
The Shura sword that surged to 300 meters swept across, and the dark light exploded, as if it was going to swallow up all the glory!

The dark sword light seemed to divide the heaven and the earth, splitting the sea and the sky!

Shura's sword!

This sword was imbued with 50% of Lin Fan's Shura divine power!


The ghosts and gods roared, and the dark sword light splashed out, hitting the giant's fist.

But the next moment.

The dazzling glory breaks through the abyss, explodes, and illuminates everything!


Lin Fan was directly smashed into the bottom of the sea by that punch. Even though the sharp sword was sharp, the giant's fist was extremely huge. It was even more impossible for the dazzling glory of the Lord of the Sea to be swallowed by the abyss of this ghost and god!

"You dare to kill my child..." the giant roared, about to punch again!

"Protect Lin Fan!"

The remaining gods of Daxia shouted loudly and rushed forward one after another.


A black shadow is faster than them!

The black shadow was like a fish that had been hiding in the sea for a long time. The moment the giant punched Lin Fan again, it rushed out from the sea behind the giant, like black lightning piercing the giant's back!

The dark and cold trident has no glory anymore!


Black lightning flashed by!

The trident went from back to front, instantly piercing the giant's heart.


The giant's fist suddenly stopped when it fell, and he let out a roar of pain before turning his head to look at the dark shadow.

The giant's expression was filled with anger and astonishment, as if he was curious that someone among the gods of Great Xia had hurt him.

When he saw the figure clearly, his eyes were even more stunned!

"Axiude... no, shadow..."

"Axiude, why did you become a shadow..."

His face was full of disbelief.

Why did Ashude, who was killed by him in the God Realm, become a shadow!

Ashude just stared at him coldly, with a painful struggle in his dark eyes, but also...a hint of pleasure in being able to sneak attack Poseidon?

Poseidon was in a state of confusion, but he also knew that this was not the time to think about this. His child suddenly disappeared just now. No matter why this Ash had become a shadow, he was already a shadow after all.

"Axiude, I'll give you another ride."


The giant punched Ashude suddenly, and the terrifying glory seemed to illuminate the dark shadow!

With just one punch, the shadow of the eleventh-level high god dissipated directly into repeated black mist!

Back then, Poseidon could easily kill Asude in his heyday, not to mention that now he is just a shadow, and Poseidon has revealed his true divine body!

The giant punched the rushing Daxia gods again. He did not dodge despite the bombardment of the Daxia gods, and smashed Zilu away with a solid punch!

And the next moment.


A black figure flashed above the giant's head. It was Xingye who stepped on the giant's body and rushed to the giant's head at some point. The fish intestine sword flashed with cold light and rushed towards the giant's head!


The giant snorted coldly, turned his head slightly, and avoided the fish intestine sword. Then he raised his hand and smashed Xingye into the sea like a mosquito.

Suddenly, the sea began to rise and fall.

Dull footsteps sounded.

The giant turned his head and looked, only to see in the distance a wild bull staring at him, its body surrounded by flames, its scarlet eyes filled with murderous intent.

The Bull Demon King revealed his true form and turned into a thousand-meter-long wild bull. His heavy iron hooves were digging at the sea surface.

He looked at this huge figure with dazzling glory and almost invincibility, and seemed to see the dazzling gods and Buddhas behind the monkey again.

He was too scared to open the door at first.

And now...

"Comparing strength, right?"

"I'll come with you."

The prehistoric bull was breathing heavily, spitting out flames from its nostrils, and billowing demonic energy erupted.

"You?" The giant grinned. Although this bull was huge, it was still small and pitiful in front of him.

"You'll remember my name."

"I'm a wild bull, a powerful bull demon!"

Bull Demon King!

The giant figure suddenly paused. At this moment, he suddenly remembered the terrifying scene!

That mad cow that trampled the earth and came on burning soil!

That raging bull that killed countless gods along the way and trampled them into flesh!

It coincides with the figure of the angry bull in front of me!


A loud moo is earth-shattering!

The prehistoric bull with one of its horns broken trampled on the waves, wrapped in demonic energy, and rushed towards the unstoppable giant!


Splashing waves.

The giant grabbed the remaining horn of the primitive beast with one hand, and instantly stopped the primitive beast Newton.

"It's you." The fear in the giant's eyes gradually dissipated, and the terrifying scene in his mind disappeared.

He looked at the prehistoric savage bull in front of him with one of its horns missing, and chuckled, "I didn't expect you to be so weak..."


The giant grabbed two horns, forced the thousand-meter-long angry bull to the ground, and threw it violently on the sea towards the Great Steel Wall!


The thousand-meter-long body rolled and swept away on the sea like water. The terrifying power of the Lord of the Sea actually made the angry bull fly for a thousand meters, smashing into legendary sea beasts, and finally crashed into the Great Steel Wall. superior.

The Bull Demon King is embedded in the Great Steel Wall like a white cloud.

During the whole process, the giant didn't even bother to look at the gods of Daxia who kept slashing at him, as if he couldn't feel the pain.

Only then did he slowly lower his head and look at the gods of Great Xia who were chopping at him.


Countless water dragons suddenly rushed out of his body and rushed towards the gods of Daxia who were chopping up his body!

"Damn it, why doesn't this guy die?"

Lu Bu raised the Fangtian Painted Halberd high and pierced the giant's heart again. Just as he complained, three water dragons suddenly rushed out of the giant's body and rushed towards him!

Block the angle, there is no way to avoid it!

"Be careful!"

The other gods of Great Xia also looked ugly. They had never encountered such a strange opponent - even if they were asked to chop him down, they couldn't kill him!

But at the moment when several water dragons were about to bite the gods of Daxia.


The dark figures rushed out of the water again, blocking the water dragons with their own bodies, allowing the gods of Daxia to escape!



As the water dragon bit, the dark shadows turned into black mist and slowly dissipated.

The giant did not pursue the escaping gods of Daxia, but frowned slightly: "Those shadows...are they the middle-level ocean gods who were assassinated by Ashude?"

Poseidon felt more and more weird at this time, and he couldn't understand what was going on!

The gods of Daxia were shocked to see...

"This guy's wound has healed..." Zhang Lao said with a numb scalp: "What is the body structure? Is the body structure of the Lord God different from that of ordinary gods?"

On the giant's body, the wounds that As Xiu had penetrated through his back and the wounds that the gods of Great Xia had surrounded and killed healed quickly at this moment.

In other words, healing is not right. This giant is originally the condensed sea water, and those injuries that were finally recovered just disappeared again with the flow of sea water at this moment.

And right now.


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