The emperor was seriously ill, and even the prince would not dare to talk about such an important matter.

Therefore, Hou Yanci almost 760% believes that what Fang Tianfeng said is true [-].

Your Majesty, you will ascend to heaven in just a few days.

At that time, isn't Liu Che, the crown prince, the new emperor? If he supports the crown prince with his whole family, even if he does not follow the dragon's merit, it will be the icing on the cake. "Your Highness,"

The Hou Yanci carefully observed Fang Tianfeng's expression, and asked tentatively, "We are bold and dare to ask His Highness why he came to Yanci in Weifu."

Don't say anything about visiting famous doctors, you know your own business.

He knew all about the big things that happened in this one-acre and three-point land of Yanci. How could he not know when a famous doctor came to Yanci? Win eyeballs and strive for a word of filial piety.

Therefore, he has to try to find out why.

The icing on the cake is the icing on the cake, but who knows whether this flower is added to a complete icing on the cake or a broken icing on the cake. So, you should think twice before doing things.

"I went out of the palace privately,"

Fang Tianfeng did not hide it, and said lightly, "Father, now the imperial grandmother is in charge of affairs inside and outside the palace.

Besides, Uncle Liang Wang and cousin Dou Ying have always had a good relationship, and I don't have Uncle Wang either."

Marquis Yanci was horrified, and he didn't dare to understand it at all. This is a royal battle! The Empress Dowager Dowager supports King Liang, and she is also in charge of the palace and beyond, with general support.

But the prince, looking at his identity, was the exact opposite, walking on thin ice everywhere.

That's why he went out of the palace privately to Yanci, wanting to find a new world.

However, Hou Yanci didn't expect Fang Tianfeng to say everything so generously.

This is so special, what kind of trust! Although Hou Yanci has not yet reached the point of crying and holding his thighs and swearing his loyalty, he was also moved by Fang Tianfeng's 'sincerity'.

However, how did he know that Fang Tianfeng was not because he trusted him, but because he knew that the people sent by King Liang would come back to find Marquis Yanci at the latest tonight.

At that time, even if he doesn't say it, I am afraid that Hou Yanci will know everything.

On the contrary, Marquis Yanci, who knew the truth, would probably feel that Fang Tianfeng was unacceptable because of this incident.... Instead, he turned to King Liang.

If so, it's more than worth the loss.

Therefore, Fang Tianfeng simply told the whole thing.

No matter how you choose, then it depends on your own.

Fang Tianfeng doesn't care about Yancihou's support, because it means nothing to him, at most... it's better than nothing.

And he still wants to sell Yancihou in the end, but because of Yancihou's support, it can be much easier after all.

Now that we have decided to use waste, we must of course squeeze their residual value.

And Hou Yanci was also excited, because Fang Tianfeng had revealed everything, so he could analyze the situation more clearly.

There is no doubt that the prince is weak.

King Liang had the support of the Dou family, and the Dowager Dowager was his mother, so naturally he had the upper hand.

However, since the prince was able to get out of the palace and out of Chang'an, he came to Yanci to find him the Marquis of Yanci.

What does this mean? It means that the crown prince is not without any power in Chang'an. Otherwise, how could he have run out of the palace and then out of Chang'an City? This is a misunderstanding by the feudal prince. After all, the reason why Fang Tianfeng was able to leave the palace was because of the indulgence of the Empress Dowager. go his.

However, this wonderful misunderstanding also gave Fang Tianfeng a lot of leverage.

Normally, King Liang's chances of winning are undoubtedly great.

However, Hou Yanci was even more excited.

Originally, supporting the prince was just icing on the cake, but now it's a blessing in disguise! From Longzhigong, he will be determined to hate the second prince! By then, I am afraid it will not be the second prince, but he will change his name to the second prince! He does not expect to be the king, Marquis Yanci can see the situation clearly, and it is probably not a good thing for him to be crowned king.

It has been less than 100 years since the establishment of the Han Dynasty, and how many people who have been enthroned as kings have died.

"Your Highness, Your Royal Highness."

Marquis Yanci took two steps back, and raised his head respectfully, "Wei Chen, I am willing to do the hard work of dogs and horses."

Fang Tianfeng nodded lightly, very reserved.


Marquis Yanci's service is still very useful, and he is really not a prince for nothing.

Chapter 029 ━━━━━━━━━ Darling! (please subscribe)

Chapter 029 ━━━━━━━━━ Playful! Please subscribe to "Master Hou,"

Fang Tianfeng also changed his tune and said slowly, "The person sent by Uncle Liang Wang should be on the way. I guess I will come to you tonight to discuss important matters."

