The so-called golden house, in fact, even she herself only listened to it as a story.

If she had had illusions before that, she felt that the treasury was rich, and a mere golden house would not be a problem at all.

But when she really became the queen, she did a rough calculation before realizing how terrifying the golden house she wanted was.

This is equivalent to making the taxation of the whole country for one year only serve her.

"I said I would give you the golden house,"

Fang Tianfeng shook his head lightly and said firmly, "Then I will definitely give it to you! When I really sit in the emperor's position, no one will stop me.

Although it is only a small model now, when I take power, I will definitely make you a real golden house like this."

"His Majesty."

A Jiao's eyes were full of affection, and she was so moved that she couldn't be more demonic.

She is a smart girl, but also a simple girl.

She thought Fang Tianfeng was under enormous pressure, but she never forgot her promise to herself.

Zhao Zhao is good, but in fact, it is not too difficult for Fang Tianfeng.

"Your Majesty, let Gillian come to serve you."

......To say that the Empress Dowager Dou is really a bitch, when the emperor was sick, she was also responsible for those... memorials.

But she kept all these things, and then threw them to Fang Tianfeng.

The purpose is to let Fang Tianfeng have no time to take care of other things, and in the final analysis, the Queen Mother Dou still has a plan.

Chapter 075 The Emperor's Career! (please subscribe)

After accumulating more than half a month of memorials, they were all thrown to Fang Tianfeng.

However, in fact, a large part of these memorials were all handled by the Empress Dowager Dou before.

But in order to retaliate, she deliberately found someone to copy all these memorials, and then deliberately pretended not to deal with it and threw it to Fang Tianfeng.

In fact, it is true that Fang Tianfeng was very busy at first because of this.

Soon, however, he found a solution.

"Time waits for no one, Gillian, hurry up and deal with government affairs."

Fang Tianfeng shook his head slightly, looked at the girl who was full of shame, and said earnestly, "You are now the queen, will be in touch with government affairs sooner or later, take advantage of the opportunity now to exercise yourself more ."


A Jiao was so moved that she sat directly in front of the case and then gradually calmed down and began to concentrate on government affairs.

Hmm, that's right.

Fang Tianfeng is just... so direct, he started training Gillian directly and asked her to help deal with these... government affairs.'s not the first time.

When he was in Daqin before, he had already started to train his daughters to handle government affairs.

It's just a pity that this time he just became emperor, and he didn't have a daughter at all.

So, I chose A Jiao.

Fang Tianfeng asked A Jiao to handle these matters, but she was idle.

It seems that it is very unfair to Gillian, very selfish, and even exploitative.

Something happened during the day.

Gillian does it, she has nothing to do at night, so she has very little time to rest.

However, in fact, for... Gillian.

All of these things were of her own accord.

Why because this is ancient time! And it is also the Han Dynasty when the foreign relatives were in power! The degree of the foreign relatives in the Han Dynasty can be said to be the best in history.

Since Empress Lu in the early Han Dynasty, it has been out of control, so each generation of emperors starting from Empress Lu has tried to keep their empresses out of government affairs.

The reason is...I don't want my foreign relatives to ruin the Liu family's country in the Han Dynasty.

Don't look at the Queen Mother Dou now covering the sky with one hand, but in Chinese, she actually has no rights.

At most, it's... using the pillow wind to let a few of my family members get some credit to be awarded the title.

The real mastery of power was also during the period when Emperor Jing of Han was in power. Empress Dowager Dou took advantage of her mother's identity to take advantage of the opportunity to gain a lot of benefits.

That's why the current situation has arisen.

It's not that A Jiao doesn't understand these.... But just because she understands, Chu herself should have nothing to do with government affairs.

Don't say it's her, even... the queen of the Han Jing emperor, the queen of the current queen, has never been in contact with government affairs.

In fact, the Empress Dowager Wang was even worse, and finally stood out in the struggle of the harem.

As a result, I ran into the hindrance of the Empress Dowager, and from then on, it had nothing to do with government affairs.

