But it's not important, what's important is that Fang Tianfeng's bastard actually opened a harem in ancient times! Even if he looks like himself, Fang Tianfeng still has a conscience.

Even after the first moment of time travel, she was the one who thought of her, and immediately found a girl who looked exactly like her.

But then Fang Tianfeng let go of himself more and more, maybe it was Xiaoyue who looked exactly the same as himself but seemed very weak and contributed to Fang Tianfeng's arrogance.

In short, Fang Tianfeng is now a lot of women, including Qin Shihuang's daughter, who has not let go! This beast! Ghost father! Gao Lan was about to explode at that time, you just need to find Xiaoyue, anyway, he looks like her. Model Yi Yang.

But he still went to find other women, even the daughter of Qin Shihuang! You are their father!

Chapter 216 Dialogue! (please subscribe)

Chapter 216 ━━━━━━━━Dialogue! Please subscribe to "Husband."

Xiaoyue woke up from her sleep, naked with a delicate white body, and hugged Fang Tianfeng beside her tightly.

And Fang Tianfeng, at this time, was still connected with Lu Su who was beside him.

After all, I haven't seen each other for a long time, and it's normal for a long absence to win a new marriage.

"Are you having a nightmare?"

Fang Tianfeng pulled it out, put the girl in his arms gently, turned around and hugged Xiaoyue, and asked softly.

It's not yet dawn, at most five o'clock: 5:.

If it wasn't for a nightmare, Fang Tianfeng couldn't figure out why Xiaoyue woke up so quickly.

After all, I had tossed for so long last night and was so tired. From 8:3 to [-]:[-], I only slept for three hours[-].


Xiaoyue shook her head slightly, her lips slightly opened but she didn't know what to say.

There was a hint of hesitation in his eyes, but Fang Tianfeng's concerned eyes were caught in his eyes, but he was unwilling to hide it, and said softly, "I, I had a very strange dream last night."

"Strange Dreams"

Fang Tianfeng was stunned for a moment, but did not respond for a while.

Since it's not a nightmare, what kind of dream would be very strange "I, I dreamed of myself."

Xiaoyue said softly, but shook her head again, "No, it should be someone who looks exactly like me, she, she seems to have dug up the pottery pot you buried yesterday...

Besides, there is a man behind her following her."


Fang Tianfeng was at a loss, unable to understand what Xiaoyue meant.

But then he reacted, because there is indeed a person who looks exactly like Xiaoyue! Gao Lan! The one two thousand years later... Gao Lan! In other words, Xiaoyue dreamed of Gao Lan, although she guessed that Xiaoyue was. .. Gao Lan's previous life, but why is it unreasonable for Xiaoyue to dream of Gao Lan! If Gao Lan dreamed of Xiaoyue, it can be understood, it can be said that Gao Lan awakened the memory of Xiaoyue's previous life.

But this Xiaoyue dreamed of Gao Lan, this is completely unreasonable! It's not scientific! Fang Tianfeng shook his head and put the back of his head.

Forget it, what kind of science are you talking about at this time? It’s strange to have a dream when you travel through time, and science is already dead. Newton’s coffin has been covered. Where does the science come from? She was already [-]% sure that what Xiaoyue dreamed of was... Gao Lan, but she still wanted to confirm, and hurriedly asked, "Xiaoyue, do you have...a girl? What's her name?"

"That, that...,"

Xiaoyue frowned slightly, as if recalling the scene in her dream, "I really want to hear that... the man who followed her called her name, like Gao, Gao Lan"

Sure enough, Fang Tianfeng knew it, exactly as he had guessed.

Xiaoyue definitely dreamed of Gao Lan, and others might forget it as a strange dream.

But Fang Tianfeng was absolutely convinced that Xiaoyue was definitely dreaming of Gao Lan.

"Furthermore, she also shattered the glass bottle that her husband buried."

Xiaoyueqiong's nose wrinkled slightly, as if she didn't like Gao Lan's rude way, but she thought of something and looked at Fang Tianfeng timidly, "Is the letter that husband wrote yesterday for her?"


Fang Tianfeng looked at the girl's timid expression and nodded lightly, "You saw the content of that letter"


Xiaoyue nodded, but shook her head again, "I, I saw it, but I don't understand."

"It's ok."

Fang Tianfeng smiled slightly, then hugged the girl tightly, and said softly, "Don't think so much, you will always be my Concubine Moon.

Xiaoyue is Xiaoyue, Gao Lan is Gao Lan, understand?"


Xiaoyue nodded lightly, a little sweet in her heart.

She knew that Fang Tianfeng was worried about herself, worried that she would misunderstand.

After all, a woman who looked exactly like him suddenly appeared, and Fang Tianfeng wrote a love letter to her.

Most people think that they are a substitute for the other party, and Fang Tianfeng is also afraid that Xiaoyue will misunderstand, so he wants to solve the misunderstanding in advance.

..........How much...The couple started with a little misunderstanding that I don't know why, and finally got into a mess, broken five, the mirror can't be...  Re-round.

Although Fang Tianfeng felt that such a thing was unlikely to happen with Xiaoyue's character, it was better to clear up the misunderstanding.

"Wait a minute, how does Gao Lan know where I buried my love letter?"

