Without the other six countries, there would be no way to attract talents from other countries.

Because they are all nobles of the Qin state.

For the nobles, they don't care about the life and death of the country.

Because in their eyes, the interests of the family are above everything else.

When a country perishes, it perishes 4.

6, because the new regime has to rely on these nobles.

At most, it is a matter of changing a royal family for a ruler, as long as the interests of the family are not damaged, it doesn't matter.

Don't look at the Meng family and Li Si are both on the side of the royal family, but when they touch the interests of their family, they will also follow the royal family against each other.

For example, Li Si ruined the future of Da Qin by supporting Hu Hai's superior position for the sake of profit.

It can be said that these nobles are actually the fundamental cancer of the country.

But unfortunately, there is no way to move them.

Because there are too many.

Chapter 0198 Back to the pot man! (please subscribe)

Chapter 019 ━━━━━━━━ The man behind the pot! Please subscribe "So, Juxian Hall is very necessary.

Father Huang, you should want Brother Fusu to win over the nobles of the six countries and prevent them from gathering with the nobles of the Qin country.

Only by attracting a group of people and suppressing a group of people can we ensure the invincibility of our royal family above the court."

Ying Yuanman's face was a little excited, and Fang Tianfeng looked at her with an encouraging smile.

Ying Yuanman is right, but her vision is still a little narrow.

Because she also set her sights on the clansmen and nobles, which could not fundamentally solve the problem.

The nobles of the Six Kingdoms were the losers, and the nobles of the Qin state came forward to protect their interests.

And the condition is...these...the nobles of the six kingdoms divide a part of the interests to the nobles of Qin 04.

It's a fair deal for both parties, and they don't owe each other.

The nobles of the Qin state have benefited, and the nobles of the six states have preserved their strength.

And what would happen if the Qin State destroyed these nobles, all the property of the nobles of the six countries was confiscated and belonged to the royal family, and the nobles of the Qin State could not get a hair.

And this is unacceptable to both parties, the nobles of the Qin country want benefits, and the nobles of the six countries do not want to exterminate the clan.

So, they teamed up to take down the royal family.

Both parties benefited, but the Qin imperial family, who contributed the most, spent a lot of effort, but in the end they didn't have a single hair.

I have to say, this is very annoying.

Ying Yuanman's education from childhood made her instinctively want to rely on the nobles to check and balance the nobles, because in her opinion only the nobles can check and balance the nobles.

However, Fang Tianfeng's eyes were on those... Qian Shou.

The number of Qianshou is not only a hundred and a thousand times that of the nobles, and according to the ratio of talents, if all the Qianshous receive education, the probability of producing talents may not be as good as that of the nobles, but in terms of numbers, they absolutely crush the nobles.

What's more important is that these ....... Qian Shou chuan talents will instinctively attach to the royal family who gave them the chance to turn over, not these nobles.

However, the rulers of all dynasties have not been able to understand this.

That is Fang Tianfeng, as a socialist successor born and raised under the red flag, of course he knows what it means to be equal for all.

Dealing with these nobles is...you can't get used to them, they think you are afraid of him.

Therefore, Fang Tianfeng wanted to take the imperial examination.

Before the imperial examinations, there were only a few possibilities for people to become officials.

One is that the royal family actively explores talents, and this ratio is the least, because it is impossible for the royal family to run around to find talents.

Another one is... nobility's recommendation, or rather.

That's right, not only titles, but also official titles can be hereditary! And the last one is... filial piety.

Xiaolian means filial sons and honest officials.

Examination of filial piety and filial piety was originally the second and second division of judging. At the beginning of the first year of Yuanguang, Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty ordered the county and the state to raise filial piety and integrity, that is, filial piety and integrity.

Under the normal circumstances of the two Han Dynasties, filial piety and integrity are often referred to together and mixed into one subject.

The subject of filial piety and incorruptibility belonged to the clear stream in the Han Dynasty, and was the right way for officials to be promoted. After Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty, until the Eastern Han Dynasty, many famous public officials were born in filial piety, which had a great influence on the politics of the Han Dynasty.

The qualifications of the candidates were mostly state officials or Confucian scholars who were proficient in scriptures.

Appointment and promotion after being named Xiaolian, in the central government, the main office is the Lang Office, and then moved to Shangshu, Shiyu Shi, Shizhong, Zhonglang General and other officials in the local area, then moved to the prefecture. , the Inquisitor.

Ju Xiaolian can be said to have opened a way for the royal family in the officialdom, but it is still not enough... because the number of people is too small.

However, even Ju Xiaolian only appeared in the Han Dynasty, not in the Qin Dynasty yet.

Therefore, the officials above the court are basically... monopolized by the nobles.

