But it was also more than two years ago, and two years were enough to smooth out a lot of memories, especially those that were not very deep in the first place.

She can clearly remember Gao Lan, because Gao Lan means a lot to her, and she looks exactly the same as herself.

But for.. all of these modern times, she has not been exposed to it in the two years of ancient times.

So for Xiaoyue, these things are actually no different from seeing them for the first time.

As for Fang Tianfeng, he just walked slowly into Gao Lan's room.

Everything was the same as when he left, almost nothing changed.

But that's right, it's only been less than two months since Hyundai, how much has changed? So, Fang Tianfeng opened the closet with ease.

Of course, it was Gao Lan's wardrobe, and the wardrobe was also full of women's clothing.

By the way, Xiaoyue is still wearing ancient clothes.

"Xiaoyue, have you heard of it?"

Fang Tianfeng looked at the girl beside him who looked at him puzzled, and showed a meaningful smile.


Xiaoyue shook her head. It was the first time she came to Hyundai, and she couldn't even recognize simplified characters, so how could she understand English? "Well, it doesn't matter if you haven't heard of it."

Fang Tianfeng felt that it didn't matter, but he took out a set of uniforms.

Well, uniforms.

He bought them all for Gao Lan before, although he can't, but it's good to see the temptation of the uniform.

And now, even if it's Xiaoyue, it's still fun to play, isn't it? The salary of the auto repair shop is actually not high, one is only three thousand yuan, after all, it is only 08.

After ten years, it will actually be six or seven thousand.

Six or seven thousand, looks a lot, but this is Beijing! Consumption is very high! So, this salary is really nothing.

But Gao Lan likes it, so I just leave it to her.

Although the Gao family is not rich and noble, in fact, they do not have to worry about food, clothing and housing.

Although there is no car, but there is a house, it was left by Gao Yao and Gao Lan's parents.

Of course, it can't be considered that their parents earned it by themselves, it should be said that they were given away by demolition.

But apart from...a house, I don't have much savings.

Therefore, it has also caused the habit of high-profile petty theft, and always likes to take some small advantages.

Even if he is not short of money now, he can't help it.

Maybe it's just a habit that can't be changed.

Working in an auto repair shop isn't really that tiring.

If you have a car, you can repair it, and if you don't have a car, you can rest.

Coupled with Gao Lan's deep love for cars, she is also very happy.

By the way, the Yi family is really rich.

Yi Xiaochuan's parents divorced, Yi Xiaochuan followed Yi's mother, and Yi Dachuan followed Professor Yi.

However, although the parents are divorced, the two brothers often communicate with each other. Of course, Yi Dachuan rarely goes to see Yi's mother, but Yi Xiaochuan often goes to Professor Yi's house to play.

The wealth of the Yi family is not something to talk about. Although they are engaged in archaeological work, can anyone do this work? What's more, Professor Yi is also an archaeologist of the national civilization. The name of Professor is not... whatever you want to call it. of.

Yi Xiaochuan put it bluntly, he has never had a serious job.

Waves all day and night, and wherever there is something he can do, he will wave.

Either go to a bar or travel.

Even so, his car is a Wrangler.

The two-door version of the Sahara model, the appearance modification parts imitate the two-door version of the Wrangler Robin Hood model.

It can be said that this is one of the best off-road vehicles in the world.

And the price of this off-road vehicle plus the modification fee of seven, seven, eighty-eight, at least 2! [-] for [-] years! You know that Yi Xiaochuan doesn't have a job, but even so he can still afford it of luxury cars.

A family's financial resources can 4.

6 I figured it out.

Even if there are not hundreds of millions, there are still tens of millions.

Otherwise, how could it be possible to buy a luxury car of nearly one million for Yi Xiaochuan who just entered the society. It can be said that in the original book, Yi Xiaochuan can be with Gao Lan, and there are certain reasons for this car.

Don't get me wrong, not because of money, but because of the car.

Gao Lan, but she likes racing cars.

