On the first day the prince came to Yanci, he had a conflict with the son of Hou Yanci, and it was because of a prostitute.

And on the second day, the day of the rabbit meeting, the prince killed someone.

As a result, Liu Yi personally led the team to arrest people, and even humiliated the prince on the spot.

When the person was arrested, Hou Yanci discovered that the murderer who was arrested was actually the prince.

Therefore, I hurriedly wrote a memorial for [-] miles and sent it to Chang'an.

Then, it is... Empress Dowager Dou saw the memorial and sent King Liang to hate the times.

Everything is well-founded, not abrupt or deliberate, and it doesn't look like a performance at all.

Therefore, King Liang believed.

"My lord."

Yancihou shouted cautiously, feeling extremely uneasy in his heart.

He also saw that the man seemed to be returning something to King Liang, and at that time he was just... a jerk.... There is no doubt that King Liang was worried about them, so he sent someone to investigate secretly.

Although he was fully prepared, he couldn't help but be afraid of being exposed.

After all, that's what thieves are all about.

"Oh, you worked hard."

After listening to the report from his subordinates, King Liang nodded with satisfaction and showed a smile, "Let's go, take me to see my nephew.

Really, just... can't get rid of this trouble-loving problem.

He even went to the emperor's brother's place and sent me here.

Take him back this time, it will be difficult for him to slip out again."

Hearing King Liang's usual words, Hou Yanci breathed a sigh of relief.

But he didn't dare to talk casually, so he nodded again and again, with a complimenting smile, "Your Highness said yes."

One thousand elite soldiers will definitely not follow into the city, because Marquis Yanci is not prepared, and there is not enough space for them to live in the city.

Therefore, they were stationed outside the city and camped on the spot.

And King Liang didn't worry about what danger he would encounter, so he immediately took a group of confidants and followed Hou Yanci into the city.

Then, he went straight to the House of the Marquis of Yanci.

No one said 4 along the way.

In Chapter 6, King Liang got into the carriage, and Hou Yanci and his son didn't dare to speak.

Talking too much is easy to make mistakes, and it is easy to reveal flaws, so it is better not to talk about it.

"Where's the prince?"

When King Liang followed Marquis Yanci into the courtyard, and his subordinates opened the door but found nothing in it, he instinctively sensed something was wrong.

"Arrest me!"

Hou Yanci shouted loudly, and in an instant a large group of soldiers rushed out from all around.

In an instant, they surrounded King Liang's people.

However, Hou Yanci and his son were standing in front of the courtyard gate, with a pitiful smile on their faces.

Chapter 059 ━━━━━━━━ Into the set!middle! (please subscribe)

Chapter 059 ━━━━━━━━ Into the set! In! Please subscribe to "The Second Hou! What do you want to do! Do you want to rebel?"

King Liang angrily rebuked and questioned loudly, but Marquis Yanci did not waver in his heart.

He has already stood in line, so he can't change jobs at will.

The more powerful a person is, the more difficult it is to switch jobs at will.

Now that you have stood in line, let's go all the way.

Even if you know it's a dead end.

Therefore, since Marquis Yanci has taken refuge with the Crown Prince, he will no longer be shaken by Prince Liang's words.

As an old fox in the officialdom, Marquis Yanci naturally understands what it means to be loyal and not serve two masters.

Therefore, no matter how much King Liang reprimanded him, it would be useless.

"Liang Wang's words are serious,"

Marquis Yanci shook his head slightly, showing a win-win smile, "Wei Chen, I just want to invite the prince to stay in the Hou residence for a few days."

It is impossible to kill King Liang 04.

Yancihou does not have such courage.

However, if King Liang was only detained in the Hou Mansion for a few days, then it would not be a big problem.

Because this time he has the power of Conglong, the only King Liang who has a chance to compete with the prince for the throne is not there.

Then, when the prince becomes the emperor, the old acquaintance is sure about everything.

At that time, even if King Liang goes out, why can he bear him? At that time, he is already the king who hates the second prince! At that time, everyone will be the prince, who should be afraid of who? The hero.

You are higher than me in terms of status, but who is more trusted by the emperor.

An uncle who wants to fight for the throne with himself, and a person who will send the emperor to the throne, everyone knows which one to choose.

However, this is all just thinking.

Fang Tianfeng's plan was to kill everyone.

When Marquis Yanci and Prince Liang were still there: when they confronted each other, Fang Tianfeng, who was hiding in the dark, was ready to start.


There was a loud noise out of thin air, and Hou Yanci was taken aback before he could even react.

He watched helplessly as the feet of King Liang and his party in the courtyard suddenly burst open, and the stone chips and soil splashed out.

Among them, it was also wrapped in some minced flesh and blood and splashed around.


Yanci Hou only felt a chill, as if something flew to his face.

He subconsciously reached out his hand and wiped it on his face, and when he looked down, his hands were bright red.

Among them, there is also a "Ah-!"

The explosion range of the bomb was still very wide, and in such a small courtyard, almost everyone was swept away.

Standing in the center, King Liang and his party were naturally the first to be among them.

The courtyard was splashed with blood and minced meat, but the walls of the courtyard were not smashed down.

Only, the courtyard wall was dyed red.

King Liang and his party died simply, without even screaming.

However, in addition to... King Liang's people, there are also a large group of confidants who are disgusted with the second prince.

Because of the importance of the matter, Marquis Yanci did not dare to use ordinary soldiers to besiege King Liang.

What he used was all the dead soldiers he had carefully cultivated over the years, all of whom he trusted.

What is a dead soldier fighting a battle, even if it is an elite soldier, once the casualty rate reaches [-]%%, there will definitely be a possibility of rout.

And once anyone flees, the entire formation will be messed up and the war will be lost.

Therefore, there is usually a supervising team, and anyone who wants to escape will be beheaded without hesitation.

But dead men are different.

The dead will not run away even if they fight to the last soldier, because they are raised from childhood.

It can be said that these... The dead man is a must for every family, and it is also the last card of every family.

However, it's all over now.

In order to keep it secret, Hou Yanci used all his dead soldiers.

And now, King Liang's group is dead and clean.

But these......the dead soldiers, how could it not be a heavy loss? Along with the disappearance of the loud noise, there were screams one after another in the courtyard.

The death rate of the dead was more than half, and the rest were taken by everyone, and they were the ones with missing arms and broken legs.

In the ancient times when there were no such advanced medical conditions and the concept of disinfection, once 770 people lost their arms and legs, the mortality rate was definitely more than [-]%.

If he simply died, I'm afraid it wouldn't be so miserable.

But just these... The screams are enough to wipe out the courage of people's last resistance.

Of course, no one can resist.

In the audience, only the Yanjihou father and son who were farthest away from the gate of the courtyard, plus a few personal guards who protected them, could still stand.

The others have all fallen to the ground.

Either dead or on the way to death.

And even if he is alive, his body is already covered with minced meat and blood.

Their legs trembled uncontrollably, and they were frightened.

People often say that death is not scary, what is scary is the unknown.

So do they.

All they heard was a loud bang, and then it became what it is now.

Some people even think that this is God's punishment.

And the only person who understood at the scene might be... I'm tired of this time.


Yancihou's voice was hoarse, and his heart was full of fear.

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