The character of a female man is... so unpretentious, but she didn't realize that she was secretly following someone behind her.

Yi Dachuan.

Yi Dachuan knew Gao Lan quite well. During the day, Gao Lan's behavior was a little unusual, so he guessed that Gao Lan might secretly run over to dig in the middle of the night.

So, he followed.

In other words, he actually stared at Gao Lan's room all night, and came out as soon as he heard the movement.

Licking a dog is really awesome! "Bang-!"

With a crisp sound, the engineer shovel encountered an obstacle, but it really dug something.

Chapter 215 ━━━━━━━━━The Millennium Letter!

"Isn't that more exciting?"

Gao Lan didn't understand the nature of human beings, otherwise Fang Tianfeng would definitely answer her question forcefully.

However, although Gao Lan was almost not blown up.

And Yi Dachuan was really pissed! Because Gao Lan was attracted by the content of the letter and his own guesses about Fang Tianfeng, he couldn't find out in time that his door was opened.

Or, in fact, she found it but didn't care at all.

Anyway..., Yi Dachuan couldn't beat her.

But Yi Dachuan thought that Gao Lan didn't find it.

After opening the door, I found a piece of peeling debris, and a glass bottle that preserved most of it.

And Gao Lan was squatting on the ground at this moment, looking at a yellowed piece of paper in his hand.

Obviously, this piece of paper is... in that... glass bottle.

That is to say, they went all the way to the people of Peixian County, and then they dug up something like a thief robbing a tomb in the middle of the night, just for this piece of paper.

Yi Dachuan's curiosity was suddenly seduced, and he walked lightly behind Gao Lan.

Then, he looked down at the yellowed sheet of paper.

Then his face turned green.

"Dear Gao Lan:"

The beginning is... these five words, Yi Dachuan almost vomited blood at that time.

As Fang Tianfeng's 'friend', how could he not know who else would use it except... Fang Tianfeng: This kind of title, and if it was someone else who used this title, I'm afraid Gao Lan wouldn't even notice it. will read this letter.

Yi Dachuan did not read the contents of the letter carefully, because he knew that there was not much time left for him, and if Gao Lan found out, he would definitely be shot out.

So Yi Dachuan resolutely looked at the end of the letter and saw that...damn signature.

"Fang Tianfeng!"

It's confirmed, it's really... a love letter from Fang Tianfeng of Te Mow to Gao Lan! "That is to say, I accompanied Gao Lan to Pei County for thousands of miles, and I thought I would be able to gain some goodwill.

It turned out that this was just a small game between Gao Lan and Fang Tianfeng, I thought it was treasure digging, but it turned out to be a love letter."

Yi Dachuan was really about to cry, and he almost vomited blood and died.

I have been a dog licking dog for so long, what is it for? This is so miserable! Yi Dachuan was originally still: looking forward to a better life, but now it is all shattered .

Sure enough, licking the dog to the end has nothing.

At this moment, Yi Dachuan finally realized that there is really no chance! Couples are so loving, even if they want to see the needle, they must be able to find the seam, and the couple is so intimate that there is no place to lick the dog.

Yi Dachuan walked towards the door in despair, while Gao Lan was still there: angry that Fang Tianfeng actually opened a harem in ancient times, so he didn't notice Yi Dachuan's departure at all.


Yi Dachuan closed the door gently, looking at the girl squatting on the ground through the crack of the door, feeling sad in his heart.

Sure enough, he is a licking dog with nothing, destined to get nothing.

Yi Dachuan was actually very puzzled, because he didn't know why Fang Tianfeng insisted on burying the love letter in this Pei County, and he also designated it to be buried under the city wall, and packed it in a clay pot.

Although it was only a cursory look, Yi Dachuan knew very well that...the clay pot is definitely an antique.

It's not a modern pirated product, but a real antique! Even if the pot was only used by the poor in ancient times, it is absolutely valuable as long as it was two thousand years ago! However, Fang Tianfeng used this pot to bury love letters! More important The thing is, this pottery pot was also broken by Gao Lan, a love letter digger! Oh my god! This is an antique! Antiques from two thousand years ago, even if they are meaningless in themselves, are worth at least one. Hundreds of thousands of them turned out to be gone with a shovel by Gao Lan! Well-preserved antiques are naturally valuable, but damaged ones are worthless at all.

And, that piece of paper for writing love letters.

According to Yi Dachuan's years of archaeological experience, he can also roughly see that this piece of paper is at least an ancient paper handed down thousands of years ago.

Well, as for how he sees it, that's a personal secret.

Thousands of years of paper write love letters, and two thousand years of clay pots bury love letters.

