Myth Invasion: I Kill the Gods on Earth

Chapter 919 Crown of the Sea

On the sea, a voice came again.

The giant looked down and saw a figure, the figure he had longed for.

Incomparable joy burst out from the giant's eyes, and the sudden surprise interrupted his thinking.

"My son North, where did you run just now!"

"The Shura God caught me and wanted to take me as a hostage, but I didn't expect to be able to break free." North looked around in horror, "Father..."

He looked at Xingye, who was transformed into ink.

Xingye's eyes flashed, and he immediately ran straight towards North, like stars flying across the sky.

The other gods of Bactria also rushed towards Nos!

When the giant saw this, he quickly grabbed North and said, "Stop talking so much, come in quickly, I will protect you!"

In an instant, Lin Fan was caught in the giant's palm, but he did not feel the terrifying pressure like Bai Qi did. The giant palm of the sea water was soft and warm, instantly wrapping Lin Fan's whole body.

It was as if Lin Fan was swallowed into his body.

The powerful current carried Lin Fan, moving quickly inside the giant's body, and finally stopped at the giant's head.

In the center of the giant's head, Poseidon closed his eyes tightly and lay peacefully. His mind seemed to be controlling the giant.

"My son, are you okay?" A voice echoed in the giant's body.

"It's okay, thank you father!" Lin Fan gasped, the wounds on his body continued to bleed, and then looked curiously at Poseidon, who had his eyes closed: "Father, I remember... you were seriously injured before, and your heart was damaged. It was pierced by that guy named Lu Bu, and this divine body was also pierced through the heart, so why..."

"My son, there is a secret about the Lord God that I have never told you."

The voice laughed and said: "Unless the elements under our control completely disappear between heaven and earth, or a new main god appears who has more control over the elements than us, otherwise... no main god will be killed, let alone because of Die by the death of the body... At most we disappear briefly, waiting for the elements to re-condensate into a new body.”

"The Lord God does not need a body or a divine body."

"We have long been integrated into the elements, and our essence is just a consciousness. As long as the thing we host is immortal, we will not perish..."

"I originally wanted to wait until you wear this crown before I tell you, but since you are my successor, it would be better to know earlier..."

Lin Fan's pupils suddenly shrank!

In other words, in the previous life, many of the main gods that Daxia had killed were not actually dead?

No wonder, no wonder the God of Winter whose head was beheaded by him in the previous life appeared again later. Lin Fan once thought that it was the new Main God of Winter, but the appearance was exactly the same. Lin Fan once thought that it was the Goddess of Winter. The twin sisters took over as the new main gods of winter...

No wonder Poseidon is so afraid of the water god Gonggong from thousands of years ago. The water god Gonggong has stronger control over the elements than Poseidon. He can really kill Poseidon and replace Poseidon's consciousness. Become the new generation of Lord God of the Sea!

Lin Fan also understood at this time that Poseidon's injuries, which were severely injured by the gods of Great Xia, were actually not a fatal threat to Poseidon at all!

The main god of an element is more like a consciousness, a consciousness that is integrated into the elements and can manipulate the elements at will!

I'm afraid that even though the two ancestors of Daxia burned their lives, they couldn't really kill Poseidon!

And the thing that houses consciousness...

Lin Fan looked at Poseidon who had his eyes closed in the giant's head.

In Poseidon's hand, he held a jade pendant tightly, shining with a strange luster.

"Father, I think I understand."

Lin Fan smiled.

The voice chuckled and said: "Good boy, hide in this divine body with peace of mind. When father kills these gods, father will explain to you the special characteristics of being a main god..."

Poseidon's voice stopped abruptly.


A jet-black sword light exploded in the giant's head, cutting off the giant's head, cutting off Poseidon's body in the head, and cutting into pieces the jade pendant he was holding!

This sword, Shura's sword!

Lin Fan's whole body's strength, half the strength of a higher god, was poured into Lin Fan's body, and he slashed at Poseidon, who was already scarred and defenseless, and slashed at the jade pendant in his hand!

The dark sword light exploded in the giant's dazzling glory, and the abyss swallowed the light!


The giant's body, condensed by seawater, suddenly shattered!

Poseidon's already seriously injured body suddenly turned into pieces of flesh, scattered with the majestic sea water.

Gongshu Ming blew a strange whistle, and several puppets transformed from the gods' corpses rushed to the heads of the gods of Daxia to protect them from the rain.

