And if you go to Marquis Yanci, he is just a confidant who conveys orders for King Liang, and he will not get any credit.

However, he has already failed, so he has to find the Hou Yanci to cooperate.


Fang Tianfeng smiled and looked at the girl with a slight nod.

"Hey, why are you like this?"

Qiu Chan looked at Fang Tianfeng's face, and couldn't help but say with dissatisfaction, "I saved you, but you didn't even say thank you to me?"

"Why should I say thank you"

Fang Tianfeng shrugged and said lightly, "If I die a cow, do you think I'll be afraid of a mere horse?"

"whispering sound."

The girl expressed her disdain and disbelief in a punctuation mark with practical actions, and then turned around and left directly on the horse.

Such a shameless person is really disgusting.

"I'm just telling the truth, how can I save no one believing it?"

Fang Tianfeng shook his head slightly, sighing uncontrollably in his heart, how come no one believes the truth in this world now?

"Sir, are you alright!"

Zhang Gu and the three of them finally came up with a worried look on their faces.

However, Fang Tianfeng just glanced at them, then directly rode on the horse tied to the tree and left.

Beauty saves heroes or something, he always has to repay with his own promises.

"Master! Master!"

Zhang Gu shouted anxiously, but it was of no use.

There were no other horses here, and they couldn't catch up on their two legs.

And their horses were all placed in the inn, and even if they went back to retrieve the horses, Fang Tianfeng would have long since disappeared.

So, they can't catch up.

In fact, Fang Tianfeng's horse was originally prepared for Li Ling.

Because the plot is like this.

However, Fang Tianfeng was the first to board.

He is still very good at robbing his younger brother's woman or something.

He dares to rob the protagonist's woman, not to mention that he is the only protagonist in this world! "Driving—! Driving—!"

You can't run wild in the city, but it's different when you leave the city.

Qiu Chan ran fast on a horse, just wanting to get rid of the person behind her, but no matter what, that person always followed her step by step, never falling behind.

So, she finally got impatient.

"Why do you always follow me?"

Qiu Chan pulled the reins and stopped, looking at Fang Tianfeng very impatiently.


Fang Tianfeng didn't speak, just watched Qiu Chan ponder for a moment, then slowly said, "You are a girl, right?"

Fang Tianfeng actually didn't understand that a girl wearing a man's clothes with a hat or a headscarf would not be recognized by others.

Is it because there are more women's clothing bosses in ancient times? "You, how did you know!"

Qiu Chan's expression changed, her tone became a little more flustered, and her eyes became alert in an instant.

"It's really stupid not to see it."

Fang Tianfeng sighed helplessly, but suddenly changed the conversation, and a sullen smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, "However, it really needs me to verify whether it is a male or a female."

As a promising young man, Fang Tianfeng swears that Qiu Chan is definitely a woman.

Moreover, the Opie is not big, so that's probably what it looks like.

But there is no way, after all, he is still young, and he will grow older in a few years.

Chapter 024 ━━━━━━━━━ Dongfang Shuo!superior! (please subscribe)

024 Dongfang Shuo! Go! Please subscribe "Young Master, please put the overall situation first when you encounter this situation next time."

Zhang Gu looked at Fang Tianfeng with a serious face, although he was a minister and the other was a monarch, but he had to say something, "Young master can completely let Li Ling and Guan Fu, or even let me go after him.

However, please don't put yourself at risk next time.

A gentleman does not stand under a dangerous wall, this truth, the son should understand better than me."

Fang Tianfeng shrugged, not taking Zhang Gu's words at all.

If he doesn't know what Zhang Gu will be like in the future, I'm afraid he will try his best to cultivate Zhang Gu.

However, he knew very well what Zhang Gu would do once he gained power.

Therefore, from the beginning, he never thought about training Zhang Gu.

In other words, he had long since abandoned Zhang Gu.

For... a person who has been abandoned by himself, Fang Tianfeng feels that he is completely unnecessary... listen to him.

Besides, let Li Ling go there, I'm afraid that what he did just now will be replaced by Li Ling. Isn't that a free gift? He looks like someone who can do this kind of thing? It's impossible, it doesn't exist.

"What happened to the father and son just now?"

Fang Tianfeng suddenly changed the subject and asked, what he asked was naturally how he saved the father and son at a critical moment.

Because he remembered, it seems that the... middle-aged man's arms... a few months old baby should be the famous Huo Qubing in the future.

Unlike the TV series, Huo Qubing should have just been born at this time.

Unlike in TV dramas, the children in the arms are obviously at least seven or eight years old.

No one is seven or eight years old, and those who can't afford their names when they are old don't do it for the needs of the plot, so it's all fake, and it's just a baby actor who pretends to be dizzy.

"Young master, they haven't left yet, so they're testing their characters over there."

Guo Deren, as a qualified son of a bitch, hurried out and said, "Listen to that person, his son seems to be seriously ill.

This time I came out to find a doctor.

As a result, he was startled by the horse, and the child was originally awake.

But this time, he fainted again.

If you hadn't rescued them, son, I'm afraid they would have died!" But it's strange, he said he was looking for a doctor, but he found a fortune teller instead.

Sir, do you think this is strange?"

"Not surprising at all."

Fang Tianfeng shook his head slightly, this is normal.

Because he knew that the person the other party was looking for was... Dongfang Shuo.

Dongfang Shuo said that it was fortune-telling, but it would cure diseases.

Dongfang Shuo is very famous in this city of Yanci.

But unfortunately, he really didn't miss this fortune-telling once.

And he didn't order the gold fortune, it all depended on the mood of the person being fortuneteller.

If you think it's worth it, give more. If you really have no money, give less. It doesn't matter.

So although he is a fortune teller, he has a great reputation here.

In addition, he set up a stall in the same place every day, so people around here knew him, almost like a living fairy.

And when Fang Tianfeng came back, Dongfang Shuo had already counted.

"Huozi, above is a rain, below is a good."

"Good is Shang Shangji, according to the word: Linglang should be safe.

After the rain and the solar term, it should be healed."

Dongfang Shuo's face was indifferent, and his face did not fluctuate in the slightest.

However, his words were full of indisputable meaning and convincing.

And Fang Tianfeng was also looking at this so-called strange thing among the melon-eating crowd.

0 said it was a test of words, but listening to what he said, it seemed that there was no mysterious reason in it, that is... the most common lip-smacking skills.

However, it does sound like it makes sense.

Dongfang Shuo is unremarkable, and he is the kind of person who can't be found when thrown into a crowd.

Just dressed in a suit, it is indeed like a fortune-teller in the arena.

"Thank you, Mr. Ji Yan,"

The middle-aged man hurriedly bowed to thank him, but he couldn't help worrying and said, "But, it can't be better."

......"Then let's go,"

Dongfang Shuo didn't get angry when he heard the words, and said lightly, "If three days later, if there is a mistake in the following words, I will pay Linglang for his life."

"Sir is serious."

The middle-aged man waved his hands quickly, but he was holding the baby in one hand, and the other hand reached into his arms, "I'll get you money."

"No no no,"

Dongfang Shuo shook his head slightly.

"However, there is a word..."

Dongfang Shuo shook his head slightly, hesitating to speak.

"Sir, but it doesn't matter."

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