The Empress Dowager nodded with satisfaction, and she was waiting: that's what Liu Che's attitude wanted was his bowing his head.

It's a pity that she didn't see the deep mocking expression on Fang Tianfeng's face as he lowered his head.

Threatening him is impossible, non-existent.

It is impossible to be soft, it does not exist.

When he ascends the throne, he will kill you all.

However, Fang Tianfeng's ability to endure does not mean that everyone can bear it.

The reason why Fang Tianfeng endured was not because he was afraid of the Dou family's power, but because he was disdainful, because he never put the Dou family in his eyes.

So he likes this opportunity to give hope and then despair.

Therefore, he deliberately made Empress Dowager Dou think she could hold him down.

Then he suddenly exploded again, killing the entire Dou family.

However, in the eyes of Princess Pingyang, the Empress Dowager is... an insult to their entire Liu family.

"The Queen Mother,"

Princess Pingyang ignored Fang Tianfeng's eyes and said slowly, "As far as I know, this Dongfang Shuo is just a fortune-teller.

When he met the prince, it was only because the prince heard that his hexagram skills were superb, so he went back to see him, but he never heard him say that he could still have medical skills."

The queen mother suddenly turned her head away and looked at Princess Pingyang coldly.

Of course she knew this.... Dongfang Shuo also explained it to her.

But she is not afraid of Fang Tianfeng's exposure, because no matter what Fang Tianfeng says, she can say that it is anyway... Yanci Hou is already dead, who can help Fang Tianfeng? The Empress Dowager Dou would bite back and slander Fang Tianfeng.

However, Fang Tian's clothes were soft.

And Princess Pingyang, as an outsider, exposed the bureau she set up.

This is so unbearable.

You are just a little girl who dares to disobey her! You must know that when she was playing tricks and tricks, even your mother was not born! But now, your mother dare not provoke her, you dare to jump out and ask for death Empress Dowager Dou is very angry, and the consequences are very serious! Fang Tianfeng sighed helplessly, and he had no choice.

He didn't understand what Princess Pingyang was thinking, she wanted to sacrifice herself and protect the dignity of his younger brother.

Because he is a man who wants to be an emperor, so he can't just lose face by an old lady.

Therefore, she took the initiative to jump out and made herself the target of the Queen Mother Dou.

Yes, Empress Dowager Dou has already set her sights on her.

The older a person is, the more afraid of death, and the more greedy for power.

And people like Empress Dowager, the older they are, the more they hold grudges.

Princess Pingyang is telling the truth, but there is no way to have any influence on the Queen Mother Dou.

But even so, the Empress Dowager still hated her.

0 It is conceivable that this old lady will definitely make things difficult for Princess Pingyang in every possible way.

Even, some last resort will be used.

But, Fang Tianfeng is going to be the emperor anyway, how could it be impossible for her to target her own sister, it doesn't exist.

Emperor Jing of the Han had been dead for several days, so the reason why he did not go to the funeral and was not buried.

First, it was to wait for the arrival of various ministers and kings, such as the King of Huainan.

Second, it was also because the prince had not returned, and the burial at this time was illegal.

And these three times, it is because the good days and auspicious days have not yet come.

.................In ancient times, no matter what you do, whether it is picking up relatives, burial, funerals, etc..., you have to choose a good day and auspicious day.

Especially in such a big event as the emperor's funeral, it is necessary to strictly select a good day and auspicious day.

And best of all, let the new emperor ascend the throne on the same day.

It is very cumbersome for the new emperor to ascend the throne. It is necessary to sacrifice to the sky, to go to funerals and to sacrifice to ancestors.

Once the whole set is finished, it will not be completed in a day or two.

Of course, now that all three are satisfied, we can start.

The emperor's funeral was supposed to be the day when King Liang and Fang Tianfeng competed for the throne.

However, it is a pity that King Liang can't wait for this day.

Now, he has stayed in the Yancihou Mansion forever.

His corpse, which has been smashed, is mixed with his confidants, and it is impossible to tell who is who.

It is impossible to be buried, and one can only have a burial mound, which is regarded as a burial.

Although King Liang still had heirs, he also had ministers who supported him.

