However, with so many people present, none of them stopped him.


Liu Yi was moved in his heart, and was almost moved to tears.

Because in his opinion, Nian Nujiao is a manifestation of valuing affection and righteousness! The reason why he rejected Liu Yi and even left angrily was because of him! Such affection and kindness were as heavy as mountains, how could he live up to the sincerity of the other party? So, it's really scary to be touched by a few blind people.

"Forget it, let's go back."

Fang Tianfeng shook his head slightly, slowly got up from the chair and walked out.

He didn't come here this time to negotiate directly with Nian Nujiao, but to show his identity.

However, I didn't expect to see such a good show.

On the other side, Marquis Fu, when Marquis Yanci arranged everything, and King Liang's confidant just arrived.

"You are the one sent by King Liang"

Looking at the secret letter sent to him by the man in black in front of him, Hou Yanci couldn't help showing a smile, "I don't know the messenger has been here for a few days."

"Just arrived today,"

The man's face was cold and even a little arrogant, "The King of Liang asked me to tell the Marquis, the once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for the Marquis is just around the corner."

Chapter 035 ━━━━━━━━━ Kill! (please subscribe)

Chapter 035 ━━━━━━━━ Kill! There is a light in the eyes of Hou Yanci, he is not in a hurry to kill the people sent by King Liang.

For an old fox like him, even if he took refuge in the prince, it didn't mean that he had to trust the prince [-]%.

Therefore, he wanted to get some news from King Liang's confidant to confirm the prince's words.

"what do you mean"

Yanci Hou narrowed his eyes slightly, and he had a smile on his face, making people unable to understand his details, "Also please, make it clearer."

"The prince has arrived in Yanci City."

Liang Wang's confidant sneered, the undercover spy really wanted to be a countryman, and said "seven six zeros"


"What! The prince is here!"

Yanci Hou was shocked, stood up suddenly, and said in a panic, "Why don't I know any news?"

"Prince Prince is going on tour in micro-clothing, so Lord Hou naturally doesn't know."

"Is it because someone raised me in front of the emperor, so the prince sent the prince to visit?"

The panic-stricken expression on the face of Hou Yanci made Prince Liang's confidant speechless, and hurriedly comforted, "You don't have to worry about it, the emperor doesn't know about it."

"I understand,"

With such an expression on his face, Hou Yanci sat down again with a sigh of relief, and said with a smile, "Even if the prince is on patrol in micro-clothing, I should send troops to protect him."

"Don't, don't."

Liang Wang's confidant quickly stopped the disgusting prince, and he was scolding his mother in his heart. How could this guy think that it was an outburst, can't wait for him to finish his words? "Liang Wang means that the prince did not disturb the prince, so the prince had to pretend. Act like you don't know anything."

"What you said, he is the king and I am the minister.

If something happens to the prince in my realm, I will be chopped up by the whole family!"

"Don't worry, Marquis, the prince is on patrol in a low profile. Since you don't know, what's your guilt?"

"But, what if this happens, I hate this city, but it's very messy!"

"That, that is... he took it upon himself."

King Liang's confidant had a gloomy look on his face, saying that he had already wanted to assassinate the prince during the day, but he just failed.

"Nonsense! You are not from King Liang, who are you!"

Hou Yanci angrily slapped the table and stood up,"

In an instant, dozens of guards rushed in from outside the door.

However, King Liang's confidant was very angry but did not resist. He was highly skilled, and these dozens of guards were not his opponents at all.

But if he does it, then Hou Chi will definitely not believe him.

So he could only accept it passively, and was passively pressed by a few weak chicken guards.

Even, trying to persuade Yancihou.

He was just scolding the stupidity of the second prince in his heart. He even gave you King Liang's superstition, but he didn't believe it until he felt a pain in his waist.


The sound of sharps penetrating into the flesh sounded, and King Liang's confidant looked at the two bloodstains on his waist in disbelief.

There, two small knives had been inserted, and bright red blood slowly flowed out.


King Liang's confidant couldn't help coughing out a large mouthful of blood, because he was hit with several knives again.

Among them, including his heart.