Of course, although Fang Tianfeng has no money and no car, he is just...successful.

So, compared to the car, it is actually more important to look at the appearance.

: Push the old book, the protagonist's halo.

: The myth is almost over, and I will write about the great man and the emperor next.

Chapter 268 ━━━━━━━━━ Dream! (please subscribe)

Chapter 268 ━━━━━━━━ Dream! Even though it is an auto repair shop, this auto repair shop is not luxurious.

It's not the kind of coquettish cheap goods that can be made for hundreds of thousands of dollars. It can be said to be low-key luxury and connotation in the true sense.

Including the equipment and decoration in the store, there are at least millions or even tens of millions.

It's definitely the best on the market right now.

Moreover, the cars that come here to repair are also luxury cars.

At least, they are all off-road vehicles like Yi Xiaochuan that are close to one million.

It can only be said that Gao Lan's classmate and best friend's family is really proud.

Even if you have top-of-the-line equipment, compared to these things, the more important thing is your connections.

Without personal connections and connections, why would someone come to you to fix a car even if they have a car? It's not just you who have top-notch equipment.

Of course, Fang Tianfeng doesn't know who Gao Lan's co-04 is.

He only needs to know that Gao Lan's classmate is her best friend, a girl from the same dormitory in college.

Therefore, he is not worried that someone will pry his corner.

And if the girl wants to pry his corner, isn't that more exciting? Come on! The front is just right! The auto repair shop not only has equipment, but even has a special lounge.

So, it's more like enjoyment rather than a part-time job.

Where ordinary part-time workers have this kind of treatment, the existence of the lounge can be regarded as a preparedness. Some people's car repairs are not difficult, but they also take time.

And the owner of the car probably has nothing else to do, so just wait here.

So sometimes, I will rest in the upstairs lounge.

Well, yes, upstairs.

The whole building is owned by the owner of the auto repair shop.

Rather than... saying that he opened an auto repair shop to make money, it would be better to say that he disliked the empty first floor and was boring, so he simply opened a store.

It doesn't matter if you make money or not, just to have a business.

Of course, it's one thing to not care about money, but it's another thing to be silly.

Don't care about the money, it doesn't mean that he has to pay higher prices for the employees in the store, because there is no need for it.

This is not a charity organization, it would be nice to work for you.

And Gao Lan, at this moment, is resting in the lounge.

Although she is also an employee here, she is actually the best friend of the owner's daughter.

So, it should be a little privileged.

She really needed a good night's sleep, the previous Fang Tianfeng and Gao Yao had never had a good night's sleep.

In the next ten days, because of the connection with Xiaoyue, I often got up to find news for Xiaoyue.

In addition, when I fell asleep, it seemed like I was playing a real-life game of mode.

Therefore, although the body is rested when sleeping, the spirit is still a little tired.

But this is also because she is still not used to it. After all, it has only been more than ten days, and she has not yet developed a habit.

If you get used to it, you won't be so tired.

And before that, you really need to get a good night's sleep.

However, just after falling asleep, Gao Lan woke up.

Not waking up, but dreaming again.

Originally, Gao Lan thought that she was dreaming of Xiaoyue and Fang Tianfeng in ancient times, but it was not, she dreamed of her own home.

So, it's no wonder that this is just an ordinary dream.

Like a wandering ghost, Gao Lan's perspective floated all the way from the living room.

Hearing the extravagant voice in her ears, she slowly drifted into the bedroom and into her boudoir.

Then she saw herself.

She was wearing a short skirt with a hip wrap! She clearly remembered that dress, it was bought by Fang Tianfeng, and she wanted to show him what the temptation of a uniform is.

However, he was decisively rejected by Gao Lan.

Just kidding, she's like the kind of person who can be a little secret? She doesn't have a good temperament at all! Then, she saw 'self' being thrown onto the bed by a man while the girl screamed.

And very violently tore up her clothes, which shocked Gao Lan.

But soon she calmed down because she recognized the man's figure 747.

It was Fang Tianfeng, that's right.

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