Under the envious eyes of countless people waiting in line for security check, the jeep, escorted by a group of soldiers, crashed into the shelter gate. Not only was there no security check, even the security check soldiers saluted straight up.

The people waiting in line were not dissatisfied at all. On the contrary, when they saw the figure in the jeep, they all looked excited!

Just because,

Sitting inside is General Mike!

"General Mike!"

"Oh my God, it's General Mike!"

"Thank you for proposing the shelter plan! Otherwise we would all have to die outside like those poor people!"

"Thank you! Mike, you saved us!"


The jeep crashed into the shelter.

The roar of the engine resounded through this empty underground cave, and the jeep roared like a wild beast on the underground road, rushing into a road leading to the refuge of wealth.

Remember m in one second.

These one thousand large-scale shelters are located in extremely strategic locations, built around the Rocky Mountains, with tunnels dug in between and connected by a radial transportation network.

Judging from the design drawings, there are tunnels crisscrossing between a thousand shelters, as complex but orderly as an ant's nest.

Situated in the center, and the only place with an entrance and exit passage, is Vault 001, the Wealth Sanctuary, personally controlled by the leader of the Jishi Society and the patriarch of the Rockefeller family.

Although it is dangerous to be close to the entrance and exit, once the gods break through, the first thing to be destroyed will be the wealth refuge.

However, this is the only entrance and exit of a thousand large shelters!

The only entrance and exit for 100 million people!

That is a huge wealth!

If you master this entrance and exit, you will have the power of life and death, and the lifeblood of 100 million people!

This is a money tree that produces gold!

Although this entrance and exit will face the attack of the gods, it is precisely because of this that other shelters will spare no effort to provide support and supplies to the Wealth Shelter to make this exit impregnable!

Wealth Refuge can actually develop better because of this!

Furthermore, even if the gods really break through the refuge...then all the refuges and everyone will have the same fate, so why bother dying first.

Therefore, the wealth shelter that controls the entrance and exit is destined to be the most developed, richest, and most powerful shelter, and the person who controls it is naturally the father of General Mike, the top leader of the Jishi Society.

General Mike sat in a jeep and traveled through the dark but very spacious sixty-four-lane huge tunnel.

In the passage, there are gates that are ten meters thick.

Those are gates to defend the gods in the future. Even if the gods attack the tunnel, these gates can divide the tunnel into sections of battlefield, making it impossible for the gods to directly invade the refuge.

In order to ensure their sturdiness, these gates were even mixed with the divine gold that the Free State spent a huge amount of resources to exchange for from Daxia. Even the gods could not easily open them.

Through the skylight, General Mike silently looked at the solid reinforced concrete roof of the tunnel above his head. Lights passed overhead. The signs on both sides of the tunnel were colorful. Some advertised businesses that were about to settle in, and some promoted evacuation. The luxurious facilities.

"Wal-Mart stores have been stationed in all shelters and will provide residents with drinking water of all levels and take care of every group of people! At 11:30 every night, food due for expiry is sold at half price, and there are also special nutritional blocks, which can be eaten for only ten dollars!"

"The piggy barbecue has arrived in Shelter 001, please try it."

"Welcome to Wally Pool! Here, you can enjoy a private pool, provide artificial surfing service, provide red wine steak, provide artificial sunshine, and even have swimming girls!"

"The convenient bathroom is right in front. For only 30 US dollars, you can take a bath for ten minutes with third-grade drinking water. The purification equipment is changed daily!"

"Elite-exclusive organic vegetables, grown under artificial sunlight, carefully taken care of by professionals, no pesticides or chemical fertilizers, exclusively for the elites! Currently on sale, half a pound of vegetables for three hundred dollars, and a free egg!"

Some of the residents here will feast on the barbecue.

Some people will enjoy a private swimming pool, swim in the clear water, cheer on a surfboard in the artificial waves, bask in the artificial sunshine by the pool, and sip red wine with a girl in his arms.

Some people will spend thirty dollars just to take a ten-minute shower.

Some people will wait until 11:30 in the middle of the night in the supermarket just to buy food that has expired in half an hour at half price, or spend ten dollars to buy a nutritional bar to satisfy their hunger.

Although they are obviously living in a cave, the residents will be torn apart and divided by different classes.

"What is a nutrient block?" General Mike asked with a frown.

"Haha, General Mike, you are in a high position and are busy with big things. It's normal if you don't understand these things." Paul, who was driving, smiled and said, "Nutritional blocks... Haha, high protein and high calories."

"High protein? Are those consortiums so good?" General Mike was a little puzzled: "Is it made of beef? But beef is very precious underground here. Artificial sunlight must be used to cultivate large areas of pasture..."

"Haha." Paul smiled strangely: "Don't ask. For your own good, you'd better not know what that thing is made of."

General Mike was stunned for a moment, then said: "What is third-level drinking water? Is drinking water divided into different levels?"

"It's true that there are no levels outside." Paul smiled: "But here...a bottle of first-grade drinking water costs one hundred dollars a bottle."

"Second-level drinking water is the domestic sewage of the rich, such as foot soaking water, bathing water, and better water for washing vegetables and fruits. It is considered clean after being filtered and can be used to grow vegetables for the rich. Some middle-income people can also drink it, this is what I drink, it tastes pretty good... Well, it’s almost three hundred dollars a ton.”

