Therefore, they are all trying to find a way to survive the harsh winter, instead of going to the big man to court death.

Under such circumstances, King Liang really couldn't think of how he would lose, how he would lose Feilong Qilian, how King Liang would feel at ease, but Empress Dowager Dou suddenly felt uneasy.

The next morning, I wanted to declare King Liang, but was told that King Liang left for Yanci last night.

It is estimated that it has now reached the boundary of Henan, and it will be exhausted after the Ming Dynasty at the latest.

Now that we have set out, it is impossible to call people back.

However, things have to be resolved in the end.

So, Empress Dowager Dou began to gather people from their Dou family.

There are hundreds of civil and military officials above the court, and the military officials are temporarily.

These are the military powers passed down from generation to generation by the family of military commanders.

If it is not a major accident, it is impossible to give it to others.

However, in the civil service group, more than half of the people are more or less related to the Dou family.

And among these half, half are members of the Dou family at all.

It can be said that this is the real power and opposition.

"Do you know why I called you here today?"

Empress Dowager Dou looked at the top executives of the Dou family below and walked past them.

"Celebrate the Queen Mother's birthday."

Everyone else lowered their heads and dared not speak, but Dou Ying said with a smile.

"What's the best thing about a birthday that's not perfect"

The Empress Dowager did not take it seriously, and said lightly, "I came to you in a few days, just want to use this day to talk to you.

So as not to gossip outside and make people laugh."

Empress Dowager Dou said, she slowly sat down a few times before the case, looked at the members of the Dou family who were kneeling below, and let out a long sigh.

After a moment of silence, he said slowly, "Your Majesty has a few days left."


There was exclamation below, and all the members of the Dou family were shocked.

Up to now, there are no more than ten people who know that the emperor's life will be soon.

The imperial doctor counts as one, the Queen Mother Dou and Liang Wang count as one, Fang Tianfeng and her sister Princess Pingyang and Chen Gillian count as one.

In addition, the Yanci Hou father and son who were informed by Fang Tianfen are also counted as one.

Coupled with the two confidant maids who served the emperor and belonged to the Dou family who had been trained since childhood, they would never leak their secrets.

But they didn't almost leak their secrets, because each time the Queen Mother Dou personally sent them there and picked them up back to her palace.

In addition, they were originally trained in the palace for Empress Dowager Dou, and have never been in contact with outsiders.

Even if they want to leak the secret, they don't know who to leak it to.

Besides, no one else knows what happened to the emperor.

But now, the Empress Dowager has directly disclosed the news.

"Don't make a sound."

The Empress Dowager said coldly, "If you have ears, just listen."

"We can't write two syllables in one stroke, these... Zhao Zhao's year, you should also be named a marquis, and you will also have glory and wealth.

This emperor really has nothing to say to our maiden family."

Empress Dowager Dou sighed slightly, the current emperor, after all, is her own son.

"Now that the emperor is leaving, what do you say about the new emperor, who should be blocking it?"

Empress Dowager Dou's eyes suddenly became sharp: even her own son couldn't stand in her way.

She also didn't want to pull Emperor Han Jing off the horse, but since he was about to die, he naturally wanted to make way for her young son.

However, the Queen Mother Dou was asking the rest of the Dou family, but the others did not say a word.

I dare not say it, nor do I want to say it.

Because they are outsiders after all.

Chapter 054

Chapter 054: Insufficient People's Hearts

Empress Dou looked at the silent crowd and couldn't help but get angry, "Don't tell me, do you want me, the old lady, to make up your mind?"

When you take things, you take things faster than anyone else, and now I want you to come up with an idea, just like the gods of avoiding plagues, daring to touch them.

But it's also true that such a sensitive topic as the new emperor should not be discussed by them.

"Dou Ying, you say."

None of the group dared to speak, and the Queen Mother Dou had to call her name, and said lightly, "I will remind you first, if you are taboo, you'd better not say it."

"Go back to the Queen Mother."

Dou Ying bowed slightly, still with a smile on his face, "Aunt has put a lot of effort into the big man over the years, and her work is higher than the sky."

