Chapter 033 ━━━━━━━━ With both hands for subscription Of course, it is said to be a free body, but it is actually relative.

After all, the powerless prostitutes, where so many choices come from is just a means to coax good women into prostitutes. If you really become a prostitute, you can still dream of everything.

After all, a prostitute is still a prostitute, a kind of high-class prostitute.

If you want to be a prostitute, you must not only have money, but also have a certain identity.

And prostitutes are low-level prostitutes.

As long as you give money, anyone can go, even beggars on the street.

And Nian Nujiao is... a prostitute.

But she was not sold to the brothel, but forced to go to the brothel herself.

Aijia was led by the current Yancihou to destroy the whole family, only Nian Nujiao's father and a few servants escaped and survived.

But a few years ago, it was discovered by the current Yanci Hou, and even his father died.

7 She was the only one left, and desperately had to go to Haitangchun to voluntarily become a famous prostitute to seek asylum.

In the past few years, she has accumulated considerable popularity, who has been acting and not selling herself.

Don't say she doesn't want to sell herself, even... the brothel doesn't want her to sell herself.

Because Nian Nujiao is... a cash cow for Haitangchun, and only if this cash cow is perfect can it attract more people to take out their wallets willingly.

However, if Nian Nujiao loses her body, her value will be greatly reduced.

However, this was also Nian Nujiao who was only nineteen years old, so she was still young.

But if it's a few more years, I'm afraid she won't be able to maintain the current popularity.

At that time, she will either leave the brothel or be forced to sell herself.

But Nian Nujiao knows a little bit of martial arts anyway, so if she wants to escape, there is no problem.

It's just that she only wanted to avenge her father now, and even took the initiative to hook up with Liu Yi, making Liu Yi obsessed with him.

Almost every night, I would come here to listen to her playing the piano, and then I would go back to find my concubine to make a fire.

Nian Nujiao's methods are good, and she is obviously the biggest dude in Yanci City, but she has been able to restrain herself from using force against her, which is enough to explain a lot of problems.

Therefore, when Liu Yi brought Fang Tianfeng to Haitangchun like a dog's leg, his first reaction was to call him Nian Nujiao.

"The Prostitute,"

Liu Yi walked into the brothel first, with a proud and arrogant look on his face, "What do you think?"

As soon as the words fell, Liu Yi regretted it.

He brought the prince to Haitangchun to play.

He also likes Nian Nujiao! Moreover, he never thought of dedicating Nian Nujiao to the prince! He just wanted to get two famous prostitutes for the prince to try and please, but he called Nian Nujiao subconsciously. .

"Who is Nian Nujiao?"

Fang Tianfeng was amused, but he pretended not to know and asked deliberately.


Liu Yi was speechless, he wanted to hide it but he knew that this kind of thing couldn't be hidden, so he had to bite the bullet and said, "Ninth brother doesn't know anything, this Nian Nujiao is the most popular prostitute in Haitangchun. It's a love affair."

Nian Nujiao is the most popular prostitute in Haitangchun, and almost everyone in Yanci City knows it.

And he, Liu Yi, is also a frequent visitor here. He lied in front of the public, and he himself is not sure that he will not be exposed by others.

So, he can only tell the truth.

But out of a man's selfishness, he had to bite the bullet and say a word of affection.

It's a pity that he didn't know that the reason why Nian Nujiao didn't lie to others was because he looked at him differently.

It's not because he likes him so much, it's just simply to get close to him, so that Liu Yi is addicted to her, and wants to take the opportunity to take revenge and kill the second prince.

Of course, Nian Nujiao is still too kind.

She only wanted to take revenge by killing the chief culprit, Hou Yanci, but she never thought about cutting the weeds.

Regarding Liu Yi, the young marquis, she just had the intention of taking advantage of him, and even felt guilty for taking advantage of him.

All I can say is that she's just too tender.

Liu Yi is infatuated with Nian Nujiao, just because of her innocence.

After learning of Nian Nujiao's identity in the original book, he would directly behead Nian Nujiao without any nostalgia.

Even, I didn't even think about having a good time before killing.

It can be said that people like Liu Yi are definitely expected to do great things.

He can be like a dude who doesn't know what to do, but at the critical moment, his mind is very clear and he knows what to do.

As for Brother Ninth, it was naturally Fang Tianfeng who asked him to shout like that.

Liu Yi thought that this was the performance of the prince getting close to him, so he was ecstatic.

But Fang Tianfeng disagreed, he had nothing to do with Liu Yi, and would not have any psychological burden when he wanted to kill him.

