Chapter 060 Into the Set!Finish! (please subscribe)

Chapter 060 ━━━━━━━━ Into the set! Finished! Of course, the prince did it, except... the prince, who else would do this kind of thing but, even if I hate Hou Ming Knowing that the prince did it, he still couldn't help but be afraid.

He didn't know what method the prince used to kill King Liang, and he was afraid that the prince would use the same method to deal with himself again.

However, even if he knew what to do, King Liang was already dead, and the only thing he prayed for now was... hope that the prince would not even kill himself.

However, he thought too much. How could Fang Tianfeng kill him? Of course, he had to leave it to Nian Nujiao and Qiu Chan.

Hou Yanci looked at the sudden appearance of several men in black with trembling legs, and the screams in the courtyard made the atmosphere seem extremely gloomy.

The fear of death enveloped each of them, making them unable to even conceive the idea of ​​resistance.

"Do you remember, Yuan class?"

When the slender Manli slowly said the name, Hou Yanci was already heartbroken.

Because he knows that he won't have any chance to come back.

King Liang was assassinated. Naturally, such a big thing was reported to the court at the first time, and the urgency was more than [-] miles away.

This time, King Liang's own men rode his steed back to Chang'an and reported to the Queen Mother Dou in person.

"You said King Liang was dead"

Empress Dowager Dou's face was full of anger, and she almost died of anger.

Obviously everything has been arranged properly, obviously everything is ready, just wait for King Liang to come back before he can take the throne.

The emperor had just died today, and even the fake edict had already been prepared.

However, why did it become like this "it was done by the prince"

Empress Dowager Dou's voice was full of gloomy smell, which she should have thought of long ago.

All this was the prince's plan, he deliberately led King Liang to Yanci, and then joined the Marquis of Yanci to kill King Liang.

But, did he think it was over? Even if King Liang died, she wouldn't let him succeed so easily.


King Liang's confidant hesitated a little, then gritted his teeth and said, "I'm too tired of the second prince to catch more, and he's still locked in prison.

However, it may be the prince who ordered the arrest of the prince.

As soon as I arrived at Yanci, the Hou Yanci ordered people to arrest me."

"Just grab it"

Empress Dowager Dou glanced at him slightly, and said, "That's because Hou Yanci made his own decisions."

If that's the case, then this disgusting Hou is really too bold.

She couldn't move the crown prince, but she risked her life to kill Yancihou's family and avenge her son! "No,"

King Liang's confidant said in horror, "The Second Marquis is also dead."


King Liang's people died in the first place, but that didn't mean that King Liang took everyone with him.

He also let his confidants follow him far away, just in case.

However, before this person had time to save people, King Liang was already dead, with no bones left.

Therefore, he could only watch all this happen in horror, and he could only watch Hou Yanci was killed by Nian Nujiao.

"Yuan is a good Yuan."

The Queen Mother Dou was extremely angry and laughed, but the more she did, the more angry she was in her heart.

She originally thought that all this was planned by the prince.

If so, that's all.

At most, she pays some price and threatens the prince with these things.

The news of killing his uncle to take the throne is bad for the new emperor's reputation.

However, who would have thought that this was just a simple vendetta! Vendetta! Yuan class, the name Empress Dowager is naturally not unfamiliar.

At the beginning of the Seven Kingdoms Rebellion, everyone was frightened, and her Empress Dowager was no exception.

It was Zhou Yafu and Yuanlei, the two of them relied on Liang Guo to drag down the Seven-Power Allied Forces abruptly, and made great achievements.

And just a year later, there was news of a rebellion.

As a result, the family of Yuanlei was beheaded by the whole family, and the title of Marquis Yanci was also deprived.

But now, the descendants of the Yuan class have returned, and moreover, they have also launched bloody ambitions for the prince of Yanci.

All of this is that... the confidant heard it in the dark, and the other party didn't know the existence of this person.

Therefore, the truth of these things can reach almost [-]%%.

So Empress Dowager Dou believed.

All this is just a farce, and King Liang can be said to have died in vain.

It is not clear whether Yuanlei has ... the Empress Dou who rebelled against Zhao Zhao, but it is an indisputable fact that Marquis Yanci killed Yuanlei's family.

