Yancihou was stunned in an instant, and suddenly became nervous.

And the guards in the yard also looked around vigilantly, and they didn't find anyone at all.


With a crisp sound, almost everyone was attracted at once.

Because, the voice came from the roof! "Catch the assassin! Go and catch the assassin!"

Yanci Hou was stunned, and shouted hoarsely, "Absolutely cannot let him run away! Hurry up, hurry up and chase me!"

He never thought that there was more than one person sent by King Liang.

If this person stays on the roof all the time, doesn't it mean that all the words he just said have been heard by the other party. Once the other party reports this matter to King Liang, it will be a bad thing! In case it breaks the prince It's even worse! However, these...... are just ordinary guards, dealing with ordinary people starfish.

But it's impossible for them to fly over the eaves to chase people.

So, you can only watch the other party leave.

"Assassin go away!"

Li Ling also knew something was wrong, so he hurriedly shouted and wanted to jump on the roof to catch up.

However, he stopped moving quickly because Fang Tianfeng stopped him.


Li Linggang wanted to chase someone but was stopped, anxious but unable to attack.

Because it was Fang Tianfeng, the prince who stopped him.

And he, Li Ling, is the son of the prince.

Fang Tianfeng glanced at Li Ling indifferently. Li Ling was a keeper, and his martial arts skills were quite good among the younger generation.

It was not surprising that he could find that someone was eavesdropping, but Fang Tianfeng deliberately stopped Li Ling.

"You don't have to chase, and you can't catch up."

Fang Tianfeng shook his head slightly, and was silent for a moment, then said slowly, "It's not too late, Master Hou, you sent someone into Chang'an overnight to find Prince Liang.

Tell the King of Liang the facts one by one, that Yanci City, like 760, is under curfew today.

Even if the man hears us, he will not be able to leave for Chang'an until tomorrow morning."

"We were one night ahead of him and that was enough."

At least ten hours a night.

From Yanci to Chang'an, it will take a day or two if you hurry up.

And after King Liang got the news, if he had to make a decision, it would only take a few hours.

As for Fang Tianfeng, what he wants is... a time difference of more than ten hours.

Even, Hou Yanci can deliberately open the city gate later tomorrow.

Even if the gate is directly closed, it will buy more time.

Not only can they send someone to Chang'an in advance to report false news to King Liang, but also they can search for the person who may be King Liang during this period of time.

It's not difficult to hunt down, after all, they belong to King Liang, which means that the other party only entered the city today.

Therefore, it is very easy to find a new face.

: You don't like the big man and the emperor very much, so how is the number one in the world? I like Liu Sheng Piao Xu.

Chapter 037 ━━━━━━━━ Qiu Chan! (please subscribe)

Chapter 037 ━━━━━━━━ Qiu Chan! Please subscribe "Yes, Wei Chen will do it right away."

Seemingly infected by Fang Tianfeng's calmness, Hou Yanci also calmed down and directly ordered people to go to the city gate to declare martial law.

At the same time, send people all over the city to search for possible assassins.

Finally, he dispatched his confidant to ride his beloved BMW and rushed to Chang'an.

The time is really tight, and there are still many loopholes.

But now they can't manage that much anymore, as long as the plan continues, they will be successful.

While issuing the order, Hou Yanci also sighed in his heart.

Obviously it is a major event related to the prince's succession to the throne, but the prince is still so calm.

If nothing else, just this kind of bearing is not something that people like them can match.

No wonder, no wonder even the chaos of the Seven Kings could not shake the status of the royal family.

With such descendants, why should the royal family be unhappy? Why should the Han family be unhappy! Following such a person, why would he be unhappy with no glory and wealth? This time, he made the right bet! However, no matter what happened Thinking about it, Fang Tianfeng had already left.

He dismissed Li Ling and Guo Deren, and returned directly to the house prepared for him by Hou Yanci.

Originally, Liu Yi wanted to take the opportunity to get close, but was stopped by Li Ling and others.

Just kidding, none of their younger brothers were able to follow the prince. You, a young master from a remote country, still want to follow him, but what they don't know is that as soon as Fang Tianfeng entered the door, he was held by a long sword around his neck.