However, the imperial examination system is different.

The imperial examination system is actually... an exam, and anyone can take the exam.

As long as you pass the examination, you will have the opportunity to be promoted to an official.

Of course, the imperial examination system was not fair either.

First of all, in terms of education, it is impossible for everyone to be equal, and the education owned by the nobles is definitely better.

But civilians will always have a genius to come out, even if half of it is wiped out, there is still half.

Another is... cheating, it is certain that nobles will use various channels to cheat.

Packing 727 gifts as favors or revealing the content of the exam in advance is a trivial matter, and in the end, a large number of noble children will definitely pass the test, and the imperial examination system is useless to them.

Fang Tianfeng felt that after the establishment of the imperial examination system.

The probability of passing the noble children is almost [-]%%, while the commoner children are about [-] in [-], %.

However, even so, the [-]/[-]th of the commoners is much more than the [-]% of the nobles! This is the advantage of having a large mass base, even if the ratio is low, but it will definitely be after there are more people. There are more people than nobles! And most of these people must be attached to the royal family.

But the only problem is that the imperial examination system must touch the most fundamental interests of the nobility, and it is difficult to realize it.

Just the premise of the imperial examination and popularization of education are impossible to achieve. It can only be said that there is a long way to go! However, it is precisely because of this that Fang Tianfeng will conduct today's assessment, and will want to throw Fusu out to take the blame.

Chapter 199 Xiang Yu or Lu Zhi! (please subscribe)

Chapter 199 ━━━━━━━━ Xiang Yu Lu Zhi! Please subscribe Listening to Fang Tianfeng explaining his plan, Ying Yuanman couldn't help covering his mouth to keep himself from screaming.

The imperial examination system in the future is... the first appearance in the Juxian Hall in Fusu.

If the emperor wants to carry out reforms in the future, the first thing that aristocrats think of is... brother Fusu.

At that time, the father's plan can stick to the implementation of the obstacles, and Fusu will bear all the troubles and guilt alone.

In other words, Fusu basically has no chance with the throne.

In other words... Fusu has been abandoned by Fang Tianfeng.

And since Fang Tianfeng was willing to tell Ying Yuanman all these things, it was naturally to appease her.

As for why she wanted to appease her, Ying Yuanman slowly put down his hand, trying his best to calm down.

She is very smart, so she also sees it very thoroughly. The royal father was able to reveal the whole plan with such a heart-to-heart, no doubt that he trusted her.

Ying Yuanman was moved by giving up Fusu, but chose their daughters. She was also very proud and proud to be given such attention.

As for what will happen to Fusu, it is not something Ying Yuanman can change.

Perhaps, apart from... Charmaine Ying, the other sisters would not even be touched by her.

After all, the royal family has been the most ruthless since ancient times.

Moreover, this cannot be said to be a good thing for their sisters.

If they have the support of the father and the emperor, plus Fu Su carry the blame, they may not have the possibility of ascending the throne.

Then, then they stopped talking.

Because the exam is over.

As a modern person, it is not the first time for Yi Xiaochuan to take exams. Compared with the ancients who came into contact with these things for the first time, he could be called an old driver.

So he wrote down his name and number with ease, and handed it in.

It is said to be handed in, but it is actually... a few chapters ━━━━━━━━ Paper that is densely written in large characters.

"His Royal Highness Princess."

Yi Xiaochuan respectfully handed over the test paper, then bowed and saluted, turned and left without being humble or arrogant.

Unsurprisingly, Ying Yuanman's eyes showed a touch of admiration.

Well, the ancients all liked this kind of high Fengliang who was neither humble nor arrogant.

There are even many people who even take the initiative to scold the emperor for death for the reputation of being neither humble nor arrogant. If it spreads out, they are... risking their lives to win a good reputation and being praised by others.

On the other hand, the emperor, if he was a little concerned about his own reputation, would not be able to kill these people...

Why because of these... The people who risked their death to give advice are all 'loyal ministers', what kind of ignorant monarch is this monarch who killed a loyal minister! So, don't think about these... ......How good are the literati's character, they are all calculated routines.

"Yuanman, I'll go first."

Fang Tianfeng watched Yi Xiaochuan's back go away, and said softly, "You can go back to the palace first."


Ying Yuanman nodded lightly, Fang Tianfeng was not required for today's assessment.

The purpose is just to show her face as a princess, and to leave a deep impression on the hearts of these old examiners.

Although Fusu is the owner of Juxian Hall, he is destined to become a scapegoat under the calculations of the magazine Fang Tianfeng.

In this case, doesn't Juxian Hall need another master, for example, Princess Huayang wins Yuanman.

Yi Xiaochuan left directly, he was not idle.

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