"Nian Nujiao, then I'll have to get to know him well."

Fang Tianfeng showed a smile and looked very interested. Those who didn't know it really thought he was hearing about the name Nian Nujiao for the first time.

And Liu Yi had already laughed bitterly.

He can only swallow his own sins, and he is sure to endure the pain.

Moreover, if the prince really fell in love with Nian Nujiao, let alone her not his woman.

Even if it is really his wife, he can bite the bullet and offer it with both hands.

In front of the future and women, he has always been very clear.

Chapter 034 ━━━━━━━━ Confidence of King Liang! (please subscribe)

Chapter 034 King Liang's confidant! Asking for a subscription is like in the original book he could order Nian Nujiao to be executed without hesitation, instead of begging King Liang to let him spare Nian Nujiao's life.

He likes women, but more power and status! "Eldest son,"

Nian Nujiao had a faint smile on the corner of her mouth, but looked at Fang Tianfeng behind Liu Yi with some hesitation, "I don't know who this is"

Nian Nujiao recognized it because the other party hadn't even changed his clothes.

During the day, she went to Dongfang Shuo to do fortune-telling, but she encountered someone who might have seen through her identity.

And because of Dongfang Shuo's instructions, she saw the man's back.

And now, he saw each other here again.

"Oh, this is Brother Ninth, you can call me Ninth Young Master."

Liu Yi also quickly introduced it, but seeing Nian Nujiao's interest in the prince, he couldn't help but feel a little unhappy.

"Nine sons."

Nian Nu shouted sweetly, but there was something else in his heart... something else.

There is no doubt that this man is of great honor.

Although Liu Yi was a young master, he was in his twenties this year, and the young man with red lips and white teeth looked only fifteen or sixteen years old.

However, Liu Yi wanted to call him Ninth Brother.

There is no doubt that the identity of this young man is more honorable than that of Liu Yi.

And Liu Yi is a young marquis, which means that this young man's father is at least a duke, or even a king! As for the crown prince, I'm sorry, Nian Nujiao doesn't have such a big heart and doesn't think about that.

As for the title Ninth Young Master, Nian Nujiao thought it was because the other party was the ninth oldest in the family.

A normal duke or something has a lot of children.

Most of them have a dozen or so children.

Of course, the most important thing is that this person is likely to know her identity! And knowing her identity, it is impossible not to know that she has a grudge with Hou Yanci.

But he still had a good relationship with Liu Yi, but Liu Yi didn't have any abnormality, which meant that he didn't know his identity.

Nian Nujiao was a little confused. She knew her identity and was friendly with Liu Yi, but she didn't tell Yancihou her identity or it was because she thought too much and was a little nervous. In fact, the other party didn't know anything. Knowing that Nian Nujiao shook her head slightly, this possibility.

"Tsk tsk, Brother Liu is so beautiful."

Fang Tianfeng looked at the two with a little deep meaning, Yi was a little embarrassed, he quickly kept his distance from Nian Nujiao and put on a flattering smile, "Ninth brother is joking, if you want, why don't you let Nian Nujiao accompany you tonight? "

When he said this, Liu Yixin.

But he knew he had to do it.

He absolutely cannot make Fang Tianfeng suspect that there is something between him and Nian Nujiao, because in his opinion, Nian Nujiao has already been favored by the crown prince.

No matter how much he was reluctant to part with the woman that the prince fell in love with, he had to reluctantly part with it.

"Eldest son, what do you mean by that?"

However, Nian Nujiao's face changed instantly, becoming cold and full of anger.


Liu Yi's face also became ugly, and he even felt guilty in his heart, because he felt that Nian Nujiao was so excited because she felt that she had abandoned her and sold her.

Although this is the case, Liu Yi still feels guilty.

He even gritted his teeth secretly, even if the prince had been there, he would take over, and he must compensate the other party well.

However, in fact Nian Nujiao simply did not want to get involved with Fang Tianfeng too early.

0 Because the time was too fast, she didn't have time to inquire about the identity of the other party, but the other party knew almost everything about her.

This information asymmetry filled her with fear, so she did not dare to be alone with Fang Tianfeng.

And what Liu Yi said just now was clearly meant to...let her serve Fang Tianfeng well.

Therefore, Nian Nujiao can only adapt to the situation and pretend to be angry.

"I'm tired, eldest son, please forgive the little girl for not looking for it. I can't see guests today."

Nian Nujiao bowed slightly to salute, and slowly retreated with a cold face.

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