Even if Gao Lan was sleeping, her pretty face was full of ruddy. She would never admit to having a spring dream or something.

However, although she desperately wanted to wake up from her sleep, she could only watch Fang Tianfeng and herself doing all kinds of daring actions on the bed.

How can it be repaired! Obviously she is still a virgin! How could she do such a bold thing! She obviously only helped Fang Tianfeng to bite and wrestle at most! Even if it was Oupai, she didn't do it because she was shy.

Even if it was biting and wrestling, it was only because Fang Tianfeng couldn't hold back that she would be soft-hearted to help him.

However, she was clearly still a virgin, but she witnessed with her own eyes the various poses of herself and Fang Tianfeng in her dreams.

Or, do you actually want to be with Fang Tianfeng in your bones? Is it really so sloppy? Impossible! Absolutely impossible! How could I be like this! It's fake, it's just a dream!

Chapter 269 ━━━━━━━━It is a dream again! (please subscribe)

Chapter 269 ━━━━━━━━It's a dream again! Please subscribe In the dream, Gao Lan witnessed with his own eyes that he was ripped off by the sun, as if he was about to die, rolled his eyes, and looked like he was played badly.

The small mouth containing the white unknown liquid was still there: he muttered, as if he was calling out Fang Tianfeng's name.


Gao Lan was stunned all of a sudden. Husband, this is something that a modern person can shout out. It's not that she hasn't done it before. Although she feels very ashamed, she has to admit it.

It's just that in the past, it was definitely not as real and exciting as this dream, nor would it call the old and shameful title of husband.

However, she cried out.

So Gao Lan even wondered if this was the one who said it herself and called her husband the title of husband, she actually really knew.

Xiaoyue! Yes, it is...Xiaoyue! Every time she dreams, Xiaoyue is like this to the end, her hair is disheveled and her eyes are white.

It's just that when she saw Xiaoyue in the past, she was wearing ancient clothes.

Even if it is delicate silk, it can be seen at a glance that it is ancient clothes.

But now, she is wearing a short wrap skirt! So, sure enough, this is not her but Xiaoyue, Gao Lan breathed a sigh of relief, and sure enough, how could she become: so swaying.

But then, Gao Lan woke up from his sleep.

From a scientific point of view, after a person wakes up from a sleep, the previous dreams will be quickly forgotten.

Even if there is some memory, there is only a vague shadow left, and only a rough memory.

However, when Gao Lan closed his eyes, all that came to his mind was the scene from the dream just now! He was lying on the bed with Ri's eyes turned white and looked like he had been played badly! Not only that, but all the details, even the The size of Oupai and the mysterious area with cloudy liquid were also clearly remembered by her! So, it really wasn't a dream, right? Well, that is... Did Xiaoyue put it on and was played by Fang Tianfeng? "Catch the traitor!"

In Gao Lan's mind, an idiom popped up.... and then he became firm.

"Gao Lan, where are you going?"

Another employee in the store stopped and walked out, and asked quickly.

Gao Lan is very good and beautiful, even if her personality is a little boyish, she is not very strong.

But with her outstanding looks, there will be no shortage of men's pursuit and attention wherever she goes.

Therefore, she had just stepped out of the store, but was already stopped by the staff in the store.

Instead of... saying it was a chance glimpse, in fact... the other party has been looking at her.

"I'll go back."

Gao Lan paused slightly, "I'll be here today, I'll trouble you to deal with the rest of the work first."

Gao Lan didn't get angry, and didn't show the other side a look.

Because she knew very well that the other party liked her, but she had no feelings for the other party.

And the other party is also very sensible, just silently secretly in love, and has never done any news that bothered him.

Although her temper was a bit hot, she was not unreasonable.

The other party just asked politely. Although there is a suspicion that he can pay attention to himself, he is not a voyeur after all.

So, how is it possible to get angry casually? "Okay, okay."

The employee nodded shyly, but his face was a little suspicious.

He likes Gao Lan, so it's not that he hasn't investigated it. He has also heard a lot of information about Gao Lan through his personal investigation.

And the most important one is... Gao Lan actually has a boyfriend.

A man named Fang Tianfeng, moreover, came to the store once.

But in his opinion, that... Fang Tianfeng is actually a scumbag and a scumbag.

Because he has investigated, that... Fang Tianfeng is actually a homeless person without any source of income.

It's just... eating Gao Lan's soft rice, bastard! Even though Gao Lan's family's economic situation is very bad, there is actually a scumbag boyfriend who eats soft rice! But no matter how angry he is, he can only be buried in it. In his heart, he didn't dare to say it directly.

