Although Marquis Yanci is not on the list, the four characters 'Biyancihou' are enough to add to his achievements.

"Han Book Gao Hui Gao Houwen Meritorious Officials List" says: "I am tired of the courtiers, so be careful to stay from the first year of the year."

And a cautious general is equivalent to a future general.

The "Chronicle of the Marquis of Meritorious Officials in the Records of the Grand Historian" says: "Yi Shen will stay since the first year of the previous year, and he will enter the Han Dynasty.

Then the answer is here, he defended Guangwu with the position of commander, so he was named a marquis.

As for Guangwu, many people are not familiar with it, but in other words, many people know it - Chuhe Hanjie.

Guangwu is the realm of Chu River and Han Dynasty in chess.

There is a Guangwu Mountain in Guangwu, and there is a huge gorge from south to northeast on Guangwu Mountain 757, which is called "Guangwu Stream" in history.

, and here is... the battlefield where Chu and Han fought.

At that time, the Han army took advantage of Xiang Yu's attack in the east, sent troops to capture Chenggao, and then stationed troops in Guangwu to prevent Chu from advancing westward.

Xiang Yu, the king of Chu, hurriedly led his troops to the west, and also stationed troops in Guangwu, facing the Han army across the river. The two armies competed here and there for several months. Finally, due to the lack of food for the Chu army, the army's heart was scattered, and Han Xin also sent troops to attack. Chu and Xiang Yu were forced to make peace with Han to "gap"

——"Guangwu Stream"

Divide the world for the world.

At that time, it was... Ailei was here and helped Liu Bang defend Guangwu! It can be said that it was precisely because Ailei was able to defend Guangwu and dragged Xiang Yu's main force that Liu Bang and Xiang Yu were able to divide the world.

He laid the foundation for his future rise and lay the foundation for the Han Dynasty.

It is precisely because of Ai Lei's great achievements that he was able to be awarded the title of Marquis of Yanci, who eats [-] households.

However, unfortunately, the position of Yancihou is not stable at all.

Chapter 022 ━━━━━━━━ Temptation! (please subscribe)

Chapter 022 ━━━━━━━━ Temptation! Please subscribe Liu Bang killed seven kings with different surnames, leaving the King of Changsha alone, and then the Han Dynasty began to recuperate.

Originally, the third emperor of the Han Dynasty should continue the task of destroying the marquis in the future.

However, Empress Lv's dictatorship interrupted Liu Bang's plan, and the plan was not restarted until Empress Lv returned to Heaven and Emperor Wen of Han succeeded to the throne.

"Historical Records Gaozu's Heroes and Hours Chronology" records: "The first year, the first year of Hou He.

In six years, Hou He rebelled and the country was exterminated."

What is Hou He? Hou He refers to Ai Lei's son Ai He, Ai He rebelled, so his whole family was killed.

Why did he rebel because it was not Hou Yanci who rebelled, but Liu Chang, the king of Huainan, the younger brother of Emperor Wen of Han.

Then, inexplicably, a large number of early Han emperors, including Marquis Yanci, were implicated, and all of them were raided and exterminated.

First of all, Emperor Wen's real name was Liu Heng, the son of Liu Bang, his mother was Bo Ji, the younger brother of Emperor Hui of Han Liu Ying, and the fifth emperor of the Western Han Dynasty.

Liu Chang, the king of Huainan, was the youngest son of Liu Bang.

In fact, after Emperor Wen of Han succeeded to the throne, Liu Chang, King of Huainan, was the last son of Liu Bang besides Emperor Wen of Han.

Then, Liu Chang rebelled for no reason.

Rebellion is rebellion, and it was leaked ahead of time, causing a large number of descendants of meritorious lords to die with him.

So, all of this is really a coincidence anyway... Anyway, the Yancihou family is so dead.

So, the new prince of Yanci took over the throne.

By the time of Emperor Jing of the Han Dynasty, the new Marquis of Yanci had already taken root in Yanci.

By the way, the current Marquis Yanci has the surname Liu.

No one among the people of Yanci still remembers that a few decades ago, in fact, the Hou Yanci here was not named Liu, but Ai.

As for Fang Tianfeng, he came to Yanci this time, and one of the purposes was for the descendants of Hou Yanci.

Because it happened to be the period of the rabbit meeting, so the Hou Chi Hou was very lively at this time.

Except...a group of people who are keen to catch rabbits, more people are enjoying the festive holiday in Yanci City.

It's like at this moment, there are still a group of people performing lion dances and juggling on the street.