He didn't even understand until he died, why the Marquis Yanci would kill him without saying a word, and he promised a strict interrogation. Even if you suspect that he is a fake King of Liang, you shouldn't kill him directly! However, He didn't know that Marquis Yanci was just because he was sure that he was King Liang's confidant, so he would kill him.... He should have killed the other party directly, but he had scruples at first.

It's easy for such a master to kill himself, don't look at him like a prince, but he doesn't know any martial arts at all.

If the other party wants to die with his own life, he has no ability to resist.

On the other hand, he also wanted to learn some news about the prince from the other party to confirm his conjecture.

It turned out that everything the prince said was true.

Your Majesty, I am afraid that you are really dying.

Otherwise, the prince's departure from the palace is such a big thing, why the emperor didn't know about it, but you, the king of Liang, found out that the king of Liang is not... in his own fief, in Chang'an, at the feet of the emperor! There is no doubt that it is because of the Queen Mother Dou's reason.

As the prince said, the court inside and outside the palace is under the control of the Queen Mother Dou.

And if nothing happened to the emperor, the Empress Dowager Dowager would not dare to do anything, and Chang'an was still the emperor's.

But if something happens to the emperor, the queen dowager is... the uncrowned king of Chang'an! 4.

6 "Plop--!"

Several guards suddenly pulled out the knives, and King Liang's confidant lost his support and fell to the ground all at once.

However, even so, Hou Yanci was still uneasy, so several guards took the knives and stabbed them a few times.

"Master Hou, he's already dead."

The guard bowed his head respectfully and said softly, "What shall we do next?"

"Carry the body out,"

Looking at the blood on the ground, Hou Yan frowned, "Also, clean the ground, it's really dirty.

Also, go and invite the prince over here."

Chapter 036 ━━━━━━━━ Assassin! (please subscribe)

Chapter 036 ━━━━━━━━ Assassin! Asking to subscribe to King Liang's confidant, he didn't understand until he died, why he died.

It can only be said that Yancihou is still very good at playing with people's hearts.

Saying that, pressing down for interrogation, he directly gave Liang Wang's confidant an illusion, and determined that Hou Yanci would never kill him.

In the end, he secretly let his subordinates kill him directly, without any hesitation.

In fact, if Prince Liang's confidant came to Yancihou Mansion during the day, he would not have to wait until night to let Fang Tianfeng get there first.

I am afraid that at this moment, he is already talking with Yanci Hou about how to cheat the prince, instead of turning into a corpse as he is now.

"Prince Prince."

With a respectful look on his face and a pleasing smile, Prince Yanci said, "King Liang's people have been killed by Wei Chen, and the corpses are still in the courtyard.

Look, do you want to confirm?"

The confirmation is for sure, because, Hou Yanci was afraid that Fang Tian04 Feng would suspect himself, and King Liang's confidant had lost both sides, so:.

Therefore, he must let Fang Tianfeng see with his own eyes that the other party is a corpse.


Fang Tianfeng nodded lightly and walked to the corpse under the leadership of Hou Yanci.

There is no doubt that it is... the person of King Liang.

During the day, this guy even wanted to assassinate him, so Fang Tianfeng couldn't say he didn't know him.

"How did he die"

Fang Tianfeng asked suddenly.

Yancihou was stunned for a moment, thinking that he had already told Fang Tianfen the whole thing, but why did he ask but soon, Yancihou reacted and buried his head even lower.

The Marquis of Yanci respectfully said, "Reporting to the Crown Prince, we found his body outside Yanci City, when we saw a group of horse thieves looting.

And this man also relied on his martial arts to compete with the gang of thieves, but he was outnumbered and eventually killed.

When my men arrived, the horse thief ran away in a hurry before he could snatch the belongings of this man."


Fang Tianfeng nodded slightly, although there were loopholes in his words, it was enough.

At least Yancihou understands what he means, and these......the loopholes can also be slowly filled.

"Tomorrow, send someone to report to Uncle Huang from Chang'an."

Fang Tianfeng said, leaving a sentence and want to leave.

When he arrived, Li Ling, who had been following him, suddenly frowned and shouted, "Who is this!"

"What! Someone else!"

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