Because this is Gao Lan's own choice anyway, he can only hope that Gao Lan can find and see the true face of that scumbag and realize his own intentions.

So, this is also a licking dog.

Of course, the reason why he could choose 'silent protection' instead of going to a showdown directly.

The main reason was because Fang Tianfeng had been to the store before, and Zhao Zhao also had a conversation with Gao Lan.

He is still impressed.

"Didn't you agree to make up after marriage?"

Of course, Gao Lan's words were said by the other side Tianfeng, but they were written down by him.

What needs to be waited for after marriage? So, when he got the news, he felt relieved.

All of them are young people of school age, they can get married long ago, unless one of them does not want to get married.

For example, Fang Tianfeng.

After all, he is a scumbag, how could he possibly get married? He thought so, so he felt more at ease.

However, what he didn't know was that, apart from... the last step, Fang Tianfeng basically did everything that he had to do.

Chapter 270 ━━━━━━━━━ is back! (please subscribe)

Chapter 270 ━━━━━━━━ is back! Although he has nothing in the end, what he investigates is almost the truth.

For example, Fang Tianfeng does not work all day long.

He really doesn't have a job, and even eats and drinks at Gao Lan's house, just because he is Gao Lan's boyfriend.

Without a job, he is a typical homeless person.

However, this can't be blamed on him! Because, he is a transmigrator! It's not the soul wearing or the replacement, but the wearing! The real wearing! Even now, Fang Tianfeng doesn't know why he is crossing.

All he knew was that he suddenly appeared in the bar.

Then I saw Gao Lan and Yi Xiaochuan, and then inexplicably, inexplicably, he and Yi Xiaochuan went up to compete for Gao Lan with a sudden impulse.

Now that I think about it, it feels a little incredible, where did he have the courage to fight against Yi Xiaochuan at that time, not because he was inferior to his own identity, but because he inferior to his own strength.

Pick up the strength of the girl 750.

After all, he was just an otaku, but Yi Xiaochuan was a battle-hardened playboy. Before Gao Lan, he had [-] official girlfriends and many one-night stands.

And Fang Tianfeng is a place.

So, his courage at that time was really commendable.

However, he simply won.

However, although the successful pursuit has reached Gao Lan, there is another very serious problem.

That is, he is actually a transmigrator.

Transmigrators, in fact, there is another name, stowaways.

He has no identity in this world.

It is neither a replacement nor a soul-piercing. In a modern age with complete information, he doesn't even have an ID card, so where can he get his identity information? If you don't have an ID card, it's okay, then report your ID number.

However, Fang Tianfeng's ID card number does exist, but the ghost knows if he can say that, if he doesn't even have an ID card, does he really dare to go to work? I'm afraid he will be related in the next moment, and even suspect whether he is a spy.

If the thing is hit with a truth or something, then it's all over.

At that time, he is probably going to be the first person to be researched by anatomical slices.

Without an ID card, I dare not work or even open a house.

Therefore, he who doesn't even have a place to live can only go to Gao Lan's house as a dead house.

This kind of ID card is very important for most people, even if it is not used at all in many cases: ID card.

Walking on the street, no police will ask you to take out your ID card for no reason.

So as long as you don't commit any crimes, even if you are a smuggler, no one will trouble you.

But not afraid of ten thousand, just in case, so Fang Tianfeng has been conscientious and basically does not go out much.

However, he is not completely unemployed, at least, although he lives at home, he will also teach himself some things.

For example, robbing a tomb.

Tomb robbing is such a strange thing, even Fang Tianfeng himself can't remember how he learned it.

But after one or two years of precipitation, he was considered a little famous in the tomb robbery circle.

Otherwise, it would not have been his turn to go to the first emperor's tomb before.

However, not having an ID card is still a hard injury, so he has always been very careful in what he does.

The work of robbing tombs is basically considered to be three years without opening and eating for three years.

So although Gao Yao didn't like Fang Tianfeng, he never publicly stated that Gao Lan must kick him away.

Because after all, he is not a parasite of the king of soft rice. Although I have never seen him work, he can still make money.

As long as you have money and you can live a good life, that's fine.

As long as Gao Lan likes it, Gao Ruo won't object.

Gao Lan was walking home. In fact, her home is not far from the auto repair shop where she works.

Otherwise, she wouldn't go to work in an auto repair shop.

Gao Lan's heart is now in a mess.

She didn't know if what she dreamed was true, she subconsciously hoped that it was all true.

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