Because Tuan is definitely not able to exist anymore.

Queen Tuan is always a disaster, don't look at her now admit defeat, but the ghost knows what she wants to do in the future.

Simply, he directly forced King Tu'an to enter the dynasty.

Otherwise, they will send troops to Tuan and destroy his whole family.

Two months later, when King Tuan accepted the award and became the county governor, everything was settled.

And knowing this time, Queen Tuan was released from Yu Shu's bedroom.

Of course, this bedroom can no longer be used.

Therefore, Yu Shu changed to a new bedroom.

However, not long after the stability, the border crossing was in a hurry, and the Xiongnu detained the border.

Fang Tianfeng felt a bit of a headache, the construction of the Great Wall had reached the last critical juncture.

Once the Great Wall is repaired, there is no need to worry about the threat of the Huns.

Unless, they can really get down and dismount, and loot across the Great Wall.

And the Huns also knew that they could never let Da Qin repair the Great Wall.

Therefore, the number of attacks by the Huns has been increasing recently, with the purpose of delaying or even hindering the construction of the Great Wall.

Also, it is very effective.

Daqin was still unstable, so Fang Tianfeng decided to send Meng Tian to the north.

In the original history, Meng Tian was able to flee the embarrassed killing of the Huns, and he can still do it now.

Therefore, it is undoubtedly the most effective to let Meng Tian attack.

However, Fang Tianfen was still thinking about what Cui Wen said a while ago.

Heaven is watching him.

Fang Tianfeng knew very well that he did not come here legally, but illegally.

Even if it is smuggled through the door, but a thief is... a thief.

If not found, the thief is still a thief.

When discovered, the thief becomes a robber.

Does Tiandao have any... Pay attention to yourself, Fang Tianfeng doesn't know, and Cui Wenzi doesn't know either.

If Cui Wenzi really knew, he wouldn't have to work hard to test Fang Tianfeng.

Fang Tianfeng originally wanted his daughter to inherit his Great Qin, and was not prepared to let Qin Ershi die.

Although it won't last forever, it will take at least a few hundred years.

He is also ambitious, even if he abdicates himself, he can secretly help his daughter... No, he secretly helps his daughter.

Not only will the Xiongnu in the north be destroyed, but they will also advance westward and attack Europe through the Western Regions! However, now that this incident has occurred, Fang Tianfeng decided to slow down for the time being.

He wants to test it out, to test the tolerance of Heavenly Dao for him, or to test the bottom line of Heavenly Dao.

According to the news from Gao Lan, the history of Daqin has not been completely changed.

It was Qin II who died, and Liu Bang established the Han Dynasty.

But Fang Tianfeng understood that it was because he had not experienced that time.

If he can stay in power forever, then this history will cease to exist, and the history in Gao Lan's memory will be changed again.

0 So, this is not reliable.

Temptation is not so easy, after all, the object of temptation is the way of heaven.

Whether there is a way of heaven... pay attention to himself, Fang Tianfeng doesn't want to test, because this is a test with life.

According to Cui Wenzi, history must keep moving forward.

What does this mean? According to Fang Tianfeng's understanding, it means that the Qin Dynasty must be destroyed and the Han Dynasty must be established.

History is constantly advancing, Fang Tianfeng can continue the life of the Qin Dynasty, but it will eventually perish.

Because from the Qin Dynasty to the Han Dynasty, it was the pace of historical progress.

........... Even if the details are changed, the general trend of history is unstoppable.

In this way, no matter what you do now, isn't it in vain? Anyway... the Qin Dynasty is about to perish, so what's the point of that? So, Fang Tianfeng thought, should he change his face and change the dynasty himself.

Now I am Qin Shi Huang, so the Qin Dynasty is still there:.

When the Qin Dynasty really had to perish in a few years, he changed his identity again, and then changed the country name of Daqin to Dahan.

If this is the case, logically speaking, it seems to be all-inclusive at most, that is... let the historians fake it, and say that the Han Dynasty was actually established after the destruction of the Daqin.

It's not wrong to say that, after all, changing the country's name itself means the demise of Da Qin.

Fang Tianfeng had already made up his mind, to try frantically on the verge of death, as long as he tried to compare to death, he would do it to death.

If it was really feasible, he would not have to start from scratch in the next dynasty.

The Great Han Empire, which directly inherited everything from Great Qin, is definitely stronger than it is now.

Of course, all of this is based on the premise that the test is feasible.

Chapter 247 Squeeze Your Strength! (please subscribe)

Chapter 247 ━━━━━━━━ Squeeze your full strength! Please subscribe Fang Tianfeng suddenly thinks of Yi Xiaochuan, the authentic traveler.