However, the Queen Mother Dou knew that the sons of King Liang would not be able to chat.

Therefore, she can only support Fang Tianfeng.


Chapter 072 ━━━━━━━━━ Golden House! (please subscribe)

Chapter 072 ━━━━━━━━Golden House! Please subscribe for the emperor's funeral and the new emperor's enthronement.

All of them were held on the same day, and it was the Empress Dowager Dou who wanted to do it herself.

Not because she wanted the seller Tianfeng to save face, but because she felt bad when she saw Fang Tianfeng.

The tone of voice pushed three and four and then was annoyed by Fang Tianfeng every day, so she simply did it all at once.

However, some things are done.

However, her essence towards Fang Tianfeng will not change.

For example, Dongfang Shuo.

Fang Tianfeng was quite optimistic about Dongfang Shuo, and even went to Yanji himself.

Moreover, also once "seven seven three"

He was invited again and again.

However, he himself refused.

As a result, a few days after he returned to Chang'an, Dongfang Shuo offered a pillow seat and went to the Queen Mother Dou's side.

Different from the original work, the original work is the great career of the Empress Dowager Dou.

Moreover, Dou Ying also rushed in front of Li Ling and forced Dongfang Shuo to take away first, and Liu Yi's obstruction, so this could not prevent Dongfang Shuo from going to Empress Dou's side.

However, this time it was Dongfang Shuo who took the initiative.

There is no doubt that he looks like this because he wants to go against Fang Tianfeng.

If he hadn't come out on his own initiative, the Queen Mother Dou would not have thought of this method to suppress Fang Tianfeng, nor would she have hated Princess Pingyang because of it.

Now that Fang Tianfeng has been named emperor, some of his identities will naturally change.

Empress Wang is now Empress Dowager Wang, and Empress Dowager Dowager is now Empress Dowager Tai.

As for Fang Tianfeng's queen, she still belongs to Gillian after all.

Gillian didn't understand this at first, so she was very moved by Fang Tianfeng's canonization of her as the queen.

Because the relationship between her and Fang Tianfeng was clearly cracked, and she even threatened Fang Tianfeng once.

However, Fang Tianfeng still canonized her as the queen.

Therefore, Gillian's love for Tianfeng has deepened by another point.

But what she didn't know was that Fang Tianfeng didn't think about other people.

But in the end, it was rejected by him.

Whether it's Wei Zifu or Nian Nujiao, Qiu Chan, they can't do it, because of their status.

Needless to say, Wei Zifu was just the son of an ordinary servant, and he was still a servant after all.

Her status determines that she cannot be an emperor, at most a concubine.

The reason why Wei Zifu was able to become the queen in the end was because the original queen, Gillian, was not favored and had no children, but Wei Zifu gave birth to three daughters and one son to Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty.

And even so, Wei Zifu was forced to become the queen.

Therefore, it is almost impossible to make her a queen now.

And Nian Nujiao and Qiu Chan, not to mention.

Their identities, let alone being queens, are not allowed to be exposed.

Originally, after they were... 'traitors', their identities could not be exposed until they were rehabilitated.

What's more, now they are the murderers who killed Yanci Hou and Liang Wang.

At the very least, until Fang Tianfeng completely overthrew the Dou Group, they couldn't mention their identities.

So in the end, only the daughter of Princess Guantao, the granddaughter of the Empress Dowager, Gillian, is qualified to be the queen.

Of course, Fang Tianfeng can also choose one of the daughters of the ministers in the DPRK.

However, if this is the case, Fang Tianfeng would rather choose Gillian.

Moreover, he is also confident enough to tame Gillian, so that she will not become: the same as in the original history.

Of course, the first thing is to stay steady.

"Is this really for me?"

Gillian looked at the small model of the golden house in front of her, and there was an indescribable surprise in her eyes....Although, the golden house was a little smaller, and it couldn't live in a plastic villa at most.

But it is really like a palace, everything is available.

Gillian is different from her mother, Princess Guantao.

Princess Guantao is greedy for glory and wealth, not power, while Gillian is not greedy for property and gold, but what she wants is not power, but love.

It can only be said that Gillian has the style of modern women, but she was born in the wrong era.

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