If she wants to rise, she won't have to wait for the queen mother to die.

Moreover, Fang Tianfeng needs to be weaker and can hand over government affairs to her.

However, it is impossible.

Therefore, Gillian did not have any high expectations from the beginning to the end.

But who ever thought that Fang Tianfeng directly gave her the right.

This huge trust moved the girl, let alone resentment, she didn't even complain at all, and was full of gratitude.

It's a bit tiring to deal with government affairs, but I also learned a lot.

Most importantly, there was no entertainment in ancient times.

And as a queen, when Fang Tianfeng didn't have a concubine, he didn't have the chance to intrigue with those... concubines.

Therefore, Gillian's daily life is very boring.

0 All day is...staying in the palace in a daze, while the only entertainment is cooking.

But also because Fang Tianfeng was busy handling government affairs all day, so Fang Tianfeng asked her to handle government affairs, which actually relieved her daily boredom very well.

Let her daily life become: enriched, she is too late to be grateful.

It's all a question of values.

In ancient times when entertainment was scarce, having something to do was... the greatest reward.

And in the modern era of endless entertainment equipment and facilities, some women are in the sky, and making them work is like killing them.

.................The values ​​are different, Gillian will not be like this, she will only become: love Fang Tianfeng more.

This silly girl always makes Fang Tianfeng feel guilty.

After all, she was indeed sold by Fang Tianfeng.

With Gillian's help, government affairs are handled with ease and the efficiency is doubled.

And Gillian is also happy to work with Fang Tianfeng to deal with these... government affairs, because she can also stay with Fang Tianfeng all day.

The girl's little heart is filled with this, because she is actually a girl who is easy to satisfy.

And when she let go of some stubbornness in her heart, it was easier to be satisfied.

"Ah, Your Majesty!"

A Jiao exclaimed, her little hand covering her little mouth with a look of panic, "Come and see this."

"What's wrong"

Fang Tianfeng walked over suspiciously, until he saw the content of the memorial, his face instantly gloomy.

There is no problem with the memorial itself, but the content of the memorial is submitted by Cao Shou!

Chapter 076 Angry! (please subscribe)

And the memorial submitted by Cao Shou is also very simple and rude, that is... to ask the royal family to the end, when will Princess Pingyang marry him.

What kind of thing does the royal family look up to when they marry the princess to you, even though the majesty of the Han family is really not much, after all, every year they marry the princess and go to the Huns to sell their daughters to seek peace.

However, the royal family is the royal family after all, and your uncle will always be your uncle.

The royal family has given you enough face by marrying a daughter to you.

However, you actually dared to question the emperor face to face for not marrying the princess for Mao.

Even, like a child's play, these things are written in the memorial and presented! Fang Tianfeng's heart is angry "seven seven three"

The anger can be imagined, there is no doubt that this is impossible without anyone's support.

Therefore, it is almost certain that Cao Shou must have taken refuge with the Empress Dowager.

And this memorial was also deliberately used by the Empress Dowager to test and humiliate Fang Tianfeng! Logically speaking, the first emperor just passed away.

In any case, Cao Shou should never have done such a thing.

Because the new emperor is likely to disagree in a fit of rage, unless someone is behind it.

Even, he directly assured Cao Shou that he could marry the princess to him.

That's why he was willing to take this risk and directly sent the memorial to Fang Tianfeng.

It was clear that it was to anger Fang Tianfeng.

Therefore, Fang Tianfeng was indeed provoked as they expected.

Cao Shou's memorial is deliberately mixed into a pair of memorials, and it is still in the memorial that can definitely be dealt with today.

What's so special... It made it clear that he declared war with him, and it was also expected that when he saw this memorial, he would go to the Empress Dowager to settle the account.

Therefore, Fang Tianfeng can be sure that the Empress Dowager is now waiting for him to look for it.

"Ha ha."

Fang Tianfeng couldn't stop sneering, he figured it out.

If she hadn't given her government affairs to Gillian, she would have dealt with it normally.

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