It stands to reason that he is just a stowaways, and Yi Xiaochuan is the real one.

Does Tiandao exist... Fang Tianfeng doesn't know when he looks at himself, but he knows that this candidate was not chosen by Tiandao, but by Cui Wenzi.

However, Fang Tianfeng didn't know what Yi Xiaochuan's situation was now.

But it doesn't matter, anyway... If you want to test the bottom line of Heavenly Dao, then simply start with Yi Xiaochuan.

Anyway, Yi Xiaochuan came from modern times, and he often opposes himself. He is a rival in love, a "[-]"

Thinking about him all day long.

This made Fang Tianfeng very upset and wanted to teach him a lesson for a long time:.

And now that his identity has been settled, he is not afraid anymore.

Anyway... Yi Xiaochuan wasn't a good person at first, but he actually pretended to be Meng Tian's younger brother, and delusionally wanted to unite with Gao Yao to disrupt the government.

Fang Tianfeng has no pressure at all to squeeze him. Since he wants to use it, he must use it to the end.


Fang Tianfeng said slowly, "Order Meng Tian to step up the training of the Meng family's army, and order the north to defend the Great Wall to attack the Huns.

The Xiongnu and the Rongdi were different.

The Great Celestial Dynasty has been centered on the Central Plains since ancient times.

Dongyi, Xirong, Nanbarian, Beidi, Sifang tribes, all in all, they are all a group of uneducated savages who are looked down upon by the Central Plains.

The Huns were also a part of the Rong and Di, or the most powerful of the Rong and Di.

However, the Xiongnu could not replace the entire Rong and Di, and others such as Donghu, Yuezhi, Wusun, etc., were also a relatively big threat.

After all, for them, like the Xiongnu, when winter comes, they have to come to Daqin to fight the autumn wind.

During the Warring States Period, the Huns were actually not too powerful.

Originally, there were many Rong Di not only in the outer regions, but also in the Central Plains.

At that time, the Rong and Di were almost all over North and Northwest China, but these... The fate of the Rong and Di was either annexed by the princes or driven away by the princes of China.

After all, this is the hinterland of the Central Plains, and foreign interference cannot be tolerated. During the Warring States Period, the once powerful Loufan was finally destroyed by King Zhao Wuling.

But people don't die, so these people run away.

However, the closest to them was the Xiongnu, so they half-forced and half-general to join the Xiongnu, allowing them to grow further.

Therefore, in the late Warring States period, the Yuezhi in the Hexi Corridor, the Xiongnu in the middle, and the Donghu in the east of Inner Mongolia rose one after another.

The strongest among them is the Huns.

And the Xiongnu, Yuezhi and Donghu, these three strategic depths are thousands of miles deep.

Coupled with the vast area and sparsely populated, Daqin's army is easy to get lost if they enter, basically... After chasing in, Rong Di rode a horse and flew a kite, and the last one could not come back.

Therefore, you can only passively defend and cannot actively attack.

The [-] Mengjia troops on the front line of the Great Wall in the north were to guard the Great Wall and prevent the invasion of Rong and Di.

One third of the entire Daqin army was to guard against the Rong and Di, which shows the strength of the Rong and Di.

The situation in the southern barbarians is more complicated, because there are many mountains and forests in the south, and there is also a miasma.

Entering the desert steppe, at most... being a kite.

But if the horse runs fast, there is a chance to counterattack a wave of 0.... And because of the smoothness of the horse, even if Rong Di intends to attack, it will definitely be discovered in advance.

Even if it is suddenly attacked, as long as the formation is set up, the problem is not really big:.

However, Nanban is different.

Nanman would burrow into the woods whenever he had something to do, and coupled with the complicated terrain, the formation of the army could not be used at all.

If you rush in, the possibility of getting lost is even higher than in the desert.

After all, you can still see the sun in the desert to tell the direction, but you can't even see the sun in the woods.

In addition, the southern barbarians are not short of food, although they will invade the Daqin border, but it is not necessary.

Therefore, as long as there is a large army guarding the border, they generally do not take the initiative to invade.

In order to deal with the Nanman and Dongyi, Daqin stationed [-] troops here.

The entire Daqin army was only a million troops, and the troops guarding the north were only [-], but it took [-] to deal with the Nanman.

It was enough to see that Nanman was actually not weaker than Rongdi, and with the advantages of terrain, the situation was even more complicated.

It's just that the barbarians and the Rong Di have different goals in invading the Central Plains.

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