Chapter 055 The Dou Family's Ambition! (please subscribe)

Chapter 055 ━━━━━━━━ Dou Family's Ambition! Asking to subscribe Dou Ying is ambitious, but he also knows that he can't do such a big thing by himself.

Therefore, he wanted to coerce the rest of the Dou family to compliment the Queen Mother Dou.

In case the Queen Mother Dou becomes dazed and excited and agrees, she still has to give it a try, after all, the opportunity is right in front of you.


Empress Dowager Dou looked angry and slapped the counter on the table, "Are you trying to rebel? You are full of nonsense!"

Dou Ying lowered his head and dared not speak, but there was a hint of pity in his eyes.

It's just a little bit short, but unfortunately the Empress Dowager Dou's courage is still not enough.

But she has always been the backbone of the Dou family today. The Dou family sounds nice, but in fact it was all cultivated by the Queen Mother Dou.

Before Empress Dowager Dou became the emperor of Emperor Wen of the Han Dynasty, their Dou family was actually just farming.

But in the past few decades, it has also enjoyed the glory and wealth.

Therefore, it is not incomprehensible that some people want to climb a little higher.

But unfortunately, Empress Dowager Dou is a sensible person, and her comprehension saved her.

"Don't move out of the old account of Emperor Gaozu's Empress Lu."

The Queen Mother Dou scolded angrily, but suddenly thought that all the people below were her own relatives, and she suddenly became angry, how could everyone be so mindless "The Lu family is in power, and the chickens and dogs rise to the sky.

It's not beautiful for a while, you are envious, right?"

"The results of it!"

Empress Dowager Dou's voice suddenly rose again, "I have lived a few weeks with erections, ten old men, An Liu.

Those who are not the Liu clan but are kings will be attacked by the world.

It's only been a few decades, and you're about to forget it."

"It's about to change the dynasty, I just want to embrace your glory and wealth, not let you carry a ladder to reach the moon! When I'm gone one day, you're tired of living, anyway... I can't see it anymore."

"I dare not wait."

For a time, everyone understood Empress Dowager Dou's mind and her fears.

At the beginning, Empress Lu was strong, powerful, and authoritarian.

In the end, it wasn't a dead end.

As soon as she died, the Lu family fell apart, and in the end they were all wiped out.

After Empress Lv died, Emperor Wen of Han also succeeded him.

And she, the Empress Dowager, became the Empress, and there was no Empress Dowager above her.

Therefore, she, the new empress dowager, came out and brought a Dou family who was only farming.

And now, Empress Dowager Dou has also experienced two dynasties, Emperor Wen of Han and Emperor Jing of Han.

Even if she didn't want to learn from Empress Lu, she couldn't help but want to be Empress Dowager again.

"Now, there are only two choices before you."

The Empress Dowager calmed down a little, "One, the emperor's son Liu Che.

2, my youngest son, King Liang."

"Who do you think is the most suitable?"

"The country depends on the Changjun, and the minister thinks that the Liangwang is the most suitable."

Dou Ying once again made the right voice at the right time and smiled.

"That's what you said."

The Empress Dowager nodded in satisfaction, although she was a little more ambitious, she was not all idiots.

"The minister waits for the public debate!"

"Okay, you all go down."

The Empress Dowager slowly swept across the crowd, and said coldly, "Remember, this matter is not allowed to be disclosed to the public.

Otherwise, I don't care whether your surname is Dou or not! Dou Ying, if you stay, you can make a decree according to this meaning."

Empress Dowager's uneasiness became stronger and stronger. After counting the time, her son Liang Wang should have reached the realm of weariness by now.

And there are also a thousand elite soldiers accompanying, a little tired of times, at most some unfavorable horse thieves.

0 Only these people are not enough for these elite soldiers to stick between their teeth.

I'm afraid, looking at the banner of King Liang from a distance, he has already run away.

However, the Queen Mother Dou didn't know where this uneasiness came from, but she knew something, and she was afraid that things would change.

