Myth Invasion: I Kill the Gods on Earth

Chapter 809 Tourism Project?

Looking at the figure in the sky, everyone felt a little desperate.

"However, although Poseidon is powerful and can take away our former home, he cannot take away our lives or our will!" Brenda said solemnly: "Everyone, continue to persevere."

"As long as Poseidon is defeated, as long as we hold on... our lives will return to normal. Water and electricity will return to normal supply, food production will resume, and every household will return to their previous lives, with refrigerators and air conditioners. , there are computers, mobile phones... and steaks."

"We will still build high-rise buildings, you will still walk between office buildings in suits and ties, and there will still be cattle and sheep on the fertile pastures!"

"After all, we still have enough land to live on, and we still have hope."

“It’s enough to witness this scene of the fall of our homeland once!”

"We have no way out! We must try our best!"

For a moment, everyone's eyes burned with flames, which was the flame of hope.

Looking back, everyone clenched their fists in the last land after the Great Steel Wall.

"Yes, we still have land and we still have hope!"

"Although our former home has been abandoned,... we will have a new home! We will build it back better!"

"My house was flooded... I never want to see my home flooded again! This scene will never happen again!"

"We must protect our last home! Not even Poseidon can take it away again!"

"The worst case scenario is death!"

"Even if I die, I will take a bite out of those gods before I die!"

"Three squads," a European soldier gritted his teeth and said, "Gather! Training!"

"The God-killing Mecha Controlling Class, gather for training!"

"Construction Group 2, gather together and reinforce the Great Wall!"

"Agricultural production team, pick up the hoe and go to open up wasteland!"

Full of fighting spirit!

Everyone's eyes became tense again. It was true that Poseidon had not yet arrived and had made them pay such a heavy price.

What’s so exciting about resisting rising sea levels?

Their former homes were all submerged, leaving only this last piece of land!

Be sure to protect it!

Try your best to hold on!

The flame of hope is burning again, which is the firm will of mankind to protect their homeland.

On the Great Wall, Brenda and the members of the Alliance of Gods slowly raised their heads and looked at the powerful figure in the sky.

Theoretically speaking, as descendants of gods and having the blood of gods, they are half the same kind as Poseidon. Legendary gods like Poseidon can also be regarded as their elders.

But at this moment, all the members of the Alliance of Gods had dark eyes.

There is no closeness as a kindred spirit, and no respect for the elders.

There is only majestic fighting spirit and unparalleled hatred.

"I hope you all remember the scene just now." Brenda said one word at a time: "Poseidon, although he can be regarded as our kind, in terms of seniority, I have to call him uncle."

"But this is our world! What he destroyed was our home."

Right before their eyes, the seawater flooded the land, huge waves broke down high-rise buildings, and the city turned into ruins under the sea!

"From today onwards, we, the Gods Alliance, will fight Poseidon until death!"

"As long as he dares to come to this plane," Brenda turned to look at the humans who were busy building and protecting their last home, and said in a deep voice: "We will let him know that angering humans is the last thing he should do. thing."

Now, Brenda knows how powerful these seemingly weak humans are!

Although humans are like ants in the eyes of gods.


If a god wanted to conquer this plane, he would know the true power of humans.

After saying that, Brenda's face tightened, she quickly took out her mobile phone and dialed a number.

Lin Fan, who was watching soldiers diving on the 500-meter-high Great Steel Wall, answered the phone.

"Master." Brenda said hurriedly: "The sea level has risen just now..."

Lin Fan asked directly: "Did you withstand it?"

"I barely managed to withstand it... but a gap was still opened. Fortunately, it was blocked in time, but dozens of people were still sacrificed, and the sea water probably destroyed more than ten acres of fields..."

Lin Fan consoled him: "Actually, you have done quite well. You can score eighty points."

Brenda asked nervously: "How is the situation in Daxia? How many people have been sacrificed?"

Brenda was particularly worried about Daxia at this time!

She had witnessed the horror of the rolling sea water with her own eyes! !

It's like destroying everything!

Even though they had the advantage of altitude and sacrificed a large area of ​​land as a buffer, the rushing waves still created a gap and dozens of people died!

And Daxia’s Great Steel Wall is built on the coastline!

Face the rising sea level and bear the impact of huge waves head-on!

That wave must be countless times more intense than theirs!

What if... Daxia is their comrade and the best hope to defeat Poseidon!

Once Daxia suffers heavy casualties, it will be difficult for them, the European side, to survive the full invasion of the Ocean Temple.

I just hope Daxia won’t suffer heavy losses.

And just when Brenda was extremely nervous, she heard Lin Fan say: "No one has died here."

"No one died?" Brenda looked shocked: "How is that possible? That huge wave..."

"Our Great Steel Wall has been able to withstand it all."

With just one word, Brenda froze on the spot.

Withstood them all?

You know, Daxia is different from them. Daxia's Great Steel Wall is built directly on the coastline, facing the rising sea level and withstanding the impact of huge waves like tsunami!

Moreover, Daxia did not give up any land. The Great Steel Wall spread all along the coastline, but it was 36,000 miles long!

But... he actually withstood it all?

No deaths?

Brenda was stunned for three seconds, and then said in a dry voice: "You...have no losses? No one was injured?"

Lin Fan frowned: "There seems to be no loss... and on the contrary, thousands of tons of deep-sea fish were harvested in vain. They are usually sold very expensively, but now the fish have landed on their own..."

"But there are some injuries." Lin Fan said truthfully: "One warrior failed to master his posture while diving and dislocated his arm. There were also two warriors who had fun surfing and bumped into each other. Both of them suffered soft tissue injuries. contusion."

"Oh, by the way, there was another soldier who was unlucky. When he was picking up fish on the city wall, he was hit on the shoulder by another fish that fell from the sky and suffered a fracture. But fortunately, it was not serious."

In fact, Lin Fan never expected that after the Great Steel Wall was built, he would be able to collect fish.

In addition, Daxia did not build a 500-meter steel Great Wall in the previous life, so Lin Fan had little experience...

As a result, Lin Fan did not expect that the soldier would be injured by the fish falling from the sky. He could only say that the soldier did have a slight back.

I guess that fish didn't expect that one day it would fall from the sky and hit people...

Now Lin Fan has made a strange rule. All soldiers must hold umbrellas and wear helmets on the Great Steel Wall to prevent being injured by fish falling from the sky...

I have to admit that Poseidon is indeed powerful. Before the invasion, a fish fell from the sky and injured a soldier. It was considered a minor injury to Daxia.

Lin Fan even wondered if this was part of Poseidon's plan to use fish to create a bombing zone, but Lin Fan also felt that with Poseidon's intelligence, he shouldn't have thought of this...

For a moment, listening to Lin Fan's words, Brenda was confused: "Collecting fish? Diving? Surfing?"

She only knew that Lin Fan was going to start a god-making project, and for this purpose he borrowed Neil, the god of the sea, and in return, some newcomers from the Gods Alliance were included in the god-making plan, but she didn't know the details.

I even don’t understand why fish fall from the sky... fish rain?

Everyone was confused at the moment.

What does it mean?

Here we fearfully faced the waves and watched our homes being submerged by the sea.

As a result, your side in Daxia didn’t suffer any losses at all, but you still picked up thousands of tons of deep-sea fish in vain?

Even surfing and diving?

On vacation!

"I'm a little busy right now, and I can't explain this matter for a while." Lin Fan said quickly: "You can turn on the TV now and turn on the international channel. We happen to be promoting tourism projects in Daxia. You will understand after watching it."

Brenda: "???Tourism project?"


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