Your friend went to hook up with other people's girlfriends as soon as he disappeared. If this is spread, people will be stabbed in the spine.

They changed homes and couldn't afford to lose this person.

In fact, Professor Yi and his wife are not opposed to Yi Dachuan's pursuit of Gao Lan.

You can see from the original book that Gao Lan is Yi Xiaochuan's girlfriend, but was robbed by Yi Dachuan.

Professor Yi was not only...not angry, but still very happy, and even felt that Yi Xiaochuan had delayed Gao Lan.

Therefore, they are not soft-hearted when it comes to pitting their sons.

But some people are like this. It doesn't matter if they cheat on their own people, but when they cheat on outsiders, they have to save face and feel embarrassed.

And Professor Yi is typically like this.

Yi Dachuan followed Professor Yi, and naturally he followed suit.

Yi Dachuan patted his chest to ensure that he would not overstep, and then, he ran to the downstairs of Gao Lan's house and waited.

Gao Lan and Gao Yao's parents died early, and Gao Yao was always taking care of Gao Lan.

Gao Yao even started working as a cook before graduating from high school, supporting Gao Lan until he went to college.

Fortunately, their parents died, but they left a house for their siblings before they died.

Moreover, there are no distant relatives such as the seven aunts and eight aunts robbing their brothers and sisters for inheritance.

However, although there is a legacy left by his parents, life was difficult at the beginning, but after Gao Yao joined the archaeological team, these years have been on the right track.

Even if Fang Tianfeng and Gao Yao were gone, there was still a lot of savings, enough for Gao Lan.

So, life is pretty decent.

And Yi Dachuan's so-called care is naturally impossible to talk about.

Although the money is not much, but there is still money to be used for a few years or ten years without worry.

After all, Fang Tianfeng had robbed tombs several times before, and there were quite a few.

Gao Lan bought the ticket yesterday, and then checked a lot of information, ready to leave early this morning.

As a result, before going out, he saw Yi Dachuan downstairs.

"Gao Lan!"

Yi Dachuan looked at the girl on the roof sticking her head out of the window, and waved excitedly, "It's me, Yi Dachuan!"

Gao Lan didn't know what to say for a while, and she's not blind, who can't recognize you as Yi Dachuan? Is it necessary to shout so loudly?

Gao Lan went downstairs quickly and looked at Yi Dachuan with a bad expression, "I said, I don't need your help."

"I didn't come because of this."

Yi Dachuan smiled helplessly, "Aren't you going to Peixian County? I'll accompany you to 0..."

"How do you know I'm going to Peixian"

Gao Lan suddenly became vigilant. She never disclosed the news that she was going to Pei County, except... Yesterday, she bought a ticket, "You follow me"

"I'm not, I'm not."

Yi Dachuan waved his hand quickly and explained, "Didn't you suddenly ask me about the ancient city wall in Peixian County yesterday? I guessed that you were going to Peixian County, and it was also related to the ancient city wall."


Gao Lan was not from the archaeological field either, so he suddenly called Yi Dachuan inexplicably and asked him if he knew about the ancient city walls of Peixian County.

There is no doubt that Gao Lan has a great possibility... going to Pei County.

Many times it's not that people don't know, it's that they don't want to think about it.

Yesterday's phone call actually revealed a lot.

It can only be said that Yi Dachuan wants to pursue Gao Lan too much, so he is very sensitive to Gao Lan's words and deeds.

Gao Lan didn't say anything else, no one is a fool, she really exposed a lot yesterday, and it's normal to be able to guess this.

But the most important part 4.

6 points haven't been exposed yet, so that's fine.

Even if Yi Dachuan knew how he wanted to go to Pei County, could he still know that Fang Tianfeng actually went there two thousand years ago. According to this guess, Yi Xiaochuan and Gao Yao also went two thousand years ago.

Gao Lan actually wanted to cry, but it is better not to know the truth.

I thought they were kidnapped before, but I still have another thought.

But now, they have all traveled to two thousand years ago, do they still have a chance to come back? I am afraid that their bones are in a corner of the world.

Chapter 213 Modern Pei County! (please subscribe)

Chapter 213 ━━━━━━━━ Modern Pei County! If you want to subscribe, you must go to Pei County, but not alone.

