By the time I had dealt with this memorial, it was already night, and by then I had already been exhausted from dealing with government affairs all day.

Then, in a fit of rage, he went to the Queen Mother.

Fang was waiting for him with all his time.

Unsurprisingly, he will fail miserably.

It's a pity, he just... likes not to follow suit.

Now, he can completely kill the Empress Dowager by surprise.

However, this is of no use, and nothing.

Therefore, Fang Tianfeng endured it, and he decided to wait.

Wait until the evening to hide Gillian's trump card.

Let the empress dowager think he is looking for Gillian, but the young man can't forget the temptation of eating forbidden fruit, so he wants to love love when dealing with government affairs.

Therefore, he has to wait until the evening to see what the Queen Mother is planning.

In the end, Fang Tianfeng did wait.

Because, his people reported that they saw Cao Shou and the eldest princess entering the palace.

The eldest princess naturally refers to his sister, Princess Pingyang, and Cao Shou and Princess Pingyang entered the palace at the same time.

Don't even think about it, it must have been the Empress Dowager who asked them to come.

Because in the entire palace, except...the Empress Dowager, only Fang Tianfeng has the right to let anyone enter the palace at will.

And Fang Tianfeng didn't do this, it must be the order of the Empress Dowager.

Coupled with the memorial in the daytime, Fang Tianfeng was not very surprised by what was going to happen now.

On the contrary, these...... are all in his calculations.

And the next script is nothing more than... The Empress Dowager waited for him to see the memorial and went to see her in anger... But she invited Princess Pingyang and Cao Shou over.

I am afraid that he wanted to marry Princess Pingyang to Cao Shou in front of him.

This kind of low-level means, Fang Tianfeng can think of with his knees.

However, he did not expect that the Empress Dowager would be so angry with Princess Pingyang.

Originally, the Empress Dowager was also someone who wanted face, so she promised to make Princess Pingyang regret her marriage, so she would not easily go back on it.

Even if it is Fang Tianfeng who is now the emperor and not the king of Liang.

However, the last time Pingyang attacked the Empress Dowager at the palace gate angered her.

So this old lady who held a grudge began to take revenge, and she wanted to retaliate for Princess Pingyang's disrespect to her, and also to attack Fang Tianfeng.

Fang Tianfeng thought about the key and strode to the palace of the Great Empress Dowager, and his face was still angry.

Fang Tianfeng did it for others to see.

Because, almost everyone in this palace is the eyeliner of the Empress Dowager.

Therefore, Fang Tianfeng must learn to act if he doesn't want to be seen through.

And, it's time to play.


After all, he didn't know who to trust and who to not.

In view of this, Fang Tianfeng doesn't care whether he has no power in the palace.

Because no matter how he develops his own power, it is bound to be riddled with holes.

So he simply did not develop, and waited until he dragged the entire Dou family into the water.

At that time, even if no one is truly loyal to him, he will inevitably succumb to the rule of imperial power.

At that time, no matter how many backhands and small tricks the Empress Dowager has, it will be useless.

And this is what... absolute rights bring!

Chapter 077 Self-directed and self-acted! (please subscribe)

"Your Majesty, you are here, I was about to send someone to find you."

The Queen Mother Dou looked at Fang Tianfeng who entered the door angrily, and held Princess Pingyang's little hand with a kind smile, "I wonder, the previous emperor once promised to marry Pingyang to Cao Shou.

However, due to serious illness, the wedding was delayed for them.

And now, now that you have succeeded.

If this drags on further, it will not affect the royal family, so it is better to hold their wedding in a few days."

"Your Majesty, what do you think?"

"What if I don't agree?"

Fang Tianfeng sneered and looked at all this that Empress Dowager Dowager directed and acted, his eyes swept over everyone present.

Princess Pingyang looked at him worriedly, and no matter how kindly Empress Dou smiled, she couldn't hide the mockery in her eyes.

And Cao Shou was even more submissive and stood aside with his head bowed.

She had already taken refuge with the Queen Mother Dou, and even had the courage to provoke him.