Fang Tianfeng was relieved to see that Xiaoyue didn't care, for fear that Xiaoyue would misunderstand and cause some unnecessary trouble.

But then the nerves were instantly tense, and the brows were furrowed.

Xiaoyue dreamed of Gao Lan, so she could see Gao Lan dug up what he buried yesterday.

Then how did Gao Lan know so accurately that he buried things, and the location is not to say, Gao Lan also dreamed of Xiaoyue, and then saw him and Xiaoyue go to bury things together, so the problem is, Gao Lan, she How much did she know, or when did she start dreaming about Xiaoyue's Fang Tianfeng, who was sweating profusely for a while, and this time, is it over? Got one!

Chapter 217 Dialogue!Down! (please subscribe)

Chapter 217 ━━━━━━━━Dialogue! Next! After all, I dreamed of him so many times, and I dug up the love letter he buried, proving that her dream was real.

If you are still not sure, then you really have to doubt the size of Gao Lan's European style.

Fang Tianfeng suddenly had a headache, he opened a harem in ancient times, but was surrounded by his real girlfriend all the way.

What kind of thing is this special meow! Obviously he and Gao Lan haven't done it yet, but suddenly they have done it countless times with other girls.

Even Shuangfei, 3,, depends on how much time there is on that day.

However, these............ are all seen as "Seven-Three-Three"


"Xiaoyue, you said there was a man following Gao Lan"

Fang Tianfeng suddenly frowned and asked with some doubts.


Xiaoyue nodded lightly and said softly, "That..., it's not actually tracking.

I saw that he and Gao Lan's sister came to Pei County together, and then, they seemed to find a place called a hotel to stay.

But I haven't seen any of those things, and they have strange names."

"Sister Gao Lan took advantage of the darkness to run to the place where we buried something under the city gate, and then dug it out.

And that man followed behind Sister Gao Lan.

He thought that Sister Gao Lan didn't find it, but in fact it was discovered long ago, it's just that Sister Gao Lan ignored him."

Fang Tianfeng listened to Xiaoyue's narration and was basically determined.

The man she was talking about was... Yi Dachuan.

However, Fang Tianfeng did not expect Xiaoyue's dream to be so long.

She even dreamed of Yi Dachuan waiting for her downstairs in Gao Lan, according to the time span, at least from 1:[-] in the morning to [-]:[-] in the evening.

However, Xiaoyue didn't go to bed until two o'clock last night, and slept for less than three hours.

In other words, the time in the dream is much longer than in reality.

Moreover, Xiaoyue called Sister Gao Lan in such a hurry, but Fang Tianfeng had a headache.

How can I explain to Gao Lan that I thought he was in the dark and Gao Lan was in the light, so I could fool Gao Lan into believing in himself.

But now, Gao Lan has seen everything he did.

"and many more...."

Fang Tianfeng suddenly widened his eyes, looked at the puzzled eyes of the girl in his arms, and asked, "You mean, you dreamed that Gao Lan fell asleep, and then you woke up"


Xiaoyue nodded lightly, and asked with a cute crooked little puzzled, "Husband, is there any problem?"

The problem is big! Fang Tianfeng has a bitter smile on the corner of his mouth, looking at the girl in front of him quite.

He was basically certain that Gao Lan fell into a dream the moment Xiaoyue woke up, which meant that it was very likely that Gao Lan was watching him hold Xiaoyue in his dream, and even inserted him into Xiaoyue's body.

It's so embarrassing, it's so frustrating.

Naked rape on the bed! Moreover, it is certain that their conversation just now has been clearly heard by Gao Lan, word for word.

So, it's a joke! Gao Lan woke up from sleep, and Xiaoyue just fell asleep, and then dreamed of everything Gao Lan did from waking up to falling asleep at night.

However, just as Gao Lan fell asleep, Xiaoyue woke up.

Then, I also saw what happened to him and Satsuki now.

Moreover, I am afraid that it will not be until Xiaoyue falls asleep.


Fang Tianfeng let out a long sigh, what is this special meow! However, what made him even more upset was the so-called friend Yi Dachuan.

Your friend's wife can't be bullied, don't you know? You went to Gao Lan's downstairs early in the morning to be courteous, and then ran to Peixian County. You are totally... Your friend's wife is welcome! How could you be blind in the first place? We became friends, but fortunately, Gao Lan is single-minded to herself.... So she would rather go all the way to Pei County to dig up the love letter he buried, just to prove that he is still alive and living well in ancient times. Opened the harem... Fang Tianfeng's face became stiff, and this special cat fell into an infinite loop! But forget it, anyway... Yi Dachuan, the licking dog, has realized his mistake, and his consciousness It was the indestructible love between Fang Tianfeng and Gao Lan.

Damn licking dog, although it is very arrogant, but after this blow, it is estimated that it will not recover.

"Little Moon."

Fang Tianfeng thought to himself, but when he regained his senses, he saw Xiaoyue looking at him with concern.

A bold idea suddenly came to his heart, Fang Tianfeng looked at the beauty in his arms affectionately, "Gao Lan, if you are here, then listen to me."

"Wait a minute: after Satsuki falls asleep, then you might be pushed out and wake up.

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