"Although Ling Lang was able to turn the danger into a safe one this time, the disaster star has not receded.

When the wind and rain hit the top, there are always troubles.

Let Lang not worry about riches and honors, but his rank is high and his life is short."

"Then, is there any way for Mr. to resolve it?"

"What's this kid's name?"

"Well, I haven't given a name yet."

"I'll give him a name, the surname is Huo, go, go to Qu Bing, how about calling him Huo Qu Bing?"

"Huo Qubing"

"Yes, with this name, I will guarantee him no disaster or disease for twenty years.

Twenty years from now, he must be open-minded and selfless, so that he can be spared."

Chapter 025 Dongfang Shuo!Down! (please subscribe)

Chapter 025 ━━━━━━━━ Dongfang Shuo! Down! Please subscribe, Huo Qubing.

Fang Tianfeng's heart did not fluctuate, and he even wanted to laugh a little.

In the original history, Huo Qubing should have been a small official in Pingyang County, Huo Zhongru, and Wei Shao'er.

However, here is the slack.

And his father, well, is still called Huo Zhongru.

As for Wei Shao'er, she is still a maid of the Princess Mansion, just like her younger sister Wei Zifu.

The only difference is that Wei Zifu was taken a fancy to.

And Wei Shao'er and her sister Wei Junru were just ordinary maids.

The same is that they are all arranged by Cao Shou to the public "Seven-Five-Seven"

of the main palace.

The world of "The Son of Heaven" has literally changed the history recorded in the historical records beyond recognition.

For example, in the original work, Li Yong and Qiu Chan were originally together, but when Li Yong was defeated and captured, he married the princess of the Xiongnu.

Then Qiu Chan was devastated and got together with Huo Qubing.


Hmm, no problem.


However, now this kind of thing is naturally to be avoided, because it is so poisonous! And Dongfang Shuo, although it seems to be very common, is unconvincing.

However, Fang Tianfeng, who knew the history, knew very well that what Dongfang Shuo said was right.

Huo Qubing did not worry about wealth and honor, and he was indeed high and short-lived.

He was only twenty-four years old, but died very young.

These............ are not a problem for the vast number of travelers, however, Dongfang Shuo is not a traveler.

Huo Qubing woke up soon, and Huo Zhongru was also pleasantly surprised and went back with the baby in his arms.

So, soon, all the melon-eating people around left.

After all, they are just...watching the fun, and if there is no fun, of course they have to leave.

"Three hexagrams a day, sir, you should have just made up your mind."

Fang Tianfeng suddenly said, "In this case, I don't know if Mr. can do the math for me."


Dongfang Shuo raised his head slightly, staring at Tianfeng, but suddenly frowned.

The expression on his face was still indifferent, but it seemed to reveal a solemn meaning.

After a long time, Dongfang Shuo shook his head slightly, and said solemnly, "Your Excellency, let's avoid it. I'm just ignorant, and I can't figure out anything."


Fang Tianfeng was a little surprised, originally he was still: thinking in his heart, maybe the other party would say 'what are you' or something.

As a result, he didn't understand.

Fang Tianfeng let out a long sigh, life is just as lonely as snow.

"If you can't figure it out, isn't your divine hexagram smashing your own sign?"

Fang Tianfeng smiled disapprovingly and deliberately asked, "You can test the future of Huo Qubing, and even assert that he will be safe for [-] years, why can't you test it for me?"

"Your Excellency is not like them."

Dongfang Shuo shook his head slightly, paused, but could add, "Whether it's identity or something else."

"If I want to say something a little more mysterious, it is that Your Excellency's secrets have long been disturbed into a pool of muddy water, and this pool of muddy water is unfathomable.

If you really want to test, you can find other people.

However, I don't think anyone will be able to test your handwriting."

His tone was calm, yet he revealed a detached confidence.

Even if it is a fortune-telling, it is the same as 'Wen no first and Wu no second', it is necessary to compete for a superior.

After all, it's a meal, and only when you're famous can you eat.

As for Dongfang Shuo, he was obviously extremely confident in himself....so confident that he didn't think anyone could surpass him.


Fang Tianfeng didn't care about Dongfang Shuo's attitude, because he had long known that he would have such an attitude.

However, he was not sure about Dongfang Shuo's identity.

Is it a high immortal who was banished to earth like Cui Wenzi, or a person who has experienced Taoism in the world.

And no matter what it is, it is not easy to win.

However, judging from the behavior in the original book that he went to Chang'an a few years ago and wanted to serve the country but had nowhere to go, the latter is more likely.

There is a high probability that someone has taken a fancy to it in the past two years, accepted it as a successor and taught some spells.

In fact, Dongfang Shuo's rise to fame is actually just...a month or two.

I'm afraid, that is... I have been studying hard for the past few years, and I finally learned it, and I didn't come out until a few months ago.

Then ran here to do some fortune telling and begging for food.

By the way, wait... the person he's looking for.

Dongfang Shuo is a temperamental person, and Fang Tianfeng feels that he has also seen through his identity with a high probability.

However, the only problem is how he will conquer the other side.

Dongfang Shuo definitely wants to be an official, no matter how indifferent he behaves.

6 Of course, I can't really care about everything in this world like Cui Wenzi.

Otherwise, he would not have gone to Chang'an to serve the country before.

Even if I really learned something from someone in the past few years, it is not so easy to give up the power thing.

The powers of the world are useless, they are all used by ghosts.

It's useless, why are there so many people who are greedy for the power in the world, they are fed up and bored, of course, Fang Tianfeng is not really interested in Dongfang Shuo.

What he is really interested in is Dongfang Shuo's fateful future wife, Nian Nujiao.

Chapter 026 Nian Nujiao! (please subscribe)

Chapter 026 ━━━━━━━━Nian Nujiao! Ask for a subscription. Compared with men, Fang Tianfeng feels that he really is more interested in women.

Nian Nujiao is one of them.

Nian Nujiao's real name is Ai Fengyi, but Nian Nujiao is just her stage name in the brothel.

It's like Xiaohong, Xiaocui, etc., they won't really be called this name, it's just a stage name.

And Ai Fengyi is naturally a surname Ai, whose ancestor was the founding hero of the Han Dynasty, Yanci Hou Ai Lei.

After Ai Lei's death, his son Ai He inherited the title of Marquis of Yanci.

However, due to the rebellion of Liu Chang, the king of Huainan, the Marquis Yanci was implicated.

As a result, Aijia was sacked by the whole family.

However, this is ancient times, and the whole family is nothing more than...killing all the people who love their families at home.

Then, the more famous people who love their homes outside also get 04.

But in any case, as long as the wind is received in advance, there will always be one or two fish that slip through the net.

And Aifengyi, of course, is not the fish that slipped through the net.

She is only 2020 and less than [-], and it was already [-] years ago that she loved her family and destroyed her family.

It was her father who really escaped at that time.

Although Marquis Yanci's family was dead, the Liu family soon sent the current Marquis Yanci to replace the former Marquis Yanci.

And this new feudal lord has always been afraid of those who love the family... the lingering descendants.

Because at that time, it was... he personally led someone to kill the Aijia family.

It wasn't until he captured and killed Ai Fengyi's father a few years ago that he was relieved.

And Aifengyi didn't dare to use her real name anymore, she could only live in a brothel, lurking in Yanci City under the name of Niannujiao, trying to seek revenge for Aijia's family.

And such a woman is very successful.

Fang Tianfeng is also a prince after all, he just needs to hint that he can avenge Nian Nujiao.

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