standing on the rock, bending down to tighten the screws.


The captain of the Free State who came to arrest shouted loudly: "Fire! Capture the ones alive!"


The black muzzle burst into flames.

The roaring gunfire instantly shattered the silent night, and the bullets spun out of the muzzle, tearing the air apart!


Zhao Guochen, who was pulling the wrench hard, saw blood instantly burst out from his shoulder!


The whole person instantly roared with pain, but even so, he still gritted his teeth and held on to the wrench.

Just when Lin Fan was about to get up and rush out, Zhao Guochen suddenly smiled.

"Don't be impulsive!" Zhao Guochen laughed, "I'm about to twist..."

"Sir, you taught me before, ahem, pay attention to could I forget that screws will rust..." Zhao Guochen murmured in a low voice.

The shouts of Free Nation soldiers came again from the loudspeaker.

"Please stop now, please stop now!"

"If it doesn't stop, we will launch a fatal attack!"

"three two……"

"Ah!!!" Zhao Guochen roared.


The wrench was suddenly turned, and the moment the rusted screws were unscrewed, three motorboats rushed out in an instant!

at the same time.

"Damn it!" The captured captain of the Free Nation gritted his teeth: "He actually let someone go in front of us. Quick, catch this guy!"

The soldiers quickly ran towards Zhao Guochen who was standing on the rocks.

Zhao Guochen looked at the three speedboats leaving. In the last moment, he saluted fiercely with his left arm that could still move!

His eyes seemed to have passed through the barrier of the sea, and he saw a prosperous homeland and a bright red flag.

Maybe it's because I haven't saluted for a long time, or maybe it's because it's my first time to salute with my left arm. This action is not standard.

But none of that matters anymore.

Zhao Guochen turned to look at the soldiers rushing towards him, and took out a small pistol from his arms.

"Careful, he has a gun!"

"lay down your weapon!"

"Put it down quickly!"

The soldiers suddenly felt as if they were facing a formidable enemy and pointed their guns at Zhao Guochen.

However, in full view of everyone, Zhao Guochen put the gun against his temple.

For a person who does his kind of work, once exposed, the best outcome would be to die on the spot!

Otherwise, endless torture will follow.

However, he was even more afraid that he would not be able to withstand the torture!

Daxia people would rather die standing than live on their knees!

Are there ever fewer heroes of Great Xia who died in obscurity?

"Damn it, he's going to commit suicide, stop him!" the captain of the Free Nation shouted loudly.

Zhao Guochen, who had been suppressed for half his life, burst out laughing in front of these Free State soldiers at the moment when his identity was exposed.

"I, Zhao Guochen, never think of myself as a hero."

"I only hope that in the next life, I will be a Daxia person again!"

"Fight and die for Daxia!"

Damn it, I really want to eat a bite of dandan noodles.

Zhao Guochen closed his eyes and was about to pull the trigger.

"If I had known better, I would have listened to the instructor, paid attention to details, and checked the screws carefully... He died on one screw..."


Sparks erupted from the gun.

Zhao Guochen opened his eyes in confusion, his eyes full of despair.

At the last moment of shooting, a hand actually slapped his pistol away!

Zhao Guochen turned his head and looked behind him blankly, but the next moment, he was completely stunned.

Six people stood behind him.

All members of the first team of the God-Slaying Army are here!

The young man was holding the hand holding the gun tightly.

For a moment, Zhao Guochen's eyes were filled with emotion, but then his face turned pale.

"Why don't you leave!" Zhao Guochen looked at the six people in front of him angrily: "Why, don't you leave!!!"

The young man let go of his hand holding the gun and patted his shoulder with a smile: "I told you, I want to have a bowl of dandan noodles with you."

"But not before that."

"I want you to return to Daxia alive."


Draw out the short sword!

Lin Fan held a short knife and walked up to Zhao Guochen. He looked at the soldiers holding guns and said with a cold expression: "All of the first team of the God-killing Army are here!"

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