Rong Di is purely once a year, every winter 4.

6 All will go south to plunder food.

As for the barbarians, they really wanted to invade Daqin, and they wanted to occupy the territory.

Because of the superior environment of the Central Plains, although the dense forests where the southern barbarians lived provided them with protection, the Daqin army could not wantonly encircle and suppress them.

However, the complex environment of the jungle also poses a great threat to their lives.

In addition, the Rong and Di were all cavalry, while most of the Nanman were infantry.

Therefore, the Great Wall could only be built in the north to prevent the cavalry of the Rong and Di from invading and looting, but it had little effect against the southern barbarians.

For this reason, the north with the Great Wall only needs [-] troops, but the south needs [-] troops to guard.

Chapter 248 Reuse! ?superior! (please subscribe)

Chapter 248 ━━━━━━━ Reuse! Go! Please subscribe to "What Your Majesty asked me to stop Rong Di"

Yi Xiaochuan's eyes widened with an expression of disbelief.

He really couldn't believe that although he was a general, he was only a general guarding the palace gate.

Now he suddenly wants him to lead the army to fight, or directly serve as a general, to confront Rong Di in the north.

What the hell "Your Majesty's will is...that's it."

Meng Tian rubbed his temples tiredly, he was really busy these days.

Especially the matter of Yi Xiaochuan made his heart break.

And now, His Majesty has directly noticed Meng Tian, ​​and has directly ordered Yi Xiaochuan to serve as Meng Tian's lieutenant.

Although it is said to be a lieutenant general, but the division of labor is different, in fact, Yi Xiaochuan is... a general.

Why because the decree 04 given by the first emperor is to let Meng Tian go north to fight against the Xiongnu, and Yi Xiaochuan is Di Rong! What does it mean...except......the Xiongnu Donghu and Yuezhi are all within the scope of Yi Xiaochuan's attack , and what is even worse is that there is a Huns sandwiched between the two.

The Huns were the closest to Da Qin, but Meng Tian had no confidence in destroying the Huns, let alone Yuezhi and Donghu.

Without him, the desert is really too big.

These are all nomadic tribes, they are all day and night, and they can't even figure out where their base camp is. How could it be possible to wipe out such an important task as Meng Tian? People will have two words.

But Yi Xiaochuan is different. He has never been on the battlefield, nor has he led an army to fight.

However, His Majesty appointed Yi Xiaochuan as a general. This is why "These days, you follow me to the Mengjia Army to learn the art of war."

Meng Tian sighed helplessly and stood up slowly, "You don't have to guard the palace gate, someone will take your place.

This mansion is still yours and will not change.

It's just that your position will change, and you will be my lieutenant from today."

"It's really not that Yi Xiaochuan, who you mentioned to His Majesty, actually believed Meng Tian's appearance, and looked at him suspiciously.

Without him, Meng Tian always wanted Yi to join the Meng family army and let him help take charge of the Meng family army.

After all, this is the result of the efforts of several generations of the Meng family, and it is impossible to hand it over to others.

Meng Yi is Meng Tian's younger brother.

If you want Meng Yi to grow up as soon as possible, fighting is... the fastest.

"I said I won't force you if I won't force you,"

Meng Tian shook his head and smiled bitterly, "This time, it is indeed His Majesty's will, and I only received the news just now."

Meng Tian left quickly, but there were actually some things he didn't tell Yi Xiaochuan.

For example, Meng Tian was very sure that the reason why Meng Yi was noticed by His Majesty this time was actually because of what happened last time.

Although Meng Tian tried his best to eliminate the influence, this was after all a collusion inside and outside the palace, how could it be so easy to eliminate the eunuch in charge and the general guarding the palace gate for selfishness, and even a county magistrate was involved.

This matter is ridiculous, and after Zhao Gao, the single county magistrate, died, the matter became a big one.

Since the First Emperor killed Zhao Gao, it must be a lie that he did not notice Gao Yao and Yi Xiaochuan.

As long as you pay attention, even if there is no action at the time, it must be settled after the fact.

It's as if the reckoning has already begun.

Others want to unite with Gao Yao, but it doesn't really matter.

However, this Gao Ruo was sent into the palace through his Meng Tian's hand, and his Meng family was a big family under one person and more than [-] people in Daqin.

The higher the status, the easier it is to cause the emperor's taboos and suspicions.

Therefore, Meng Tian has always been impartial, basically ignored the affairs of the DPRK and China, and never formed a party for personal gain.

