Amid the elegant symphony, more than a dozen people sat on a round table, chatting and laughing with each other in a relaxed manner.

Both men and women were all wearing customized expensive suits and evening gowns. In front of them, it was as if the bright lights outside the floor-to-ceiling windows had become the background.

Just because.

This is an internal meeting of the Jishi Association!

Everyone here is a member of Jishihui!

They are the real top people in the Free Country, and they are the masters of these thousand underground shelters!

But no one touched the knife and fork at this time, and even the wine glasses were empty.


"Mike," someone saw General Mike standing at the door, immediately stood up, and said with a warm smile: "You're here!"

"Haha, come on, we are all waiting for you!"

"Mike, come on, you are the biggest contributor today!"

"Sorry, I had to be busy with something before, so I'm late." General Mike smiled and walked into the spacious room.

When he saw the only seat left, General Mike was a little stunned, but then he walked over with a calm expression and sat down on the first chair to the left of the old man.

Second place!

The right to speak is second only to the top spot in Jishihui!

This is the first time that Mike has sat in such a position. Although he was the old man's son and the future successor to the chief position of the Jishi Society, he only sat in the internal meeting of the Jishi Society where all the conglomerates were the masters. In seventh place!

And now.

The meaning of leaving only this position for General Mike is self-evident!

General Mike's expression remained calm, and everyone remained smiling.

Everyone knows that as the shelter plan progresses, Mike, who proposed the plan, is already a well-deserved second place!

"Haha, Mike, you're finally here." The old man at the head smiled, looking at Mike's eyes with great relief.

Mike apologized: "Father, I kept you waiting for a long time."

"It's okay, this drinking party is just for you." The old man waved his hand: "Now that you are here, this drinking party can start."

Only then did everyone pick up their knives and forks, and the servants on the side also poured wine into everyone's wine glasses.

The old man picked up the wine glass, raised it slightly toward the crowd, and said with a smile: "The celebration party can begin now."

"Everyone, everyone has worked hard during this time."

“It’s all thanks to everyone that we can build such a majestic underground shelter and achieve such achievements!”

"Today, we have 100 million people in our refuge. We control the lives of 100 million people and the lifeblood of the entire free country!"

“This will pay off hugely for us!”


Everyone raised their glasses and drank the wine in one gulp.

"General Mike, let me toast you alone!" A fat man in the construction industry stood up and said with a respectful smile: "I opposed your plan before because I thought the cost was too high, but still have the foresight!"

“We just built it and it’s not operational yet!”

“But the ticket price alone has already achieved a 100% profit margin!”

"Those people are like crazy ants, trying their best to squeeze in, haha, General Mike, thank you! I respect you!"

The fat man drank another glass of red wine.

General Mike still had his hands in his pockets, and Paul, who was standing beside him, immediately stepped forward to pick up the wine glass and brought it to General Mike's mouth.

"What are you?" The fat man was stunned for a moment.

General Mike smiled: "My hand was injured and I can't pick up anything."

"You are in charge of security. Those damn thugs must have given your hand to...General Mike, thank you for your hard work!" The fat man's face was filled with emotion.

For a moment, everyone looked at General Mike with his hands in his pockets and drinking the wine that Paul held up, and everyone admired him!

For the benefit of the Jishi Society, General Mike actually lost a pair of hands!

This shows his loyalty to Jishihui!

"Everyone knows. Before, because of the death of my brother, there was some misunderstanding between General Mike and I..." The new Roosevelt representative stood up and said, "But today, General Mike takes the second position. I am convinced!"

The woman representing the Wal-Mart family stood up and said with a smile: "General Mike, on behalf of the Wal-Mart family, I thank you!"

“Because of your shelter program, my Walmart store has unprecedented profit margins!”

“We can sell a five-cent bottle of water out there for a hundred dollars!”

“We can even sell sewage!”

"And food... As long as we want, we can sell it for as much money as we want!"

"Before, we thought that the most profitable aspects of this project were ticket fees and rent, but now it seems... In this underground shelter, as long as they don't want to starve to death of thirst, they have to buy water and food from us!"

"No matter how much it costs! Even if they have to work hard all day and only eat dry and unpalatable expired bread and smelly water, they can only agree!"

"Everyone, this is the future profit expectation of my Walmart family! Thanks to General Mike!" On the projector behind the woman, a straight upward red line appeared, heading straight for 10,000 percent!

Another person stood up and said with a smile: "The profit expectations of our power department have also reached staggering figures!"

"In this underground space, if you don't want to be blind, you have to use a light! This has become a necessity that you can't live without!"

"There are also air purifiers, which are also necessary for the rich, and oxygen concentrators. Even the growth of plants requires ultraviolet lights! Food, vegetables... these all require electricity!"

"Before, we never thought that the sunshine that brings light would be an obstacle to our profit, but in this underground place without sunlight, whether it is air circulation, food and water... as long as you want to survive, you need electricity!"

"If I had known this, we should have collected sunshine tax when we were outside!"

Another person also smiled and said: "I, the Monsanto Agriculture Department, also want to thank General Mike!"

"Here, a pound of flour can be sold for tens of dollars. Haha, this is outside, but we can't even dream of it!"

Another person said happily: "Our wealth cleansing plan has been fully implemented, and prices have risen across the board. Those rich people may live very comfortably now, but after a while, they will find that they are no different from the poor... It’s all the steaks in front of us. This is all the work of General Mike!”

"Everyone," General Mike suddenly said after swallowing the steak Paul cut for himself, "there is no need to talk about flattery. Now that the shelter has just been put into operation, we might as well say something real."

"General Mike is right! We should be more pragmatic!" Mr. Carnegie smiled: "We have been so busy, and now we have finally brought in 100 million people... The ticket money alone is nothing, we want it. , is the greater benefit in the future!”

"Gentlemen, look what's out the window!"

Carnegie stood up and walked to the floor-to-ceiling window, pointing to the brightly lit and pedestrian-filled residential area below.

Someone replied: "He is our guest."


Mr. Carnegie shook his head, pointed to the crowds of people walking on the street outside, and the lights of thousands of houses, and said, "This is a human mine given to us by General Mike!"

Man mine!

These densely packed human beings living underground have become a mine!

Coal mine! iron ore!

Jishihui mines various minerals on this land, but at this time, Jishihui also gives back to this land in its own way, giving back another kind of mineral to this land!

Minerals unique to the free country!

Man mine!

Mr. Carnegie continued: "And we are the owners of this mineral!"

"These human mines will work for us and will provide us with huge profits!"

Mr. Carnegie smiled: "So, the next thing we have to consider is how to completely mine the value of this mine!"


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