It can only be said that the world is really too small.

"do not move!"

When the cold and glowing long sword pressed against his neck, a crisp threat sounded in Fang Tianfeng's ears.

However, Fang Tianfeng's heart did not fluctuate, and he even wanted to laugh a little.

Because he knows who the person who threatens him is, listening to the crisp voice, everyone should know that this is a cute girl.

Therefore, Fang Tianfeng was not afraid, and even closed the door with his backhand.

Then, at the risk of his throat being cut by the opponent's sword, he lit the oil lamp in the room.

"I said don't move! You don't.

did you kill you?"

The voice in my ear became a little annoyed, but I retracted the long sword.

Obviously at this time, he should be threatened with a sword.

"Afraid, who is not afraid of death?"

Fang Tianfeng shook his head slightly, but turned again, the corners of his mouth turned up slightly, "But, I believe you won't kill me."

"Who, who said that! I'll kill you now!"

The clear voice was a little flustered, and she was strong from the outside, and she knew her own affairs, and she knew that she couldn't do anything.

However, she didn't want to let this be the reason for the other party to have nothing to fear.

Because she is still an assassin.

"You're not fit to be an assassin,"

Fang Tianfeng slowly turned around and looked at the... petite figure in black clothes and a black scarf that appeared in front of him.

There was a hint of tenderness on the originally indifferent face, and looked at each other with tenderness, "Qiu Chan."


The man in black seemed to be taken aback, and hurriedly took two steps back, his exposed eyes showed that its owner had become: panicked.

Fang Tianfeng smiled slightly, ignoring the long sword in the opponent's hand, reaching out and slowly taking off the opponent's face towel, revealing that delicate pretty face.

Without a doubt, it was Qiu Chan.

Qiu Chan ducked back subconsciously, but found that she had been forced into a corner, and there was no way to avoid it.

Therefore, she could only passively accept Fang Tianfeng's caressing and stroking her cheek.

"You, how do you know it's me."

The girl's pretty face was slightly red, her eyes dodged, but she still mustered up the courage to ask.

However, she didn't know that she had completely fallen into a disadvantage.

"Because, I like you."

Fang Tianfeng's eyes were full of tenderness, which made Qiu Chan a little scared and a little shy, afraid to look directly at the fiery heat in his eyes, but unwilling to reject his tenderness, "If you can't even recognize the person you like, then it's better to die. Forget it."


As if she was choked by the sweet words, or perhaps she felt a little more comfortable being touched, so Qiu Chan couldn't help but groaned.

But she quickly reacted, her pretty face blushed, she knew exactly what she had just done.

As the saying goes, if it does not erupt in silence, it will perish in the silence of King Shen Zhao.

Qiu Chan did not sink in shame, but burst out all of a sudden.

The petite arm suddenly knocked off Fang Tianfeng's hand that was stroking her cheek, and turned sideways to forcibly distanced himself from Fang Tianfeng.

Although the little face was still blushing, his expression changed: "I haven't asked you yet! Why are you in Yancihou's mansion! You are still with the bad guy Yancihou!"

"Didn't you hear it all?"

Fang Tianfeng shrugged helplessly, "I am the prince."

Qiu Chan lowered her head silently, it was one thing to hear Marquis Yanci called Prince Fang Tianfeng, but it was another thing for him to admit.

She instinctively didn't want to believe it, but she had to believe it.

Chapter 038 ━━━━━━━━ Past! (please subscribe)

Chapter 038 ━━━━━━━━ Past! Please subscribe "How can you cooperate with the bad guy Yancihou, do you know..."

Fang Tianfeng was sitting on the bed with the girl in his arms and told the reason for his cooperation with Hou Yanci, but the girl glared at Fang Tianfeng and asked directly.

However, before she finished speaking, she herself was silent.

Yeah, how would he know "what's the matter"

Fang Tianfeng pretended to be suspicious and looked at the girl in his arms, and asked softly, "Do you have any grudges with Yancihou?"

Qiu Chan didn't speak, she knew that the big boy holding her liked her.

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