Yi Dachuan's tears flowed down unsatisfactorily all of a sudden, he lost and lost! This time he lost completely, and he was so rich! Why is Zhao Hao like this! Obviously Fang Tianfeng should be a poor man! Yi Da Chuan kept tears of remorse outside the door, and even wanted to die in his heart.

But Gao Lan had already started to clean up the room, sweeping the broken glass bottle with a broom to avoid hurting himself.

then sleep.

Yes, sleep.

Because as long as she sleeps, she may be able to dream about that girl named Xiaoyue, and then she can see Fang Tianfeng! Even if she can't stop Fang Tianfeng from opening the harem, she still has to watch the whole process! Watching Fang Tianfeng, this damned scumbag, cheated in person ...No! "Ugh..., why does my heart suddenly hurt so much."

Gao Lan suddenly covered her chest in aggrieved, she worked so hard.

Chapter 214 The Millennium Letter!superior! (please subscribe)

Gao Lan quickly dug out the pot, which was exactly the same as in the dream.

Inside the clay pot is a glass bottle, and inside the glass bottle is a smaller one: a glass bottle.

And in this smallest glass bottle, there was a rolled up yellowish note.

Even if the note is heavily protected, after all, two thousand years have passed.

Gao Lan didn't ask for a clay pot, even if this thing was handed down two thousand years ago, it might be very valuable.

Because when digging before, the shovel had already broken the clay pot.

It's worth a bit of money if it's in good condition, but it's worth it if it's broken.

Gao Lan didn't dare to stay, and left with the small glass bottle.

And Yi Dachuan looked incredible when Gao Lan really dug up something, even though he couldn't see enough at night... it's true.

But he also saw clearly that Gao Lan dug up a clay pot.

Then, the clay pot was lost, and only 730 took a small bottle the size of a palm.

How much can such a small bottle be worth? So, isn't it digging for treasure? Yi Dachuan didn't stay, and ran away after Gao Lan.

Back at the hotel, Gao Lan put the engineer shovel back into the prepared bag without being noticed, and then closed the door directly.

Then, look at the small bottle in his hand.

The top of the glass bottle is a cork, and the cork has not been rotted after so many years.

Then, the problem arises.

Can't open.

Anyone who has experience knows that it is difficult to open a corked bottle for a long time.

This is because.

Because the air in the bottle is airtight and subject to the principle of thermal expansion and contraction, the bottle is cold, the air shrinks, and the pressure decreases, so the bottle cap is tightly sucked, so it is difficult to open.

And the bottle in Gao Lan's hand has been kept for two thousand years.

At this time, the bottle can be heated, so that the air inside is heated and expanded, so that the air pressure inside the bottle is the same as the air pressure outside the bottle cap, so it is easier to open the bottle cap.

As for Gao Lan, he pressed the bottom of the bottle against his thigh and pulled the cork forcefully, but it was of no use.

She went to school, but not a grade school.

And this common physical phenomenon, although she has encountered it, she does not know the principle.

Therefore, she chose the simplest crude method.


There was a crisp sound, and the glass bottle was instantly divided into four parts and there were shattered residues everywhere on the board.

If you can't open it, just slam it down hard.

If you don't fall back, you will suddenly startle a lot of people when you fall.

After all, on this night, a glass bottle was suddenly broken, and the sound was still very loud.

Even if it is in a house, but the house is not soundproof, there is at most one wall, so how can others not hear it, but at least the next room can hear it.

For example, Yi Dachuan who just came back from the next room.

"Gao Lan! What happened!"

Yi Dachuan became nervous all of a sudden, then slammed on the door quickly, holding the doorknob hard to open the person.

Then, opened.

Yi Dachuan was stunned on the spot, he didn't expect that Gao Lan didn't lock the door.

If it was someone else, he would definitely be a thief and lock the door as soon as he entered.

But Gao Lan is different, because in her opinion, she is taking what her boyfriend left for her. Is it wrong? Actually, this is normal. It's not a problem to deal with three or five big men.

Otherwise, wouldn't she have lost her reputation as a female man because of her confidence in her own strength, and her anxiety about the piece of paper in the bottle made her forget to lock the door immediately.

And Gao Lan, she didn't notice Yi Dachuan who pushed in the door.

She just opened the letter from two thousand years ago and read it silently.

Indeed, this is a love letter written by Fang Tianfeng to her, telling his love.

Even if this letter is from two thousand years ago.

Originally it was just a suspicion, but Gao Lan has now confirmed that Fang Tianfeng has indeed crossed over, and he has returned to two thousand years ago.

More importantly, I don't know what happened, but Fang Tianfeng became Qin Shihuang by accident! Fang Tianfeng didn't find Xiaoyue when he became Qin Shihuang, so Gao Lan didn't know how he became Qin Shihuang.

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