Myth Invasion: I Kill the Gods on Earth

Chapter 797: Outside the floor-to-ceiling window

The jeep roared out of the tunnel and entered Fortune Shelter No. 001.

General Mike looked out the window with a cigarette in his mouth.

People are checking into their rooms through the information on their bracelets.

Most of them had bad expressions, and shouts came from the window.

"What kind of broken room is this! Twenty people live in fifteen square meters, and there is only one toilet in the whole building!"

"I can tolerate bunk beds, but this is the first time in my life that I've seen a five-decker bed!"

"I live on the sixteenth floor and there's no elevator? Do you want me to climb the sixteenth floor every day?"

"Is the sewage digestion tank and sewage treatment plant right outside our window? Is this the sea view room you are promoting?"

"There's a mouse on my bed!"

A soldier responsible for maintaining order said coldly: "What are you thinking about? Bunk beds, an elevator, and a sea view room... That's the treatment for ten thousand dollars! Just such a bed!"

"If you want to change to a better one, you can pay for an upgrade at any time!"

"No shouting or disrupting order! Think on the bright side, the gods are invading outside and the waves are raging, but you can still have an absolutely safe bed in such a shelter!"

"This is the care of the higher-ups for you, otherwise you would spend 10,000 US dollars to dig such a huge and absolutely safe shelter?"

"Letting you live here is a gift from the higher-ups! You must be grateful!"

"You live here because you have no money, because you don't work hard enough and can't create value! You have to find the reason within yourself. If you work hard here, you will naturally live in a better house! Why blame the higher-ups! "

"Besides, if you live here, there are factories and nuclear power plants right outside your door. Isn't it convenient for you to go to work!"

"Keep calm and don't make meaningless protests, otherwise I will..."



The noise continued, but with a few gunshots, the noisy low-end residential area suddenly became quiet.

In the low-end residential buildings outside the car window, several families were crowded together in a small house. The children were happily playing with their new friends because of the excitement, while the adults were dejected, standing confused in the crowded room, or chatting with other people. There was a quarrel over bed allocation.

No one sat down, after all, there was no place to sit in the room, which was filled with densely packed beds.

There are also arguments about the order of going to the toilet. After all, there is only one toilet in the whole building.

Many people left their luggage and chatted on the street.

It's really because the house is too crowded, but the street is more comfortable.

From now on, in this low-end residential area, the warm concept of "home" will gradually disappear. The so-called "home" is nothing more than a bed in a crowded room.

In this shelter with a high center and low surroundings, the people at the bottom and most marginalized do not deserve the concept of "home".

Gunshots were also heard from other directions to maintain order.

As the jeep drove towards the tallest building in the center.

The crowded and dense buildings on both sides of the street are no longer so dense, and the terrain is gradually getting higher. Sewage flows past and no longer gathers here. Although there is still a faint smell of sewage flowing through, the air is no longer there anyway. No longer so muddy.

There are small single rooms in the surrounding buildings, and there are people watching TV in them.

This is a mid-level residential area.

Going further up, there are regular residential areas, just like communities on the surface. Each room should be about a hundred square meters, with bright and clean windows, and an air conditioner outside the window.

There are hundreds of meters between buildings, and there is even a community garden between the buildings, which cultivates green plants that are rare in this underground shelter. Couples who have already moved in have their children playing and chatting there.

For a moment, General Mike even thought he had returned to the community on the surface.

This is a senior shelter.

The top shelters are small villa buildings with private gardens in front of the door and independent parking spaces. The new neighbors talk to each other and smoke expensive cigarettes. A young woman brings out pots of delicious and expensive food. All with smiles on their faces.

It seems that everything is beautiful, no different from before the end, and even happier.

Someone recognized General Mike in the car and immediately greeted him warmly: "General Mike!"

"Haha, General Mike, thank you!"

"We are really grateful to you! Thanks to you, not only do we survive, we can also live well here!"

"General Mike, are you free tonight? I'll invite you to the racing track. I just ordered a limited edition sports car!"

Mike nodded, and then said to Paul: "How many people can live in a place like this?"

"Three percent," Paul smiled: "A shelter for 100,000 people, only 3,000 people can live in it. They are basically the middle-level people of the consortium and the presidents of subordinate groups."

"Do you live here?" Mike asked curiously.

"I don't have that blessing. I'm just a private security captain." Paul said with a smile: "But you don't have to worry. Thanks to you, I am taken care of by your family and live in a high-end residential area. There is even air conditioning there. and computer, I took my parents over as well.”

"Yeah." Mike nodded, "That's okay."

Finally, the jeep drove into the bustling commercial district with neon lights and brilliant singing and dancing at the top, and passed through tall buildings.

The decoration here is very gorgeous.

Because this is where the elites of the consortium work, and it is also the residence of the consortium!

In some high-rise buildings, rows of purple lights illuminate the green plants, growing vegetables and fruits in the dark underground!

In some high-rise buildings, there is a whole floor of grass growing slowly under the illumination of purple lights, and cattle are strolling among them.

Some high-rise buildings have swimming pools, and the sound of racing cars can be heard from the rooftops of some high-rise buildings!

The air is also very fresh, and you don't feel like you are underground at all, and the sewage flows down the pipes and does not stay in this bright street.

The people coming and going were all in suits and leather shoes, with a hint of arrogance in their expressions.

Before the arrival of the gods, even if the rich and ordinary people were very different, no matter what, everyone lived on the same land, walked on the same road, and breathed the same air.