Lin Fan, who looked like a ghost, was breathing heavily in the air.

"Ahem. Dead?" Mr. Zhang coughed and looked at Lin Fan, with blood at the corner of his mouth.

The other gods of Great Xia also looked at Lin Fan expectantly - they had already reached their limit.

"He is probably dead. I chopped up his consciousness...anyway, his whole body and everything on his body were shattered." Lin Fan nodded.

He didn't know what Poseidon's consciousness deposit was.

But with that knife, he chopped into pieces Poseidon's body, the jade tablet, and even everything on Poseidon's body.

Even the high-level artifact, the Poseidon Trident, was broken into two pieces.

The storage of consciousness...has to be on the body, right?

But Lin Fan wasn't having it easy either.

His whole body's divine power was almost exhausted, and he was teetering in the air. His ghost state could not be maintained, and he slowly turned into his normal appearance. The female ghost in a black dress quickly rushed into the sea, as if to find food.

Lin Fan glanced at the Shura Sword in his hand.

There was a huge gap in the Shura sword that was once extremely sharp, almost breaking.

After all, it was the Poseidon Trident, a high-level artifact, and Poseidon's body.

Thanks to the fact that the Shura Sword was once the Qinglong Yanyue Sword of the Martial Saint, its quality is no less than a high-level artifact. It has been refined by Lin Fan and has become an exclusive Shura Sword that is connected to the life of the Shura God.

Otherwise it will probably break.

"Just die." Xingye panted and appeared next to Lin Fan, supporting Lin Fan. Mr. Zhang also swayed to Lin Fan's side and injected a piece of adrenaline into Lin Fan. On everyone.

"Rest for a while and regain your strength."

Lin Fan took out two corpses of gods that had been prepared long ago with residual divine power from the space ring, and said solemnly: "Then help kill those sea beasts - one hour after the death of the main god, the believers will enter the final rage."

"Yes." Mr. Zhang nodded, turned around and walked towards the Great Steel Wall: "I'm going to see how Bai Qi and Lao Niu are doing... However, we have a twelve-hour agreement with the God of Death. They Being mounted on the Great Steel Wall, there should be hope that he can still be saved, as long as his neck is not broken and his heart is not broken..."

His eyes were full of worry. Those two reckless men had resisted Poseidon's full blow. That terrifying power...

Everyone was also a little worried, but knowing that they couldn't help much, they could only sit down cross-legged and prepare to recover.

The Blood Demon King Tiger also rushed downwards excitedly. He was going to find Poseidon's body and suck the blood of the Lord of the Sea.

"I really didn't expect that Poseidon would die before the two ancestors could recover." Dao Wanqian said with emotion, "However, we all almost died at the hands of Poseidon."

But the next moment.

Wang Hu, who transformed into a sea of ​​blood and plunged into the sea, was suddenly stunned.

"Something's wrong..." Wang Hu shouted in the sea with a dry voice.

"What's wrong?"

Wang Hu had a complicated expression: "There is still no...smell of the blood of a high god..."

Lin Fan was stunned!

The gods of Daxia were also stunned: "What do you mean?"

Situ Hong also said in a deep voice: "Wang Hu, look carefully, it's impossible not to have's all broken..."


Lin Fan's pupils suddenly shrank!

"Wang Hu, get out of the sea!"


It's too late.


A brilliant light burst out from under the sea!

Wang Hu wanted to break free from the sea water, but the sea water clung to him. A giant palm of sea water emerged from the sea water and held him tightly!

At the same time, a thousand-meter-long Fangtian painted halberd burst out of the sea with glory and swept across with a crash!

Covering the sky and the sun, it's like sweeping everything!

Sweep towards the gods of Daxia who are absorbing the power of the gods' corpses!

For a moment, the gods of Daxia looked shocked and wanted to hide away, but in that battle just now, each of their bodies had reached the limit!

And the incident happened so suddenly that they had no time to react!

The speed of the higher gods is much faster than them!

At this moment, the gap in strength was completely reflected. Their countless attacks failed to fatally injure Poseidon, and Poseidon only needed to seize one opportunity...

Everyone could only watch helplessly as the dazzling glory hit them!

Even Lin Fan couldn't dodge - that final Shura sword drained all his strength away!

