Fang Tianfeng turned his head and glanced at him, and said lightly, "If I don't get locked up, how can he remember that the cell can't be too bad, and it can't be too good."

The Hou Yanci was stunned for a moment, subconsciously thinking that the prince wanted to act but was unwilling to live in prison.

But soon, he realized that he had no connection with the prince.

Yes, in King Liang's view, he has no connection with the prince.

The reason why he knew the identity of the prince was also because the prince killed someone, and he went to arrest the prince in accordance with the law.... That's why there was such a misunderstanding, and the prince was unwilling to admit his identity, so he Only then did he hurriedly send someone to Chang'an to tell King Liang of the matter in its entirety.

So, the problem arises.

Since Hou Yanci knew the identity of the prince, but the prince had nothing to do with it, the prince was also unwilling to admit his identity.

Under such circumstances, Hou Yanci naturally cannot provide a very good environment for a murderer.

However, it can't be too bad.

If you are really locked in a cell as a normal criminal, that kind of... wet and smelly environment is simply an insult to the prince.

He is such a little prince of Yanci, how dare he do this to the prince! Either there is someone behind him, or the prince ordered him to do it, it's a hard plan! And the only one who can support the prince of Yanci is... King Liang he himself, so once it is too obvious, then Prince Liang can see at a glance that Marquis Yanci and the Crown Prince are playing tricks.

Therefore, Marquis Yanci wants to play in his true colors, playing a courtier who doesn't know how to deal with the prince's anxiety.

Both 4.

6 The prince is imprisoned like a prisoner, but the environment in which he is imprisoned cannot be too good, and he must be treated equally.

But even if they are treated equally, the environment should not be too bad.

All in all, keep this in check.

"Prince, what do you think of this place?"

Hou Yanci pushed open the door in person, nodded and bowed and looked at the young man in front of him, with a flattering smile on his face.

"Ah, very good."

Fang Tianfeng nodded slightly, this is a room where servants live.

And it was deserted, and the dust around it showed that it had been uninhabited for months at least.

This kind of cell is just right for a sensitive person like him.

Chapter 052 Design!Down! (please subscribe)

Chapter 052 ━━━━━━━━Design! Next! Please subscribe to "Mother Queen."

King Liang bowed respectfully, and then looked at Empress Dou Dou doubtfully, "Empress mother, I don't know what happened to looking for the minister so late."

"See for yourself."

The Queen Mother Dou shook her head slightly, with a calm look on her face, but there was a hint of joy in her eyes.

He stretched out his hand and handed the cloth on the table to King Liang, then sat there and watched.

King Liang was puzzled, but he hurriedly produced the cloth.

This is a memorial.

Unlike the previous day when Marquis Yanci contacted him privately, it was because he discovered that King Liang's confidant died tragically.

So, this is a private matter, a private matter.

Therefore, Marquis Yanci sent his confidant to Chang'an and directly found King Liang.

However, this is an official business, or a major matter related to the prince.

If this news is directly passed on to King Liang, it will undoubtedly arouse the suspicion of King Liang.

Prince Yanci had an accident. Of course, this kind of thing had to be decided by His Majesty, and it was up to King Liang to decide what would happen, unless the Hou Yanci had a ghost in his mind! Therefore, Hou Yanci was very smart and didn't do it.

In order not to arouse suspicion, he really distanced himself from his relationship with the prince.

Public is public, private is private, and public and private are clearly defined.

Yesterday was a private matter, so I could go directly to King Liang without any problems.

Today is official business, so I have to submit a memorial directly to show the emperor.

However, the emperor was about to die, and a pair of books were piled up by Dou Tai's descendants.

So, this [-]-mile expedited memorial came to the Queen Mother Dou.

Then it passed through the Queen Mother Dou and handed it over to the King of Liang.

Everything is reasonable, and there are no flaws.

Perfect! "Cheer killed!"

King Liang looked shocked, but his eyes were filled with ecstasy that couldn't be concealed, and he couldn't help clenching the hand holding the cloth.

He was so excited that the fabric of the original certificate was squeezed out of the folds, "The Marquis of Yanci ordered it to be delivered expeditedly from eight hundred li during the day.

Empress Dowager Dou sighed deeply and said helplessly, "My grandson, everything is fine, it's just... I like making trouble too much."

Liu Che definitely doesn't like to cause trouble, because he has not been out in the palace for more than ten years.

Even if he wants to cause trouble, he has to find a chance to do so. However, it was only once, and the memorial also said that he deliberately committed murder, but it has been characterized as naughty-like to cause trouble.

