During this period, you will sleep and eat in the examination room, bring your own dry food, water, and candles for use at night.

There was no imperial examination in the Qin Dynasty, but this time the examination was decided by Fang Tianfeng.

All the exam papers were produced by the Lu family, and the exam questions were also printed by Lu using movable type printing these days.

In other words, Lu Zhi already knew the topic of this exam! After all, as the chairman of the Lu family's paper industry, she always asked her to come to print anything.

This is actually blatant cheating, opening the back door for Lu Zhi.

But there is no way, Lu Zhi is not a noble queen.

Although she has some talents, her low status limits her vision, and she is not the opponent of those nobles.

If nothing else, just one question in the exam about how to deal with the northern Xiongnu can make her helpless.

But that's about it, although I know the topic.

But Fang Tianfeng didn't give Lu Zhi any more advice, but let her find the answer by herself.

Otherwise, even if she wrote the answer for her, she would not dare to write it.

Because she doesn't have such a high vision.

This time's assessment is not only the assessment of Juxiantang, but more of a pilot for a new type of talent selection.

If the response is good, a large-scale promotion can be considered.

On the examiner's desk, Fusu sat in the middle as the main examiner, Ying Yuanman was sitting on the left, and Fang Tianfeng was sitting beside Ying Yuanman.


With a calm expression, Fusu stretched out his hand and handed a list to Fang Tianfeng, with a normal expression on his face, and said softly, "It says that there are some talents from the Six Nations that Erchen is optimistic about, please comment on it."

Fusu's tone was very respectful, but his face did not show it at all.

Fang Tianfeng was secretly amazed in his heart, this Fusu really deserves to be the eldest son, and has great acting talent.

The respectful tone of voice was for Fang Tianfeng to see, reflecting his respect as a son-in-law.

And the surface is as usual, in order not to be affected by the identity of Fang Tianfeng.

Because if Fusu behaves too respectfully, it is easy to reveal his identity.

Because anyone with a little brains knows that there is only one person in this world who can make Fusu so respectful, the First Emperor won, so he can't let people see it, and he must keep his face expressionless.

Fang Tianfeng was in awe, but moved.

Nodding lightly, he took the list in Fusu's hand.

There are not many names on it. Hundreds of people came to assess it, but there were only a few dozen names on it.

Among them, the names of Xiang Yu, Xiang Liang, Meng Yi, and Lu Zhi appeared on it, but no one was surprised.

"You are so optimistic about this woman"

Fang Tianfeng looked at Fusu in surprise, wondering why he was able to think so avant-garde.

Generally speaking, men in this era will subconsciously look down on women under the influence of society.

But Fusu, being able to rank Lu Zhi's name in front of so many people, was enough to show his attention.

"Let the royal father laugh."

Fusu smiled slightly, "The Lu family invented papermaking and printing, and between Yierchen, these two inventions are enough to be passed down through the ages.

To put it in a bad way, even if our Qin Dynasty perishes, these two technologies will not be lost.

If I, Daqin, don't pay attention to it, I'm afraid it will attract criticism from the world."


Fusu paused for a while, and seeing that Fang Tianfeng's expression did not change, he said, "Also, Erchen thought that such a technique would not be in the hands of outsiders."

Fang Tianfeng was a little surprised, Fusu deserved to be Fusu, but he could see the value of papermaking and printing so quickly.

Printing and papermaking are indeed better in their own hands, because when paper spreads all over the world, people all over the world get used to it.

If you want to control your mind, you no longer need to burn books, but master the art of papermaking and printing.

......At that time, all the books in the world can only come from them.

Either buy their books, or go back and write slowly on bamboo slips.

Another one is... an assessment like today's.

The imperial court wanted to hold an examination, but the examination papers had to be disclosed to outsiders. This is simply a shame! However, those who take the salaried salary must not compete with the people for profit.

What's more, the royal family is still a salaried person.

Of course, you can't rob the Lu family's papermaking skills, or you will definitely be cast aside by the world.

Then change the way of thinking and let the Lu family take the initiative to contribute to papermaking and printing.

What they need is not the benefits brought by these two technologies, but they just don't want outsiders to master this technology.


Fang Tianfeng smiled and nodded, Fusu had this idea.

He didn't know that these two skills were already in his hands, and Fusu thought this way, it was very suitable for him to be the man who took the blame in his mind.