She wants Dou Ying to make a fake, to make up the decree, and to make both preparations.

King Liang went to hate Ci and abolished the prince, and she was preparing the last emperor's edict in the palace so that King Liang could take over the throne smoothly.

.............. Dou Ying respectfully handed the Queen Mother Dou the golden cloth exclusively used for the royal family in his hand, bowing his head so that one could not see his expression clearly.

"This is an edict, you must write it carefully, and don't show any flaws."

Empress Dowager Dou sighed slightly, if not forced, she would not want to use this method.

"Then let me change it."

"Hurry up, always when he still has a breath."

The Queen Mother Dou shook her head slightly, she had never done such a fake thing before, not because she didn't want to, but because she didn't dare.

Because she is not sure whether the emperor will be able to return to the light, if she suddenly recovers and knows that she has done such a thing, it will be all over.

Therefore, she must hurry before the emperor dies, because the dead cannot make decrees.

Moreover, it is also necessary to ensure that the emperor will definitely die.

So, it will be delayed until today.


Empress Dowager Dou looked at the revised imperial edict with satisfaction, "Then let's drive."

When Empress Dowager Dou took someone to the emperor's palace, the imperial doctor who saw the emperor's doctor happened to be there.

Although Empress Dowager Dou was surprised why the imperial doctor came a little early today, she did not have any doubts.

Chapter 058 ━━━━━━━━ Into the set!superior! (please subscribe)

Chapter 058 ━━━━━━━━ Into the set! Go! Please subscribe "My minister, welcome the king of Liang."

Marquis Yanci stood outside the city gate with his son, bowing his head respectfully.

Because the king of Liang is here.

A thousand elite soldiers guarded King Liang's carriage, which is really mighty.

And just as King Liang had expected, no horse thieves would dare to rob them of their way along the way.

Unless you are tired of living, then which bandit dares to rob the official's way, let alone, this is not an ordinary official, it is the King of Liang! Besides, the thousand elite soldiers are enough to make people discouraged.

After all, this world is not in chaos.

Even if there are mountains "seven seven zeros"

Thief, how could there be more than a thousand bandits? "Hmm."

King Liang walked slowly from the carriage, stepping on the backs of the servants, and nodded lightly, "Where's the prince?"

"At the house."

The Hou Yanci quickly replied, "After all, the prince killed someone, and he doesn't want to admit his identity.

The minister had no choice but to take the prince to the mansion for the time being, lest those... riotous people would be dissatisfied and want to take revenge on the prince."


King Liang didn't say anything, just nodded without making any comments.

The next moment, a commoner dressed in linen slowly walked out from behind Yancihou and his son, and it was forbidden to go directly to King Liang after crossing the guards.

Obviously, he was someone he knew and was the confidant of King Liang.

"Your Majesty, I've made inquiries."

The man leaned directly into King Liang's ear and whispered, "His Royal Highness did indeed kill someone, and on the day of the Rabbit Party, there was a conflict with a commoner who was burying his dead father because of the fight for the Rabbit King.

In the end, it was a big fight, and as a result, the prince missed and killed him."

"When did this happen"

King Liang nodded, not suspicious, but continued to ask.

"In the morning, someone was killed, and then someone went to report to the official. It was Liu Yi, the son of Hou Yanci, who personally led the team to arrest them."

"Did you catch someone directly?"

King Liang calmly looked at the anxious two Yanzi before him, and continued to ask.


The man hesitated a little, and then said, "According to what the...people said, Liu Yi not only arrested people.

Even before that, he had had a conflict with the prince.

So, when arresting the prince, it seems..."


The more King Liang listened, the more satisfied he became. If there is conflict, it's good, but if there is conflict, he can't be the prince's person.

The King of Liang was undoubtedly careful, and his team walked for two days.

However, he sent someone to ride his galloping horse one day early, and in this day inquired about all the news about the prince.

In fact, prove it.

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