But now I really look at him but I don't dare, oh, I can't help the mud.

It is impossible for him to marry his elder sister to such a person! Sister is a creature, and she is also the elder sister of his own family. Of course, he wants his younger brother to marry! Besides... these few parties, The Queen Mother is also there.

After all, it was she who wanted to marry her daughter, and it wouldn't be good if she wasn't there.

"Disagree, it's not okay"

The smile on the Empress Dowager Dowager's face subsided slightly, and she said coldly, "This is the marriage contract made by the late emperor, your majesty, you only want to overthrow the late emperor's decision within a few days of becoming an emperor.

In a few days, do you even dare to overturn the laws of your ancestors?"

"Don't put a high hat on me, I can't stand it."

Fang Tianfeng looked at Empress Dou coldly, and said lightly, "Since you said it was the decision of the late emperor, what evidence do you have?"


The Empress Dowager was stunned for a moment, and then she laughed out loud, "Your Majesty, I'm afraid there is something wrong with your memory, this... The matter of Princess Pingyang's marriage to Cao Shou, all the civil and military people of the dynasty know all about it.

Even the edict has been issued, Cao Shou, take out the edict and show it to the emperor."

Saying that, Empress Dowager Dou glanced at Cao Shou beside him.

And Cao Shou also hurriedly claimed that it was, and then walked over to Fang Tianfeng's side, and respectfully presented a golden edict.

Obviously, this was all premeditated.

However, Fang Tianfeng didn't pick it up, he had to look at Cao Shou.

"Your Majesty, don't you have a look? In case, this old lady of mine is lying. Empress Dowager Dou reached out and stroked Princess Pingyang's smooth jade hand, full of jealousy in her heart.

Originally, an old man her age shouldn't care about these things.

However, because of her anger towards Princess Pingyang, the limit magnified her negative emotions towards Princess Pingyang.

Why can Princess Pingyang be young and have such a good and delicate face.

But why is she already old, so she wants revenge, revenge without compromise.

It's a pity that her revenge method is rather petty.

"I said, I don't agree."

Fang Tianfeng stared at the Queen Mother Dou coldly, without any fluctuations in his heart, and even wanted to laugh.

However, on the surface, there is nothing to do, and he can only use his own identity to force the other party.

However, in terms of identity, the Empress Dowager is not false at all.

And she really thinks so, Fang Tianfeng is already out of skill.

"Agree if you don't agree or disagree."

The Empress Dowager slammed her hand on the table, and said coldly, "Don't forget! Although you are the emperor, I am still the Empress Dowager.

The previous emperor had already married Pingyang to Cao Shou, but time was delayed.

Now that I mention this time again, it is only to fulfill the last wish of the late emperor."

Indeed, the Empress Dowager herself is proof of identity.

If she has to do something, no one can stop her.

Originally, the empress dowager had a way to unite with the emperor to stop the empress dowager.

However, Queen Wang is useless at all.

She has been eaten to death by the Empress Dowager since she ascended the throne, just like now.

Her son and daughter were bullied by an old lady again, but she was more submissive than Cao Shou, and didn't dare to say a word.

However, how could she be such a cowardly person that she could become a queen, and her methods were evident.

It can only be said that she has been oppressed by the Empress Dowager for too long.

Bowing your head has become a habit, and it is almost impossible to stand up straight.

Unless the Queen Mother is dead.

However, even if the Empress Dowager Zhao Zhaohao died, Fang Tianfeng would not give her a chance to take power.

Don't say it's him, even Gillian won't give her this chance.

Because Gillian knows very well that Fang Tianfeng has suffered enough in this regard, so she will not allow a Queen Mother Dou and a Queen Mother Wang to press on Fang Tianfeng's head.

What's more, she is also a queen and wants power.

"Don't say it, I promise."

Princess Pingyang struggled to pull out her hand, her face was calm, and she said slowly, "I agree to marry Cao Shou, so don't fight anymore."

However, the calmness on her face could not hide the pain in her heart.

Especially the deep sadness in her eyes.

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