However, how come there are so many dudes who don't have long eyes and pretend to slap the face of the protagonist, knowing that they can't offend and hit a stone with an egg, that's a fool, not a dude.

Chapter 030 ━━━━━━━━ Dongfang Shuo meets Nian Nujiao for the first time! (please subscribe)

Chapter 030 ━━━━━━━━ Dongfang Shuo met Nian Nujiao for the first time! Please subscribe Fang Tianfeng left Yancihou's mansion and came to the street. As expected, it's better to be around during the day.

If you stay in the Marquis House, you will only be complimented, but it will be boring.

Fang Tianfeng also took the opportunity to inquire about a lot of news about Dongfang Shuo, as he guessed, Dongfang Shuo also became famous within the past two months.

After all, fortune-telling requires not only someone to believe it, but also someone who is willing to ask you for fortune-telling.

Dongfang Shuo only counts three times a day, and each time he gives money after the fact.

But even so, not many people are willing to ask him for fortune telling.

In the beginning, there was no "seven six zeros"

With this time, secondly, I don't want to give this money.

But even so, more than two months was enough to spread his reputation all over the city.

So, someone came here admiring his name, looking for him to fortune-telling.

In addition, Dongfang Shuo has the restriction of three trigrams, so most people come early.

Just like Huo Zhongru in the daytime, he brought his son Huo Qubing to find Dongfang Shuo early in the morning, instead of going to the doctor.

It can only be said that the ancient gods and ghosts are more useful than doctors.

"Excuse me, is that Mr. Dongfang?"

Dongfang Shuo stood in front of his booth and seemed to be thinking about life, but suddenly heard a clear voice in his ear.

When he turned around, he saw a young girl standing in front of him.

The girl was wearing a red long gown with a flower pattern printed on it.

Her cheeks were healthy rosy, plump and slender.

A hosta was inserted on the head, the long black hair was combed into a side ponytail, and there was a black hairpin at the front of the ponytail.

The delicate white and tender earlobes are decorated with golden earrings, the long eyelashes tremble slightly from time to time, and the big bright eyes seem to be able to speak, as if they are everywhere revealing her fascinating feeling.

"Don't dare."

Dongfang Shuo smiled slightly, his hands behind his back, as if he had expected it.

In fact, he had indeed already guessed who it would be, and came to him for fortune-telling.

And he, long before that, had already guessed what the person who was looking for his fortune-telling wanted to calculate.

The rest is... how to use the art of language to say it rationally rather than mysteriously.

The only difference is that his second hexagram has not been calculated, because he cannot see through the fate of that person.

"The one who only takes up three lessons a day is... Your Excellency"

But the girl was not discouraged, she lightly opened her red lips, exhaled and asked slowly.


Dongfang Shuo nodded lightly, without a trace of fluctuation due to the girl's delicate appearance.


Nian Nujiao looked at Dongfang Shuo curiously, her big black eyes curious.

"After three lessons, the hexagrams won't work."

Dongfang Shuo shook his head slightly, paused, but didn't know what to think, and said, "I have already counted one lesson today, but it can also be said to be two lessons.

So you've come by chance, just in time for the third lesson.

It's just that I look at the hexagrams, and it doesn't count."


Nian Nujiao originally wanted to ask why it was one class and two classes, but when she heard what Dongfang said, she couldn't help being curious.

"I see the girl with a gloomy face, as if she has infinite thoughts."

Dongfang Shuo shook his head slightly, and slowly sat down in front of his booth, "I see this hexagram, it doesn't matter, the girl just bury her mind in her heart."

Fang Tianfeng never made a sound, he just watched all this quietly.

He was sure that Dongfang Shuo was a scheming bitch.

As a fortune teller, he doesn't have any reason to push his customers to the outside, especially given that he will definitely fortune teller for Nian Nujiao.... The reason why he does this is nothing more than... hard-to-find.

He clearly expected to die, but he kept a calm look and said 'it's not worth it'.

In this world, not only men, especially women, are born with cheap bones.

The more they are not allowed to do, the more they must do.

Once people's curiosity is aroused, even if they know it is an abyss, they will jump into the abyss.

Just like now, Nian Nujiao is here to fortune-telling.

But Dongfang Shuo has to do everything possible to stop her, so it doesn't matter, in fact, it is nothing more than... wanting to make Nian Nujiao more determined in fortune-telling.

Instead of waiting for him to count halfway, the man has already run away.

So, Nian Nujiao fell into the trap.

"Read the word,"

Dongfang Shuo slowly wrote and read the words on the bamboo slips, with a solemn expression, "One thought in my heart makes me worry day and night.

What the girl wants to measure is another matter of mind, girl, you are missing someone, and your heart is pressing on someone."

"Standing on the side is for women and sitting is for men, so 4.

6, still a man."


Nian Nujiao smiled but didn't care, "So, is this person my relative or my lover?"


Dongfang Shuo was silent for a moment, then slowly shook his head, "It's your enemy."

"If this person doesn't go, his heart will be hard to come by."

Dongfang Shuo stared at the girl opposite, expressionless.

"Oriental Calculus, but that's it."

The girl smiled contemptuously, but her eyes were a little dodgy, and it was obvious that she was on her mind.

Therefore, leaving Gua Qian in a hurry and wanting to leave.

Until, when she got into the sedan chair, she found a piece of cloth at her feet.

Chapter 031 Dog! (please subscribe)

Chapter 031 ━━━━━━━━dog! It is certain to subscribe to cloth, after all, there is no paper in this era.

Therefore, writing with cloth is also a luxury for the nobles.

However, the cloth is light and easy to carry, and some secret messages are also transmitted through the cloth.

I can't, if I still have a roll of bamboo slips hidden in my pocket, I can even wear it directly on my body.

Nian Nujiao instinctively didn't want to look at that... cloth, but curiosity drove her to pick up that... cloth.



There is only one word on it, a word of love.

So, it's no wonder that it's just the cloth that the boy was courting.

Nian Nujiao got off the sedan chair in a hurry and looked around, her expression not as indifferent as before.

Even if Dongfang Shuo exposed her inner secret, she was not so flustered.

0 for, just guessing that she has an enemy doesn't matter.

Even if she knew that she had an enemy, who would know who her enemy was, but the information revealed by this cloth was different.

Because, she is... the surname is Ai! How can anyone throw away a cloth for no reason, with only one word of love written on it, even if it is a love letter of confession, it should be a famous name, right? So, even if it is just a misunderstanding, she will still be so important.

Being a thief with a guilty conscience or something, that's probably the way it is.

The fish caught by the previous Huancihou Ai's family wanted to assassinate the current Yancihou.

If this kind of thing spreads out, it's not a good thing.

At that time, she will probably be strangled by Marquis Yanci.

If so, all her years of hard work will be in vain! However, although she got off the sedan chair, she did not see the person she was looking for.

Pedestrians came and went on the road, but she couldn't find anyone suspicious.

In this case no matter...

For what purpose, since she threw the cloth to her, shouldn't you all observe it? "Mr. Dongfang,"

The helpless girl walked quickly to the east booth, looking anxious, "Mr. Dongfang, do you know who threw this cloth onto my sedan chair."

"The three hexagrams are full, if you are fortune-telling, hurry up."

Dongfang Shuo shook his head slightly, but the movement of his hands was not tight and started to pack up.

He only took up three classes a day, and after three classes he went home from get off work.

As for Qian Guang's hexagram money given by Huo Zhongru's hexagram during the day, it is enough for an ordinary family of three to live for a month.


Dongfang Shuo suddenly changed the conversation, "If it wasn't for fortune-telling, if you asked me personally, I did see it."

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