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Chapter 019 ━━━━━━━━ Policy! Asking to subscribe to Fusu as the main examiner does not mean that it is enough to sit on it.

Just like modern exams, as an invigilator, he also has to go on inspections.

By the way, he can also look at the exam papers of those... who are valued by him to see how they fare.

There are not many people who are favored by Fusu, such as Xiang Yu, Xiang Liang's uncle and nephew, and Yi Xiaochuan.

These three people, two of them are the descendants of the Chu State, and Yi Xiaochuan is the descendant of the Meng family.

Others don't know, but as Meng Tian's disciple, Fusu clearly knows that Meng Yi is Meng Tian's younger brother.

Therefore, their relationship is actually very complex "2"


However, Fang Tianfeng doesn't care about these...

There were only two people left on the examiner's desk, he and Ying Yuanman.

Others are not qualified to sit with them, let alone listen to their conversations.

"Yuanman, what do you think of this Juxian Hall?"

Fang Tianfeng looked at the many candidates below who were writing and writing, as if he saw the future imperial examination, and a smile flashed in his eyes.

"The Hall of Fame,"

Ying Yuanman frowned slightly and said softly, "Since the establishment of the Great Zhou Dynasty, the selection of court officials in various countries has been selected from the major clans and nobles.

Either that or...the royal family personally promotes and recommends.

Even if the Qin Dynasty is unified, the father and emperor are still unable to help those... gatekeepers."

Fang Tianfeng asked Ying Yuanman to talk about his views on Juxian Hall, but she suddenly understood what Fang Tianfeng meant and got to the point.

In fact, the clan has always been the biggest enemy and threat of the royal family.

Not only the First Emperor, the Han Dynasty, the Three Kingdoms, the Wei, Jin, the Southern and Northern Dynasties, and then the Sui and Tang Dynasties, no matter which dynasties were threatened by the clan.

The Seven Heroes of the Warring States Period, the various clans of the seven major countries are in contact with each other.

Although it is a different country, it can be said that the whole body moves.

Therefore, the First Emperor did not dare to slaughter the nobles of the other six kingdoms.

And because of this, a hidden danger was laid for the demise of the Qin Dynasty.

As for why the local gatekeepers of the Qin state should protect the gatekeepers of the empire, in fact, there are many nobles in Daqin, but their positions are fixed.

That is to say, except... the vested interests of the court under the emperor of this term have nothing to do with the interests of the court.

And the vested interests are just a few people, one by one Meng Tian.

But apart from these two families, there are hundreds of families who can drink the northwest wind. Therefore, they dare to block Qin's strategy of destroying the six kingdoms, but the nobles of the six kingdoms are protected by them. down.

Because, they still understand the dead lips and teeth cold.

The first emperor abolished the enfeoffment system, which was to cut off the retreat of his descendants.

Then the next step must be to attack the gatekeepers, and the gatekeepers are afraid of this, so they join forces to check and balance the royal family.

All I can say is that everything is in balance.

"However, this is a big disadvantage for our royal family."

Ying Yuanman lightly opened his red lips and frowned slightly, "If this goes on, the court will be monopolized by the gentry again sooner or later.

At that time, our royal family will still be controlled by others."

In Qin Shi Huang's generation, the local nobles of the Qin Dynasty were temporarily suppressed.

Why do you say this because there are only two people who are the head of the cultural relic officials of this generation, one is Meng Tian and the other is Li Si.

Who are these two people? There is no doubt that they are Qin people now.

But before that, Meng Tian's ancestor Meng Ao was from Qi country, and Li Si was from Chu country! What does this mean that they have no foundation behind Qin country, and they are also rejected by Qin country's local nobles, so they can only rely on Yu Royal Family 0.... It is also for this reason that in the first emperor's session, it was the most powerful session of the Daqin royal family over the court.

However, in the next ten or twenty years, Meng Tian and Li Si will abdicate.

At that time, Chaotang once again returned to the hands of the nobles.

At that time, they can once again use the power above the court to fight against the Emperor of Qin.

The royal family is the master of the country, but when the nobles unite, even the royal family has to retreat. This is the truth of the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period.

Therefore, all countries are sparing no effort to win over talents from other countries, that is... want to break this situation.

But now, Da Qin is unified.

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