Yi Dachuan also followed, very excited to follow.

Gao Lan originally wanted to go alone, but ended up taking Yi Dachuan with him.

Because as Yi Dachuan said, although the historical records record that the location of the city gate has not changed, it is not certain.

If there is a certain change, Gao Lan alone will definitely not be able to find a place.

Therefore, this requires the use of Yi Dachuan's professional knowledge and let him help find it.

Gao Lan is a layman and doesn't know anything about archaeology.

However, she thinks that Yi Dachuan is mostly unreliable. There are still traces of the ancient city wall more than 04 years ago, but it is a glimmer of hope after all. It's still [-] when I go to the general office. It doesn't matter that Yi Dachuan has not played a few years more than Yi Xiaochuan, but his professional knowledge is indeed excellent.

Even Professor Yi is inferior to him in some areas.

Moreover, Gao Lan also felt that there was no way to stop Yi Dachuan.

Rather than...let him stalk him furtively, it's better to just follow along.

Pei County, because of the ancient "Peize"

It is named after the county under the jurisdiction of Xuzhou City, Jiangsu Province. It is located in the northwest of Xuzhou City, at the junction of Jiangsu and Shandong provinces.

After several hours of trekking by train, the two finally arrived in Pei County.

The ancient city wall is still there: but it is not a historical site.

Because although the ancient city walls are few, they are not without them.

All over the country, although most of them have been demolished, there are still many ancient city walls.

Pei County really wants to talk about historical sites, but it is the former residence of Er 2 Lu.

But even so, there are still many people wandering around the ancient city wall during the day.

Therefore, it is not suitable to do it now, otherwise, if others see it, there will be more trouble.

So, wait until it gets dark.

"Gao Lan, aren't you looking for the ancient city wall? Would you like me to help you see how much difference it is..."

Yi Dachuan looked at the masonry city wall in front of him, and volunteered for a while, "Don't worry, my professional knowledge is still very reliable, and it won't take much time."

"no need."

Gao Lan looked at the city gate for a while, then said, "It's... here."

It was exactly the same as in her dream, the length, width and height, and the city gate had not changed.

The change should be that the city wall has become a masonry structure, and the other is... the city gate may be a wooden city gate after all, and it should be broken in two thousand years.

But this doesn't affect anything.

Gao Lan walked slowly towards the city gate, and he definitely couldn't see anything from the ground.

For more than two thousand years, people have come and gone here, even if someone once dug a hole, it should be leveled at this time.

Therefore, she can only rely on her feelings to find it now.

If I remember correctly, Tianfeng in the dream should be the one buried in the center of the city gate...the clay pot.


Gao Lan nodded in satisfaction, then turned around and left.

The place has been found, all you have to do now is get a shovel and wait until night.

"It's over"

Yi Dachuan was at a loss for a while, he originally came here because Gao Lan accidentally got the news that there might be a treasure buried at the city gate.

After all, the ancient city wall itself is not brilliant, it is completely unnecessary... I have traveled all the way here to see an ancient city wall.

The only possibility is... to dig for treasure.

No one is a fool, especially Yi Dachuan is very interested in Gao Lan.

However, Gao Lan just took a look and left.

Originally, Yi Dachuan was still thinking about his own small calculations, because after all, this place is under the watchful eyes of the public, and it is not so easy to dig something.

He originally wanted to sell Gao Lan a favor, and as an archaeologist, let Gao Lan come to dig in the name of archaeology.

If this is the case, then it is entirely possible for him to capture the girl's heart.

As a result, it didn't.

Yi Dachuan left with Gao Lan very puzzled, but did not go back, but stayed in a nearby hotel.

Then, wait for dark.

It was very late at night, and Gao Lan sneaked out of the 730 hotel by himself, holding an engineer shovel in his hand.

This is of course not Gao Lan's, but Fang Tianfeng's.

Fang Tianfeng used to be a tomb robber, so he must have some necessary tools.

The sapper shovel is small in size and easy to carry, so it is naturally the best choice.

Since then, Gao Lan was brought here to do things.

Gao Lan was also unambiguous, and sneaked over to dig while no one was there in the middle of the night.

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