But now, the shelter, which is high in the middle and low on the four sides, has completely torn apart the classes that are usually invisible and spread them before people's eyes. People live at different heights and breathe completely different air.

Rich people live on high ground in the center, overlooking ordinary people, breathing fresh air and enjoying great material conditions.

People without money live at the bottom of the fringe, stepped on by the rich, breathing the filthy and smelly air left by the rich. Surrounding their houses are the factories and factories where they create value for the people living above. The sewage flowing down from above.


The jeep parked at a tall building in the center. The tall building was brightly lit and ornately decorated. There was a string of English letters at the top declaring the owner of this place.


The surname of the top person in Jishihui, a family that controls the energy industry, is also the helmsman of this wealth refuge No. 001!


Paul helped General Mike open the car door, and then said: "This building will be the headquarters of the Jishi Association in the future, and it is also where your father lives."

"A cocktail party is being held inside, please hurry up."

General Mike nodded, and several servants waiting at the door came forward to take off the coat he was wearing, but General Mike shook his head to stop him.

He looked up at the tall building.

This is the centermost and tallest building in the entire refuge!

The height is hundreds of meters, and the top almost reaches the dome of the shelter!

The lights are dazzling!

On the roof, searchlights swept across, scanning the entire shelter, as if the owner was inspecting his territory!

"What a great place." General Mike smiled, walked into the spacious door, and then got on the elevator.

"General Mike," a servant hesitated: "The celebration reception is on the top floor. They have been waiting for you for a long time... It's just this reception, no outsiders are allowed to enter..."

The servant looked at Paul.

General Mike, who put his hands in his pockets, said helplessly: "He is my assistant. My hands were injured and I cannot hold things."

"That's it." The servant nodded and pressed the elevator button.

The sightseeing elevator rises quickly, passing through the floors and rising towards the top floor.


General Mike was suddenly stunned and looked in front of him in disbelief!

On the floor outside the sightseeing elevator, there is actually endless ice and snow, and there is even a miniature snow mountain 100 meters high standing in this empty floor!

"This..." Mike looked stunned, and Paul beside him was even more shocked.

"Your sister likes skiing." The servant smiled: "The old man specially arranged a snow mountain ski resort for her on this floor."

General Mike looked in disbelief!

He prides himself on being quite imaginative. When he was directing battles in the military, he invented many new tactics!

But I never imagined that under this sunless mountain, among the high-rise buildings of this shelter, there would be a hundred-meter-high snow mountain and a ski resort!

For those poor people in the lowest areas, twenty people are crowded into a house of 15 square meters. Outside the window are the sewage treatment plant and the sewage digestion tank. The machines in the factory are roaring, and the air is smelly and hot.

Mike suddenly felt that his father and sister completely crushed him in the field of imagination.

Their life in this underground shelter even exceeded the limits of their imagination!

Paul on the side opened his mouth even more. He felt that he was already very happy living in a high-end living area. There was a TV and a computer at home.

If one day I can live in a top-notch living area, live in a single-family building, and have a private garden of more than 100 square meters, it will be incredible and my life will be perfect.

The result was totally unexpected.

Are you numb?

Can we still live like this?

Can there be a ski resort and a small snow mountain in one building?

Do all really rich people do this?

"You're really good at playing. If you give me this money, I can't even think of spending it like this..." Paul looked complicated.

But this is not the end.

As the sightseeing elevator goes up, scenes that shock General Mike and Paul continue to appear...

On the third floor, there is a beautifully decorated church with a steeple!

Build buildings inside buildings!

There is even a fountain garden in front of the church with several birds and egrets!

"This..." General Mike looked confused.

"Your mother believes in Christ and goes to church every day." The servant smiled and said, "Your father arranged a church for her."

The fourth floor is a pastoral farm.

"Your father likes to feed horses and farm in his spare time, so... he arranged a farm for himself."

The fifth floor is a golf course, with endless grassland spreading out in the building.

"This is the golf course where your father entertained his friends."

The sixth floor is a racing track, with two racing cars racing wildly, their engines roaring.

"This is the racing track specially requested by your second uncle. There are more than a hundred racing cars collected by your second uncle. He is racing with his friends."

"...This level is a rock climbing area. This mountain is a scaled replica of the Alps that we specially recreated, with a height of 83 meters."

"This floor is the diving ground and swimming pool. Your sister sometimes comes to dive and swim."

"This is an artificial beach. We have brought seawater and sand here by car. We also put some fish in the sea. Your sister likes excitement, so there are even sharks. It can also create huge waves. Your sister usually I like to surf in it, and afterward I’ll sunbathe in the artificial sun and drink a glass of orange juice.”

"This floor was prepared for you by the old man. He knows that you like weapons, so... there are fifty tanks on display and fifteen fighter jets."

"This level is a tropical forest. There are many animals in it. The old man and his friends can hunt..."

"This level is a river and lake where you can fish, raft, and raft..."

Layers of places that are unimaginable to ordinary people!

Scenes that would never have appeared in the building!

This scene made both Paul and General Mike confused. Even though General Mike lived a pampered life as a child, he never expected that his father would be so imaginative in this disaster!

Finally, the elevator stopped at the top floor.


"Mr. Mike, please go in, everyone is waiting for you." The servant smiled.

In front of him was a luxuriously decorated restaurant, resplendent with gold, a symphony band playing on one side, and a table of luxurious delicacies placed in the center of the room.

Outside the floor-to-ceiling windows, one can overlook the entire Wealth Refuge. As far as the eye can see, the lights are brilliant!


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