"Third-level drinking water is wastewater from factories. It has been filtered. Although it has some smell and harmful substances that are difficult to filter out, drinking some will not be very dangerous. At most, it will cause hair loss... but if you drink it for a long time, , kidney failure, organ failure, and osteoporosis will always happen. But it’s very cheap, fifty dollars a ton.”

"What about those who can't afford to drink?" General Mike frowned.

Fifty dollars is not a small amount for ordinary people!

"You can't afford to drink it." Paul smiled: "You can drink the unpurified wastewater at the edge of the shelter."

"It mainly depends on whether life is tough or not. There are nuclear wastewater from nuclear power plants, sewage pools full of rats, and undigested feces and urine. Eggs and parasites are nothing..."

General Mike sighed, and Paul smiled: "You don't have to worry, your food, clothing, housing and transportation must be the best, and the drinking water is also first-class drinking water."

General Mike was stunned for a moment: "A bottle of water worth one hundred dollars...what kind of water is that?"

This is really beyond his understanding.

Paul said simply and vividly: "It's just pure water that costs five cents a bottle outside."

"Oh." Mike nodded and looked out the window. Buses were coming from the opposite lane, filled with people who were assigned here from the entrance and exit.

The faces of those people still showed the joy of surviving, and some were excited or lost in thought when looking at the content on the advertisements on both sides!

"We're in!"

"We can survive!"

"Haha, we will definitely live a good life in the coming days. Look at this tunnel, how strong it is!"

"Then the arrival of gods has nothing to do with us!"

"Look at the advertisement. There are barbecues, swimming pools, and even artificial sunlight underground... You can sunbathe on the beach underground! The senior management cares so much about us!"

People were excited.

Some people had complex expressions and said: "Honey, look at the price, it's three thousand dollars for an hour of beach bathing! After I bought the tickets, I only have three hundred dollars left in total. Let's eat something cheap...I'll wipe it with a bottle of water. One hundred dollars? Wife, can you drink enough water?"

"What, a hundred dollars for a bottle of water?"

More people looked stunned: "What are you doing! Robbery!"

"It's over, I have to work quickly! I only have fifty-seven dollars on me, and I can't even drink a bottle of water!"

"Look, there are advertisements there! The factory is hiring, and the price is...five hundred dollars a month!"

"Five hundred dollars a month? Is there a zero missing? The price of five bottles of water?"

"We have to work in this shabby place for a month to exchange for five bottles of water?"

"What's the noise!" The soldier responsible for maintaining order in the car shouted loudly, and then said: "Isn't there second-level drinking water and third-level drinking water! There are also temporary food and nutritional blocks! Those are enough for you to eat and drink. of!"

"Be grateful to the senior management. Without them, you would still be out there!"

"The senior management knows that you don't have much money, so in order to let you survive, they arrange jobs for you! Pay you! You should be grateful! You know!"

"You don't have money, it's because you don't work hard! Don't work hard! Why should you blame the higher-ups!"

"If you keep talking nonsense, you can choose between fines and punishments!" The soldier slowly raised his gun.

Everyone was silent. At this moment, they seemed to understand something. The smiles on their faces gradually turned into confusion, and they stared blankly at the brightly lit shelter waiting for them in front of them.

In the back of the bus, a man in a suit and ties patted the young woman next to him nonchalantly: "Haha, I still have three million dollars in my card. Baby, let's go sunbathe tonight!"

"Then go to my superior room and let me see if the tickets I bought for you for ten thousand dollars can bring me wonderful returns!"

His seat on the bus actually had a separate compartment, blocking the entire back row, and there were two soldiers with live ammunition standing beside him!

After saying that, he straightened his tie, glanced arrogantly at the people crowded outside the compartment, and smiled at the young woman beside him: "Don't worry, baby, as long as you are obedient and take good care of me, , if you feel comfortable serving me, I won’t refund your tickets and let them kick you out of the shelter.”

"I'll let you know you made the right choice."

"I'm not like them poor people."

But he forgot that he was no different. He and these so-called poor people were all sitting in a car, driving in the dark tunnel toward the huge shelter ahead.

Like a flock of sheep being driven into the sheepfold.

If we really want to say it's different, it's just that this sheep is fatter.

General Mike watched the buses full of people pass him by, and finally looked up at the thick and solid concrete above his head.

This concrete dome was built with the whole nation of the free country!

It is forty meters thick, with countless steel bars and steel plates installed inside, making it extremely strong!

It shelters all the lucky ones who can enter the shelter. On top of this dome, there are hundreds of meters of rock.

With this defense specification, it can withstand even a hard bombardment by nuclear weapons!

This is a symbol of safety!

Just like the Great Steel Wall of Daxia, protecting the people!

Every time General Mike saw this thick dome before, he couldn't help but feel a sense of security. He even felt that the dome of this underground shelter was comparable to the Great Steel Wall of Daxia.

But this moment.

Mike only felt extremely depressed, and the thick dome seemed to be drooping, getting closer and closer, like a coffin lid that was about to close.

Mike took out a pack of cigarettes from his arms with trembling hands, but after trying for a long time, his disobedient hands could not hold a cigarette.

After a moment of silence, Mike sighed: "Paul, give me a cigarette."


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