She just couldn't accept it this way.

In other words, Fang Tianfeng still needs to change his combat plan and his attitude.

At the very least, we must first give Wei Zifu a real choice.

Instead of calling her to the room and negotiating conditions with her as the master to force her to make a choice.

Gillian has already left, this time she really went back, she went back satisfied.

Because she knew that she couldn't stay in the Princess Mansion for too long, otherwise it would easily arouse suspicion from others.

Because in her eyes, no one knew that Fang Tianfeng had returned.

Therefore, since she has achieved her goal, she should not delay Fang Tianfeng's business.

However, she didn't know that Fang Tianfeng didn't care about this at all...

When Fang Tianfeng returned to the room, he found that someone was already waiting in the room.

Princess Pingyang.

"Little brother,"

Princess Pingyang looked at him with some hesitation, "Did something happen to you and Gillian?"


Fang Tianfeng nodded lightly, but didn't say anything about Zhao Zhaohao.

Because they all know exactly what the two sides are referring to.

Fang Tianfeng and Gillian have been engaged since childhood, so Princess Pingyang should have expected this kind of thing.

However, she was not as peaceful as she imagined.

In her heart, there was actually some jealousy towards A Jiao.

She didn't know what happened to her, but she just thought that she might have broken the demon.

"elder sister."

Fang Tianfeng sighed softly, stepped forward and hugged the girl who was in a complicated mood.

Then, he kissed the girl's red lips lightly.

"No matter what happens, you'll always be my sister, won't you?"

Princess Pingyang's eyes seemed to flash with light, and she nodded heavily.

Chapter 070 ━━━━━━━━The Queen Mother Dou goes out! (please subscribe)

Chapter 070 ━━━━━━━━The Queen Mother Dou goes out! Ask for subscription Fang Tianfeng has no plans to live in the Princess Mansion, on the contrary.

After a few days, he took Princess Pingyang directly from the main gate and wanted to enter the palace.

Because this day happens to be a good day and auspicious day, whether it is for the funeral of Emperor Jing of the Han Dynasty, or the rank is an excellent day.

However, he never expected that someone would be waiting for him at the gate of the palace.

"Why, my dear grandson, you seem very unhappy to see me"

Empress Dowager Dou had a smile on her face and looked like a kind old man.

Who would have known, at this moment in her heart, she just wanted to peel off Fang Tianfeng's skin and cramps. "The imperial grandmother is serious."

Fang Tianfeng smiled slightly and said indifferently, "It's just that I didn't expect the imperial grandmother to wait for me here, so I'm a little flattered."

"Oh, I didn't even know that you respected me so much."

Empress Dowager Dou laughed at herself, she tried her best to support King Liang to ascend to the throne.

Unexpectedly, King Liang himself was not able to live up to his expectations, and he was actually implicated and killed by others.

When he died, it was....... he was relieved, and there was no burden at all.

As a result, she made the old woman look like a villain.

Throwing all the pot on her at once, and now she has to find a way to save it.

This special meow, it's just a dog.

"Grandma has something to do"

Fang Tianfeng had a smile on his face, making it impossible to see his true thoughts.

However, the Empress Dowager is very clear, no matter what...

What is the other party thinking, but he must be thinking of pulling her down.

Drag the entire Dou Group into the water.

"I heard that the prince went out of the palace to find a famous doctor for the late emperor."

Empress Dowager Dou suddenly asked, "It's just, I don't know if the prince has been found."


Fang Tianfeng shook his head slightly, and said lightly, "Marquis Yanci also cooperated with this prince and posted a notice to call for a famous doctor.

It turned out that they were all in vain and nothing at all."


The Empress Dowager looked at Fang Tianfengyi in surprise, "But, I didn't... I heard that."

"Dongfang Shuo."

Empress Dowager Dou gave a faint shout, but it was a middle-aged man in a white gown.

Hao Ran was the one Fang Tianfeng had met in Yanci, Dongfang Shuo.

Fang Tianfeng was silent, he probably understood the meaning of the empress dowager.

He only left the palace because he was looking for a famous doctor, so even if he sneaked out of the palace, there was a legitimate reason.

Therefore, it will not add any stains to his resume.

Even if he didn't find a famous doctor in the second place, at least he had this heart.

As a child, the most important thing is to have such a filial piety.

However, if Fang Tianfeng went to Yanci to find a famous doctor, he came back and said that he could not find it.

But at this time, if Empress Dowager Dou pulls out a famous doctor found from Yanci, it will definitely affect the reputation of the other side Tianfeng.

The result will not change, because Fang Tianfeng is the only heir.

So, no matter what, his throne must be firmly seated.

However, the empress dowager would definitely not be reconciled to such a failure.

After all, she paid so much, not just giving up.

So, she still wants to do the last dying struggle.

For example, moving out of the 'famous doctor' of Dongfangshuo.

As long as it can prove that Dongfang Shuo is a famous doctor, and prove that he is an inferior person and has met the prince.

Then, even if Fang Tianfeng ascends the throne, his prestige will be all over.

The Han Dynasty has been going down for decades, although there have been people who rebelled.

However, the Liu family of the Han imperial family has always been able to sit firmly in this position.

Just because every new emperor in the Liu family has accumulated a certain reputation, for the civil and military officials above the court.

No matter how mean and unkind the people of the Liu family are, as long as they have a good reputation, there will be no problem.

And if Fang Tianfeng's prestige here is completely destroyed, and his reputation is completely lost, then he will not feel good even if he becomes the emperor.

Of course, what Empress Dowager Dou wanted was not to discredit Fang Tianfeng.

Because it means nothing to her, what she wants is not to bring down Fang Tianfeng.

On the contrary, she will do her best to help Fang Tianfeng secure this position.

However, she needs to move out of Dongfang Shuo to threaten Fang Tianfeng, so as to obtain enough benefits from him.

"Mr. Dongfang is a well-known and well-known doctor. When he came to Chang'an this time, he heard that the emperor was seriously ill, so he came to me specially, hoping to treat the late emperor."

Empress Dowager Dou's tone was a little sad and her expression was gloomy, "It's a pity that the first emperor went away without being treated by Mr. Dongfang."

After speaking, the conversation suddenly changed, "It's just that I have heard Mr. Dongfang say that he seems to have had an intersection with the prince before..."

He clearly met a famous doctor, but he lied that he didn't, and in the end he let the famous doctor come to Chang'an by himself.

If this were to spread out, Fang Tianfeng would definitely be blamed for being jealous, or even murdering his father.

Although the emperor was not killed by him, if this matter spreads out, someone will definitely smear him on purpose.

Pour: It's time, it's just... the yellow mud fell off the crotch, it's not the same.

Chapter 071 ━━━━━━━━she compromised! (please subscribe)

Chapter 071 ━━━━━━━━She has compromised! Please subscribe that King Liang is dead, and Mrs. Dou has no other bargaining chips.

Now, her only choice is to support Fang Tianfeng's rise to power.

Unless she wants to learn from Empress Lu and become the emperor herself.

But it is a pity that although the Dou family is ambitious, the Empress Dowager does not have the courage.

Moreover, there is also the bloody precedent of Empress Lu in front of you.

They all saw the fate of the Lu family.

Empress Dowager Dou had no choice but to help Fang Tianfeng to rise to the top, and to help him secure this position.

But it is a pity that the Queen Mother Dou was not convinced, and she wanted to take the opportunity to beat Fang Tianfeng.

"Maybe, it was Erchen's negligence."

Fang Tianfeng lowered his head with a submissive look.

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