Myth Invasion: I Kill the Gods on Earth

Chapter 795 Evacuation plan starts now

Everyone was silent.

In that underground shelter, who is not a mouse?

But obviously, there, they will live at the bottom with the most shady status.

Even so, I survived at least!

"Also, everyone," General Mike continued: "After entering, spread out quickly without attracting anyone's attention. I will arrange for my private security team to hide you through the tunnels between the shelters. In transport vehicles, they secretly entered other shelters.”

"I am in charge of the Hope Shelter. Although under my management, everyone is relatively safe."

"However, supplies are limited."

"The maximum carrying capacity of the Hope Shelter is 100,000 people, and it cannot carry five million people! If you all hide here, not to mention there will be no place to hide, and you will starve to death!"

"So, you must enter the shelters under the jurisdiction of thousand shelters and infiltrate in a dispersed manner. This will also reduce the risk of being discovered."

"Only in this way can everyone survive secretly!"

Everyone nodded: "Don't worry!"

General Mike smiled: "In that case, let's start now!"


Everyone shouted loudly, their eyes filled with excitement and anticipation!

The flame of hope is ignited on this barren hillside and spreads among these abandoned refugees!

Mu Wanxia walked into the stone house and pushed open the floorboards, only to see a dark hole on the ground!

The hole was only one meter wide, it was so dark that the bottom could not be seen, and it extended vertically underground.

The construction is also very rough, just connected together with steel pipes.

There were two thick iron ropes hanging down, deep into the dark pipe.

But at this moment, everyone's breathing became rapid as they looked at the small hole.

This is the last hope of survival!

This is the hope of living!

As long as you pass through this hole, you can survive!

It is also the result of their efforts in the past three months!

But the crowd did not become crazy. Mu Wanxia swept across the crowd and said in a deep voice: "The evacuation plan begins now!"

"Now, everyone, enter in an orderly manner according to the previous drill!"

“Children and women come first!”

The crowd immediately began to line up in an orderly manner. A woman holding a baby walked quickly to the entrance of the cave and saluted Mu Wanxia and General Mike deeply!

"Comrade, take care!"

Mu Wanxia nodded: "Take care!"

The woman tightened the baby in her arms, then fastened the iron buckle around her waist to the hanging iron rope, and jumped into the dark hole!


In the dark tube, the woman who was descending rapidly felt the air becoming more and more humid. She saw that the hole above was getting smaller and smaller, and the light was getting farther and farther away from her.

She knew that this might be the last time she would see the sun.

"Baby, remember this light. Remember those two people." She said to the sleeping baby: "One day, we will see each other again."

In just thirty seconds, the woman fell out of the pipe and fell onto the soft cushion.

More than a thousand soldiers with guns in front of her turned their backs to her and blocked the exit with their bodies. The leading soldier quickly helped her up and said in a deep voice: "Leave quickly and don't attract anyone's attention!"

The woman stared blankly in front of her.

A huge cave, extremely empty and extremely tall.

In the center, there are actually tall buildings standing in the cave, with colorful neon signs and extremely prosperous.

There are actually swimming pools on the top of the high-rise buildings, and there is also a racing track with the roar of engines. It can be said that it is not luxurious.

On the highest floor, searchlights were like beams of light, scanning every corner of the cave, as if monitoring everything.

At the top of the cave, the light bulbs are like stars in the sky.

This is a super-large city developed by humans under the mountain!

If you hadn’t witnessed it with your own eyes, it would be difficult to imagine this majestic scene!

It's nothing more than a miracle!

It is even more difficult to imagine that in order to avoid gods, human beings can actually reach this point and explode with such potential!

But in fact, with such power, why should they hide from the gods?

At the edge, it was dark, with few street lights. Sewage flowed down from the high-rise buildings in the middle and gathered here. The factories roared and the sewage treatment plants made noisy noise.

The air is humid and dirty, and the buildings are densely packed. Compared with the tall buildings in the middle, they are short and dense.

That would be where the poor people who buy the lowest tickets live.

At this moment, the class nature of society is demonstrated in a bloody way.

The woman held the baby in her arms and was silent for a moment, then stepped on the sewage and walked quickly towards the edge of darkness where the sewage was filled with sewage and the air was moist and smelly. Before leaving, she bowed slowly to the soldiers: "Thank you."

"Go quickly!" the leading soldier urged: "Remember, live like a mouse!"

at the same time.

In the room, the soldier's reply came from General Mike's intercom.

"The first one has entered safely and the channel can operate normally. It can be speeded up."

"Copy that!" General Mike nodded, then turned around and waved: "Next group, hurry up!"

"Keep order and speed up! Use two iron ropes at the same time, and two people will fall every second! Hurry! We must all evacuate before the gods come. We only have one month, so we must race against time!"

"Those who go down, remember to roll over immediately when you land and get out of the pipe! Don't cause congestion!"


Countless people nodded in agreement, lined up in an orderly manner, and quickly entered the cave entrance one by one!

At this time, time is life!

At this moment, everyone’s eyes are full of excitement and excitement!

Can survive!

General Mike couldn't help but exhale as he watched the team quickly enter the cave entrance in an orderly manner.

At this moment, General Mike's cell phone rang, and Paul whispered: "It's Mr. Carnegie."

"Take it." Mike said calmly.

Paul picked up the call.

"Mike, where are you?" The friendly laughter came from the phone.

"Oh," Mike said calmly, "I'm checking to see if any refugees have sneaked in."

"Haha, what's there to check?" A disdainful laugh came from the other end of the phone: "There is only one entrance and exit, and we have complete control of it. Those refugees who only hold hoes are like ants, can they still dig it out? A heavy mountain of hundreds of meters to enter the shelter?"

"Haha, not necessarily. The power of ants... sometimes can be unexpected." General Mike looked at the group of refugees entering the cave in front of him and smiled.

"Haha, Mike, you have become humorous. I like your joke. But ants are ants after all." The other end of the phone laughed twice, "Stop talking about this, come to our penthouse quickly, we are hosting Celebration Ceremony.”

"You are the one who proposed the shelter plan, so you can't be absent."

"Are you celebrating?" Mike chuckled: "Yes, it's time to celebrate that we sent the people underground where they never see the light of day. Haha, I'll be there soon."

Mike hung up the phone and said to Mu Wanxia, ​​"I'll leave this to you."

"Well, don't worry." Mu Wanxia nodded and saluted slowly: "Comrade, take care."

Five million people saluted in unison: "Comrade, take care!"

Five million people saluted!

Everywhere you look, you can see raised right hands!

Facing this scene, Mike remained silent for a long time with his hands in his pockets. Finally, he took out his right hand that was shaking uncontrollably from his coat pocket.

It was the first time he saluted slowly in public, even though the salute was a bit inappropriate because of his trembling right hand. He smiled and said: "Comrades, take care! I can only send you here. I hope we never meet again!"

Everyone laughed and replied in unison: "Never again!"

A very strange farewell.

But no one thought anything was wrong.

They knew that the next time they met Mike, a member of the Jishi Society, it meant that someone had their whereabouts exposed and fell into the hands of the Jishi Society.

Mike looked at the faces one last time, then put his hands in his pockets, turned around and left.

Paul quickly followed: "Where are you going?"

"Haha, of course we are going to celebrate!" General Mike said with a cold face and gritted his teeth: "Celebrate that we sent our citizens underground where they will never see the light of day! Celebrate that we abandoned our worthless citizens! Celebrate that we killed those desperate people in the Outside the shelter!”

Under the coat, his hands were shaking even more violently.


Paul helped General Mike close the door, and the Jeep roared away again!


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