Empress Dowager Dou's purpose is self-evident, and she also sees an opportunity.

"The King of Liang,"

Empress Dowager Dou spoke slowly again, "Calculate the time, the person you send to Xianji will probably arrive tomorrow.

Get ready and leave at dawn tomorrow.

When the time comes, your people have made the matter clear to Hou Yanci, and you should almost arrive.

At that time, what you should do, you don't need me to teach you."


King Liang gritted his teeth, but his eyes became a little dodgy, "Or, escort Che'er back to Chang'an"

Empress Dowager Dou's eyes suddenly changed, looking at King Liang coldly.

"Anyway... in a few days, I will send someone to give orders to Marquis Yanci to bring the prince back to Chang'an..."


Empress Dowager Dou angrily slapped the case table, "How could I have such a stupid son as you! I also escorted the prince back to Chang'an, why the escort is just a crime of murder, murder pays for life, why is it necessary to escort the prince back to Chang'an for trial? "

King Liang was stunned, not knowing why the Empress Dowager Dou was so angry, he had to bite the bullet and answer, "But Che'er is the prince, so he needs to be escorted back to Chang'an."

"Ha ha,"

Empress Dowager Dou was extremely angry and laughed, sneered, "You know he is the prince, you still want to escort the prince, and you want to be tried. This is Chang'an, not your Liang Kingdom's kingdom! When the prince returns to Chang'an, don't Saying that he just killed a bunch of people, no one would dare to convict him even if he killed the son of the prince of disgust!"

"Down: At that time, the two of us not only... can't take the opportunity to pull him off the horse, but we have to do everything possible to cover it up for him."

"What's more, you think Marquis Yanci would listen to you like this and escort the prince back to Chang'an just by your letter. He dares to scold him for being just a little marquis. Does he dare to escort the prince? At that time, he will not only... He will not escort the prince, and I am afraid that he will send heavy troops to escort the prince back to Chang'an in order to protect Mingzhe.

Escort and escort, the difference of one word represents completely different meanings."

"You still want the prince to return to Chang'an, so why did we do everything possible to transfer him out of Chang'an?"

"But, doesn't Ke Che'er still want to go back to Chang'an?"

King Liang was sweating profusely after hearing this, but he still retorted with some dissatisfaction.


Empress Dou scolded angrily and said coldly, "Of course he can go back to Chang'an, but the prince can't."

It's no problem for Liu Che to return to Chang'an. When King Liang ascends the throne, he will have to play the role of a loving uncle, and he will also have to give Liu Che a title to the defunct prince.

However, everything is based on the premise that Liu Che has been abolished.

King Liang gritted his teeth, not knowing what to do.

He is also confused to forget these things, but he instinctively doesn't want to get tired of it.

It seemed that something bad was waiting for him.

Chapter 053 ━━━━━━━━━Design!Finish! (please subscribe)

Chapter 053 ━━━━━━━━Design! Finished! I don't know why to subscribe to Liang Wang, but he just...don't want to get tired of it.

Although he also knew that he had to go.

Because the Queen Mother Dou couldn't leave at all, and only he, the King of Liang, could go.

If you want to become emperor, you must bring down the prince.

However, he has been worried since the person who was in the middle of the war last night wrote that his confidant was killed by horse thieves.

He always felt that once he was bored, it was very likely that something would go wrong.

However, the current situation is that he has to go.

If you don't go, don't try to be the emperor.

In the end, under the persecution of the Empress Dowager, he still chose to go.

What Empress Dowager Dowager meant was to let Wang Tianliang set off.

However, King Liang couldn't wait any longer, and was afraid that something would change.

So he gathered his troops that night, led his thousand elites to set out, and rushed to Yanji in a mighty manner.

Thinking of the thousand elite soldiers behind him, King Liang felt a lot more at ease.

Now, there is nothing to worry about.

There are a thousand elite soldiers to follow, how dare the horse thieves provoke them. As for the Xiongnu, it is not the time for the Xiongnu to go south to fight the autumn wind. Now it is winter, so what are you afraid of?

The purpose of the Huns going south to invade the border of the Han Dynasty was actually... before the winter came and it was not too cold, they ran to the land of the Han Dynasty to grab grain and women, so as to spend the cold winter.

In winter, the Huns and Han's defenders were greatly reduced in combat strength.

But at this time, the horses of the Huns did not dare to run casually in the snow.

Once you run a footprint, it is very easy to run into trouble in winter.

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