Now that his descendants want to rebel, it is not an incomprehensible obstacle.

The only problem is... it's all so coincidental that she can't believe it.

King Liang had never been to Xian times in his life, so he went there just once, and in the end he stayed there forever.

And the kind of weapon used by the descendants of the Yuan class for revenge, to blow up King Liang and others to pieces in an instant, it is really terrible! "Check it out for me, investigate this matter thoroughly!"

The Queen Mother Dou seemed to have aged ten years in an instant, and suddenly sat down, "I don't care whose descendants he is! Find out for me! Kill them all for me! Kill them all for me!"

Chapter 061 Conspiracy! (please subscribe)

Chapter 061 ━━━━━━━━ Secret Conspiracy! The reason why King Liang's confidant was able to see what happened and go back alive is of course the credit of Fang Tianfeng.

He needs someone to bring this 'truth' back to the Empress Dowager Dou, so that Empress Dowager Dou understands that all this has nothing to do with him, the prince.

Although Fang Tianfeng was not afraid that Empress Dowager Dou would threaten him with this matter, he was a hypocritical person.

Fang Tianfeng still didn't want to let himself carry the title of killing his uncle to win the emperor, which was not good for his reputation.

So, it's better to put everything on the loving family.

And Nian Nujiao also agreed, everything was meaningless to her.

The loving family is already dead, even if the court is ordinary for loving the family, it will not have any meaning, and she will not care.

The only thing she cares about is... wanting to kill the enemy.

And Fang Tianfeng gave her this opportunity, but the price was to make the Aijia guilty of manslaughtering King Liang.

But for Nian Nujiao, it was all worth it.

King Liang died 770 years ago, and Hou Yanci and his son, including their confidants, also died.

No one will know that Prince Liu Che once worked with Hou Yanci.

Therefore, when King Liang's confidant fled Yanci and returned to Chang'an, Fang Tianfeng also quietly returned to Chang'an with his younger brother.

Chang'an will definitely want to go back, because King Liang died, and his cheap emperor father also died.

So, he, the prince, became the only heir.

He doesn't care if Empress Dowager Dou has any tricks and conspiracies, because all this is meaningless.

Even if he calls back all Liu Che's brothers and sisters, it is useless, because the crown prince is the only heir.

The reason why Empress Dowager Dou is confident in supporting King Liang to succeed the throne is because King Liang is her son.

Therefore, the people of the Dou family can wholeheartedly help the leader, King Liang, to ascend to the throne, but if it wasn't for her son, why would other people help an unrelated person and the prince to fight for the throne?

As long as the prince can keep their glory and wealth, it is enough.

And when King Liang died, instead of... supporting others, the Dou family was more willing to fight.

They would rather learn what Empress Lu did and make themselves emperors.

If so, it's not impossible... hurriedly overthrowing the prince and supporting a puppet.

But if that's the case, it's impossible to say that there will be a ten drama.

Moreover, Empress Dowager is not Empress Lu, she has Empress Lu's ability and means.

The Dou family is not the Lu family, and they did not rise from the beginning to the end together with the Liu family.

But Fang Tianfeng doesn't care...

Dou Jiahui, because after he returned to Chang'an, he sent all his younger brothers away.

Each went back to his own house, and each found his own mother.

Li Ling was ordered by Fang Tianfeng to go back to find his grandfather Li Guang. The name of the flying general has a lot of commanding power in the military camp.

As long as there is his support, it doesn't matter if the Queen Mother Dou still has a conspiracy.

At that time, he can use violence.

Besides, Li Ling's uncle, Li Gan, is also a general guarding the palace.

Well, though, Li Gan has probably been imprisoned by Empress Dowager Dou now.

But it doesn't matter, it's okay to have a name.

As for the other three, Fang Tianfeng did not count on them.

Guo Sheren's family is just... ordinary people, nothing more than... his mother became the prince's wet nurse.

Therefore, I got such an opportunity to accompany the prince to study.

And as a person, being a's appropriate, but he doesn't have the ability to let him do other things.

And Guan Fu, this man is brave and resourceful, and he is not from a famous family.

On the contrary.... also has a martial arts, but also a pioneer.

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