Fang Tianfeng was not interested in these, but felt very bored.

He was just walking on the street, looking for a fortune teller among the vendors, called Dongfang Shuo.

Unfortunately, it was not found.

On the contrary, Zhang Gu's four people 4 appear to be nothing.

They have always grown up in Chang'an, just like Fang Tianfeng has never been out of the palace, and they have never been out of Chang'an.

Because they are all the eldest sons in the family without exception, and they all belong to the family.

Unlike those... dandy children, their tutors are all.

To accompany the prince to study, there is no time to play at all.

So in the face of this lively scene, their faces were filled with excited smiles.

Even a small lion dance can make them applaud.

But that's right, after all, it's a group of teenagers, so it's normal to be so excited.

However, Fang Tianfeng's patience was almost exhausted, and he couldn't find Dongfang Shuo after walking around all day.

Not to mention fortune-telling on this street, not even a swashbuckling genius doctor Bian Que could be found.

Then, Fang Tianfeng found someone.

Someone who has been following them.

Fang Tianfeng is also half a cultivator, and he has also learned a lot about martial arts.

So, how could someone follow him and he wouldn't find out, not to mention, the other party's dress is so outstanding.

His hair was disheveled, he was dressed in black, and the vicious expression on his face made it clear that he was a killer.

Since Fang Tianfeng and others entered the city, this guy has been following them.

Originally, Fang Tianfeng was still a little puzzled, but when he recalled the plot of the original book, he suddenly realized.

Because he remembered, this person should be the confidant of King Liang.

This time I came to Yanci to find an opportunity to unite with Hou Yanci and kill him, the prince.


When the sound of the horse's roar from behind came into his ears, Fang Tianfeng knew that it was the man who made the move.

The out-of-control horses scurried on the street, and all the passersby hid on both sides of the street in panic.

And this horse has already rammed straight towards Fang Tianfeng! So, can you think of a better way to kill someone, "Young Master, be careful!"

Li Ling was the first to discover the situation and was the first to stand in front of Fang Tianfeng in a hurry.

After all, he is behind the gate, after all, his grandfather is the flying general Li Guang.

Therefore, it is not surprising that he can have such Zhao Li Zhao's reaction speed at this moment.

However, Fang Tianfeng was speechless.

If you have time to stand in front of him, I don't know if you can pull him to the side for a little more. Does that horse have intelligent navigation function, if you have to turn a corner and kill you, you must stand on the street and wait for the horse Come over and hit you, your IQ is really worrying! "Eh."

Fang Tianfeng shook his head helplessly, idiot, there is no cure.

He didn't hide behind Li Ling with peace of mind, because he was sure that a horse running at full speed could kill two people.

So he just stood up and pushed aside the unresponsive father and son.

Then, he quietly waited for the horse to hit him.

Chapter 023 ━━━━━━━━ Qiu Chan! (please subscribe)

Chapter 023 ━━━━━━━━Qiu Chan! Please subscribe Fang Tianfeng is very confident, this horse can't kill him, because he can kill a cow with one punch.

Afraid that he couldn't kill a horse, he was just waiting, waiting for the plot of the original.

He remembered that there should be a girl who came to save people.


A dark shadow flashed by, and at some point, there was already one more person on the horse, a young man.

Pulling the reins of the horse, he forced the horse to stop in front of Fang Tianfeng.

And Fang Tianfeng also laughed.

Because he knew that everything was going according to plan.

He doesn't need to search for anything deliberately, he just needs to follow his heart, and fate will always make them meet.

He also knew that this handsome and somewhat excessive boy, or a girl who disguised herself as a man, was also known.

Autumn Cicada.

In the history of "The Son of Heaven", Qiu Chan originally liked Li Ling because the prototype of Li Ling was Li Ling.

She should have lived with Li Ling for a lifetime, until Li Ling, like the prototype Li Ling, was defeated and captured.

He even married 757, the princess of the evil king.

So Qiu Chan left with Li Ling's child and married another person, Huo Qubing.

So, this is so special, it's poisonous, isn't it...! "Whose horse is this! Whose horse!"

The girl sat on the back of the horse and shouted angrily, "What should I do if I hit someone!"

However, the owner of the horse has disappeared from the crowd at this moment.

As a killer, he was barely qualified, and if he missed a hit, he would immediately escape.

This time it doesn't work, so he has to go to Yancihou.

King Liang did not let him assassinate the crown prince, he did it privately.

Because he wants to do it himself, because once it is done, the credit is his own.

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