Gongshu Ming could only grit his teeth: "Puppet body protection!"


The halberd drawn from a thousand meters square suddenly struck everyone!

Just like a fly swatter swatting flies away!


Including Lin Fan, the gods of Great Xia were swatted away like flies. The terrifying power directly shot the gods of Great Xia thousands of meters across the sea, smashing into pieces one after another sea beasts, and smashing them hard on the sea. Above the Great Steel Wall!


Dust was everywhere, the Great Steel Wall shook violently, and figures slowly slid down the Great Steel Wall.

Because of the number of people, the power of Poseidon's full blow was dispersed, so Xingye, Sword God Zhang Feng and others were not embedded on the Great Steel Wall like Bai Qi and Bull Demon King.

It was also thanks to Gongshu Ming that at the last moment, he let the god puppets stand in front of the gods of Daxia and act as buffers.

"Damn, I'm losing blood... cough cough..." Gong Shuming looked at the broken limbs and gear parts of the god's corpse scattered on the sea, with distressed eyes.

All the parts and mechanisms in his body were almost scrapped. Parts kept falling from his arms and legs, and the springs were tilted. His movements were as dry as clockwork and rusty. He reluctantly stood up slowly holding on to the Great Steel Wall, coughed twice, and words fell out of his mouth. A few gears and lubricating oil - this guy didn't know how to modify himself. The gods of Daxia were beaten until they vomited blood, but he didn't vomit a drop of blood, only engine oil.

At this level of modification, Wang Hu had to shake his head when he saw it.

"Poseidon, why are you still alive..." Sword God Zhang Feng struggled to stand on the sea surface, his right arm was no longer hanging down, and his left leg was stained with blood. Daxia's ancient sword had already been taken out of his hands and inserted into the Great Steel Wall behind him.

The bones of Lin Fan's right shoulder had completely protruded from the skin, his ears were ringing, and his heartbeat was ringing through his brain.

His bloodshot and red eyes tried to look above the sea. In the blurred vision, a figure still radiated bright glory and walked slowly.

The figure's body seemed to have been shattered and spliced ​​together in a mirror, with blood stains everywhere. It was clear that the body had been shattered, but it had been spliced ​​back together again.

He held half a broken trident upside down in his hand.

The sea battle armor on his body was also completely shattered.

"Obviously chopped his body into pieces... Everything on his body was chopped into pieces..." Lin Fan seemed to be unable to feel the pain, staring blankly at the figure with confusion in his eyes.

Gongshu Ming also said intermittently: "Could this guy also be a machine doll? It's obviously broken, but it can still be put back together..."

The other gods of Great Xia didn't speak, and they couldn't understand the scene before them.

Is the Lord of the Sea so powerful?

Can't be killed?

How did those two ancestors kill him?

And at the next moment, Lin Fan's pupils shrank suddenly!

I saw Poseidon extending his hand.

In the sea water, the blue crown previously worn on the giant's head floated slowly to Poseidon's head and put it on, exuding a bright luster.

Crown of the Sea!

For a moment, Lin Fan's pupils shrank suddenly, as if he understood something.

The Crown of the Sea, which symbolizes the authority of God, the Lord of the Sea!

When Poseidon wears this sea crown, he can fight himself.

And when the crown of the sea was placed on the head of the sea giant, Poseidon was sleeping in the giant's head, and the giant was fighting with the gods of Bactria!

Deposit awareness!

Manipulate the consciousness of the elements!

This is what Poseidon stores his consciousness on!

It was not the jade pendant held in Poseidon's hand at all, but the Sea Crown that was worn on the giant's head and escaped disaster, and was not chopped into pieces by Lin Fan!

And Poseidon is not the name of this body at all, nor is it the name of the giant. It is an indescribable existence, an existence without entity... It is the ocean consciousness in the Crown of the Sea!

"Is this the truth about the Lord God?"

He once thought that when he returned, he already understood the gods very well and had insight into everything about the gods.

With this, Lin Fan led Daxia to take the lead in the war against the gods, taking the lead step by step.

But at this moment, Lin Fan was shocked to find that he still knew too little.

In the last life, Daxia tried its best to kill each of the main gods, but it was just to make most of the main gods disappear temporarily and let them escape?

Looking at the figure walking towards him, Lin Fan, whose whole body was in extreme pain and could barely stand, felt powerless and desperate.

God, so powerful.

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