"You don't have to pat the ass, just say serious things."

Empress Dowager Dou interrupted him mercilessly, and now talking about this...... What's the use Meaning, what the minister said was... serious words."

Dou Ying raised his head abruptly, "Aunt's power is higher than the sky, the great man can have the rule of Wenjing today, and the people can live and work in peace and contentment.

The national strength also gradually recovered and became strong, all of which were the result of the aunt and her husband's lessons.

Now that the prince is still young and ignorant, he takes over the throne with other princes.

Rather than..."

Dou Ying paused for a moment, then suddenly raised his voice, "It's better, my aunt can be the emperor herself."

Who is Dou Ying's confidant of the empress dowager, in fact, he also knows the news that the emperor is about to return to heaven.

However, why does he still say such a thing, the Queen Mother Dou is not unreasonable for others to point it out.

Because he is his confidant, he can say the wrong thing, and he will not do anything to him.

Another one, that is... one to be able to sing the red face and the other to sing the black face.

In other words, this is what Empress Dowager Dou asked Dou Ying to say.

In an instant, almost everyone in the audience made such a judgment.

"Empress Dowager Dou wants to be the emperor, but she can't say it herself, so she asks Dou Ying to say it on her behalf."

So, all at once all at once.


"Please raise the empress dowager a step higher!"

Dou Ying lowered his head slightly, with a hint of undisguised joy on his face. It is true that he is the empress dowager's confidant, but, this is really not what the empress dowager asked him to say.

Because the empress dowager meant to let the king succeed the throne.

However, Dou Ying was not convinced.

Who is Dou Ying and Empress Dowager Dou's nephew! King Liang and him are just equals.

In this case, why should King Liang be the emperor of King Liang to succeed the throne, this Han Dynasty is still the world of the Liu family.

Moreover, although King Liang has ambitions, he is not ambitious enough to put it mildly.

He wanted to be emperor, but he never thought about passing the throne to his son.

That's right, King Liang's brain circuit is... different.

He wanted to be the emperor first, and then pass the throne to his nephew Liu Che! Yes, that's right, he wanted to be the emperor, so he grabbed the throne from his nephew.

But then, he prepared to pass the throne back to Liu Che, the son of Liu Qi, his brother Han Jingdi, after his own death.

Because King Liang is not only quite an emperor, he also wants to be famous for a hundred generations.

To put it in a bad way, that is... when you become a bitch, you have to set up a torii.

But no matter how bitch, King Liang... thinks so! Since ancient times, things like the throne have been inherited by their own sons, regardless of whether they are inherited by the eldest son.

And King Liang thought a little more, he robbed Liu Che of the throne, and he would inevitably leave a stain on history and be criticized by others.

Then he has to find a way to save it, and how to save it is to try to turn this matter into a good story.

A story of 'brothers pass on, uncles pass on nephews'.

But no matter how it was passed on, it was still the Liu family's world.

Their Dou family got nothing.

Even if King Liang succeeds to the throne, at most... cling to their glory and wealth, and will not let them continue to grow.

Because the Dou family is already strong enough, no matter how strong they are, they will be out of the emperor's control.

This is what no ruler wants to see.

So Dou Ying was jealous.

Why can your Liu family be the emperor, and why our Dou family can't? He has thought about it. Once the Empress Dowager becomes the emperor, the next throne will be... He Dou Ying! Why because the Empress Dowager has no son, When Emperor Jing of Han died, it was impossible for the remaining king of Liang to return to the throne after Empress Dowager Dowager succeeded to the throne.

At that time, the throne will definitely be firmly in the hands of their Dou family.

Even if the Empress Dowager Dou wanted to be placed in King Liang, the entire Dou family would definitely not agree.

At that time, Empress Dowager Dou, who has no children, must choose one of her nephews to succeed her.

Among Empress Dowager Dou's nephews, Dou Ying considers himself to be the most outstanding one.

Besides, the Empress Dowager Dowager is already old and can live for a few more years, so once the Empress Dowager Dou succeeds to the throne, in Dou Ying's view, the next throne will be his, so you can be sure!

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