He just concentrates on training his own army, and expands the territory for the Qin Dynasty, protects the homeland and defends the country.

Therefore, the first emperor was also very at ease with the Meng family.

However, the appearance of Meng Yi broke this balance and put the entire Meng family on the cusp of the storm.

Meng Tian felt that if he couldn't find a way to eliminate the suspicion of the first emperor, the Meng family might be doomed.

So, he came to the palace and asked to see the first emperor.

"Sinner Meng Tian, ​​please see Your Majesty in 740."

Meng Tian lowered his head, holding a stack of papers in his hand.

"What does Meng Aiqing mean?"

Fang Tianfeng looked at Meng Tian with a surprised look on his face, and said in surprise, "Meng Aiqing suddenly came to see me today, but said to himself that he was guilty. What's wrong with Meng Aiqing?"

"Meng Yi, the younger brother of the sinner, colluded with the palace chief eunuch Gao Yao to try to disrupt the government. This is disloyalty."

Meng Tian revealed it directly, and said very seriously and solemnly, "The son does not teach his father's faults, although the father has passed away, the eldest brother is like his father.

Meng Yi did something wrong, and as my brother, I must be responsible for his actions.

Please also punish Your Majesty!"

"Meng Aiqing is serious,"

Fang Tianfeng laughed dumbly, "General Meng Yi and Gao Ruo are old acquaintances, I already knew it at this time.

The two of them are good friends in themselves, and how can it be considered a collusion, let alone that General Meng Yi has been exiled since childhood and was recently found.

Although they are in the same line as the Meng family, they have received the education of the Meng family.

He has done something wrong, and he doesn't need General Meng Tian, ​​you have suffered on his behalf."

Chapter 249 Reuse!Down? ! (please subscribe)

Chapter 249 ━━━━━━━━Reuse! Next! Although it sounds nice to ask for a subscription, Meng Tian doesn't believe a single punctuation mark.

The emperor can play sloppy eyes with you and talk nonsense with you, but you can't.

If the emperor comforts you, you will be a fart.

in spite of....

Whoever did it wrong, anyway... it must be your fault, the emperor is never wrong.

Meng Tian knew this very well, so he didn't believe what Fang Tianfeng said at all.

Even if it seems reasonable.

But in fact, Meng Tian could see that Fang Tianfeng was threatening him.

"His Majesty."

Meng Tian respectfully held up a stack of paper in his hand, "My Meng family army is about to go north to fight against Rong Di. This is the list of generals of the Meng family army."


Fang Tianfeng was stunned for a moment, and then took the list from Meng Tian, ​​"Meng Aiqing, it's.... I have a heart."

"In addition, these generals work for my Meng family army, and my Meng family is also obliged to protect their relatives for them."

Meng Tian's attitude was still respectful, and he continued, "It's just that now the Meng family army is about to send troops, it is really impossible to allocate extra troops to protect their family members.

My minister, I implore Your Majesty to send troops to protect you."


Fang Tianfeng nodded with satisfaction, "I agree."

This is totally... an unexpected joy, Fang Tianfeng promises that he has absolutely no intention of targeting Meng Tian.

He was just unhappy with Yi Xiaochuan, so he wanted to transfer him away from Xianyang and let him blow the northwest wind on the Great Wall.

But Meng Tian and Fang Tianfeng never doubted his loyalty.

Because, this is a typical representative of a monarch who wants a minister to die and his minister has to die.

Because of an edict from the First Emperor, he ignored the army of [-] and committed suicide.

For such a person, Fang Tianfen has nothing to worry about, and now, Meng Tian directly took the initiative to hand over the list of the main generals of the Meng Family Army and their families into his own hands.

What this means means that the Meng family army will no longer be the Meng family army of the Meng family from now on.

Unless they don't want their relatives, they must obey Fang Tianfeng's orders completely.

I have to say, Meng Tian is really too.

Although Fang Tianfeng trusts Meng Tian very much, but trust belongs to trust.

Tian took the initiative to give the handle to himself, and he had no reason not to accept it.

Because if you don't accept it now, there will be no reason to accept it in the future.

Rather than... a hypocritical rejection, it is better to accept it directly to make both parties feel more at ease.

Meng Tian doesn't need to worry about what will happen to him, nor does he worry about what Yi Xiaochuan can do.

Because, the whole family of Meng Jiajun's wives, children and children are all in Fangtianli.

If there is any change, I will kill your whole family.

Meng Tian left contentedly, because then he could do what he wanted to do with confidence and boldness.

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