Fang Tianfeng deliberately accentuated his tone on important matters, but it caused Hou Yanci to sweat coldly.

Sure enough, just as Hou Yanci thought, this prince still has his back.

The king of Liang sent people to look for him, nothing more than... wanting to win him over to the first faction of the king of Liang.

Fang Tianfeng learned of such important news, there is no doubt that either Fang Tianfeng has a high-ranking person, or Liang Wang has a Fang Tianfeng person, and his status is not low.

In any case, Fang Tianfeng had already won a game.

First, they successfully escaped from Chang'an, and then they expected the enemy to take the lead.

Moreover, the people of King Liang came to him privately, and this matter can be manipulated! The first thing that came to mind was to kill people with a knife! If King Liang's people really came to him tonight, and the prince would send People take the opportunity to kill themselves.

Down: At that time, everyone would think that King Liang killed him, and that stupid son of his own would have to avenge himself and take refuge with the prince!

In the past, there was Princess Pingyang's self-defense, and the current Yancihou self-threat.

That's right, Splashy.

Yancihou looked frightened, and began to rejoice at his decision.

Sure enough, it was the right decision to take refuge in the prince.

At the same time, he was also scolding in his heart that King Liang had lived in vain for so many years.

A prince who was fifteen years old and 15 years old and didn't even have the ceremony of coming of age actually calculated his uncle to death. This Prince of Liang was really useless.

Even with the support of the Queen Mother Dou, Hou Yanci now does not have any expectations for King Liang to defeat Fang Tianfeng.

"Weichen understands,"

With a serious expression on the face of Yanci Hou, he said sternly, "Tonight, a thief pretended to be a confidant of King Liang to assassinate Wei Chen. Fortunately, His Royal Highness received the news in advance, and Wei Chen was able to survive the disaster and beheaded the thief on the spot."

The Hou Yanci knew that he should show his loyalty.

Otherwise, the prince would not believe himself.

And the person who came to him tonight... King Liang's person was... the final nomination.

Kill him, and it's down: when it's time, everything will be over.

He completely got on the prince's boat, and the prince also trusted him a lot.

When the prince takes the throne, he will have more credit.


Fang Tianfeng nodded, but did not reject his decision.

After all, it's good for both parties.

"His Royal Highness,"

Hou Yanci suddenly remembered something, and said quickly, "His Royal Highness, Wei Chen still has some things to deal with."

"Go get it."

Fang Tianfeng interrupted Yancihou's words, just waved his hand, and said nonchalantly, "I just want to go out for a walk, I think, when I come back at night, you should be finished."

"His Royal Highness, please wait for a while, Wei Chen will retire first."

Yancihou nodded quickly, of course he knew what Fang Tianfeng was talking about.

It's not his trivial matter, but at night, he will kill King Liang's confidant, and when the prince returns, he will see the body of King Liang's confidant.

Moreover, the preconceived Prince Yanci felt that Fang Tianfeng must know the appearance of King Liang's confidant.

Therefore, it is impossible to find someone to fake it, and if someone's face is deliberately cut, it will become a fake, but it will make people suspicious.

Only a fool would do this kind of thing.

The information of the ancients is not circulated, but the ancients cannot really be regarded as fools. Fang Tianfeng left the Yancihou mansion in advance. In fact, he was afraid that King Liang's confidants would bump into it, and then he ran away regardless.

If that's the case, then it's not good.

0 Fang Tianfeng has a slight obsessive-compulsive disorder. Since he has to do it, of course he has to do his best.

On the other hand, Hou Yanci hurriedly went to find his son to do his business.

He knew that his son Liu Yi was very disapproving of the Crown Prince, and to put it bluntly... he was jealous.

Now that he has taken refuge with the prince, he doesn't want to offend the prince because of a stupid son.

If something really happened, he would probably kill the son himself.

After all, his son is not the only one Liu Yi, but there is only one prince.

............."Yi Er! Are you... listening to me!"

Looking at Liu Yi's condescending appearance, Hou Yanci became angry, slapped the table with a slap, and said coldly, "His Royal Highness came to us because he looked down on us, and I have now served His Royal Highness.

Don't blame the father for clearing the door if something big is broken because of you."

"Dad, don't worry."

Liu Yi smiled helplessly and said, "Your son is just a playboy, not a fool.

If you take refuge with King Liang, then I will definitely offend His Highness the Prince to death.

But now that you've made it clear, I'm really courting death if I go to provoke the prince again.

Your son, am I so stupid

"If I offend the prince in any way, I can beat myself to death without your help."

Indeed, a playboy is a playboy, and a fool is a fool.

The reason why dandies are dandies is because of their noble status, bullying ordinary people without blinking an eye.

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