
"This is the Great Wall we built! See if you can break it down!"

"The back is our last land!"

Some people did not speak, but were wondering whether Daxia over there was as nervous as them when facing the huge waves.

Some people regretted: "If I had known earlier, we should have worked hard to increase the height of the Great Wall by ten meters...five meters would be fine...or, if we had listened to Daxia's advice earlier and built the Great Steel Wall with one heart and one mind... It wouldn’t have come to this at all.”

It's too late to regret.

Everyone was extremely nervous and tense.

After all, the Great Wall under their feet was barely built, and was completely incomparable to the 500-meter steel Great Wall that stood tall on the seaside in Daxia.

This was an early test given to them by Poseidon, but no one was sure whether they could pass the test.


Huge waves that were fifty meters high crashed onto Oufang's Great Steel Wall, and the hastily built Great Steel Wall that was only two hundred meters high roared and shook instantly.


The waves crashed against each other, as if they were going to completely tear the Great Wall into pieces!

The bricks outside the Great Steel Wall have cracks!

"Damn it! Hold on!"

"You must hold on, otherwise... we won't even have the last piece of land!"

"Please, don't fall!"

Some people shouted nervously, and some people knelt on the Great Steel Wall, as if praying to the Great Steel Wall.


A huge wave of 70 meters came crashing down. Although it failed to completely destroy the 200-meter steel Great Wall, it actually smashed a 100-meter-wide gap in the Great Wall!


Dozens of people fell directly and disappeared in the rolling sea water in an instant.


At the gap, the rolling sea water poured in crazily, like wild beasts that had found a breakthrough and roared into their last land.

"Block it!" Brenda's expression suddenly changed, she picked up Mjolnir, soared into the sky, and rushed towards the gap where the seawater poured in: "Duke, condense the earth wall!"

"Other members of the Alliance of Gods, follow me to cover the gap!"

Several figures soared into the sky, Brenda took the lead, transformed into dazzling thunder and lightning, and fell towards the gap where the sea water surged! !

"This is the last land!"


Thor's hammer exploded with dazzling thunder and lightning, and instantly became a hundred meters in size. With the power of Thor, it suddenly hit the gap!


The waves are splashing and the lightning is overflowing!

That terrifying impact actually caused the incoming seawater to roll back again!

"The Spear of the God of War!"

Anita, the descendant of the God of War, is like a golden lightning, holding a golden spear, surrounded by fighting spirit, and dives down!


The golden spear was like a dragon, once again forcing the incoming seawater back from the gap.

at the same time.

"The power of the earth!" Duke, the God of the Earth, suddenly slapped the earth with his hands. Behind him, three other Gods of the Earth and several earth power users held down the ground at the same time.


The ground shook.

A thick earth wall suddenly rose up, barely blocking the gap.

"Quick, the earth wall can't last long under this kind of erosion!" Brenda said solemnly: "Let the trucks transport sandbags and cement, and organize personnel to urgently reinforce it! Repair any cracks immediately!"

After saying that, Brenda looked at the land behind her.

I saw that in this last home, patches of farmland had been submerged by the influx of seawater. There were even corpses among them, as well as some lucky people who survived.

It seems that this time, the European side still failed to hand in a satisfactory answer.

But at least I managed to withstand it, so I passed the test.

Brenda looked to the east and sighed worriedly: "I don't know what the situation is like in Daxia..."

Brenda returned to Oufang's Great Steel Wall again, and the roaring waves below finally calmed down. The water gradually became only forty or fifty meters deep. Even the tsunami in the distance did not exceed a hundred meters in height. After all, the European Steel Great Wall was built inland at a high altitude.

They are buffered by a large landmass and have the advantage of altitude.

But even so, Brenda still broke out in a cold sweat. They could barely withstand it. If it hadn't been built at a high altitude, if it hadn't sacrificed a large area of ​​land as a buffer... the hastily built Great Wall of Steel would probably have been destroyed. He is really going to be overwhelmed!

The people of Oufang fell into silence as they looked at the rushing water under the city wall.

Suddenly, someone said: "Are we...safe?"

One stone stirs up a thousand waves!

Someone suddenly burst into tears and laughed: "We withstood it!"

"Haha, the Great Steel Wall we built has withstood the impact of the waves!"

"We're safe!"

The leader of the Baguette Country even walked up to the media reporters, straightened his suit, and said with a smile: "Everyone can rest assured. You can see that under my wise leadership and with the full investment of our Baguette Country, all countries have The built Great Steel Wall has withstood this crisis, which is our great victory!"

"Taking advantage of this great victory, we, the French Country, would like to express our stance. If God descends, we will end the war within three months..."

And the next moment.

"Victory?!" A thunderous voice sounded. Brenda's eyes were filled with thunder, and with a scowl on her face, she scanned the laughing crowd, and finally stared at the leader of the Baguette Kingdom: "Do you call this, victory!!"


Thunder suddenly rises, and Thor's hammer dazzles with lightning!

"Look there!" Brenda pointed to the surging water outside the city wall, "Do you call this victory?"

"Half an hour ago, that was our home!"

"It is vast farmland, fertile pasture, rich mineral resources, and home for generations!"

"Now, all that's left is the shocking waves!"

"In fact, our Great Steel Wall almost failed to withstand it! Those dozens of people who were swept down had to endure a lot of hardships to escape here. Just to survive, they thought they were safe, but they died on our side. On the Great Steel Wall!"

"And that piece of flooded farmland...that's not much land we have left!"

"Although we have allowed the people to survive, is this considered a victory?"

"We have withstood the rising sea levels, but don't forget the price we paid. We gave up a large area of ​​land. Each of us fled here in disgrace. We abandoned the civilization and cities built by our ancestors!"

"There's nothing to celebrate!"

"Poseidon hasn't arrived yet!" Brenda pointed at the several figures emitting blue glory above the sky and roared.

For a moment, everyone fell silent.

Is there anything to celebrate?

They looked at the sea that was blocked outside the Great Steel Wall, and saw endless seawater everywhere.

But he couldn't laugh anymore.

The atmosphere was depressing, and the figures of the gods in the sky seemed like a death knell that was about to sound.


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