Chapter 078 ━━━━━━━━━ Weak! (please subscribe)

It is undoubtedly impossible that Princess Pingyang likes Cao Shou.

However, she had to promise to marry Cao Shou.

Because, this is the top of the empress dowager.

Princess Pingyang doesn't understand politics and has never even been exposed to politics, but that doesn't mean her political consciousness is low.

The Empress Dowager is now undoubtedly the most powerful person in the Han Dynasty, even if the first emperor is alive, he must give three points 3.

What's more, his younger brother has just succeeded to the throne not long ago.

Not to mention power, that is... there are not many loyal subordinates.

In the final analysis, only General Li Guang's family can be regarded as the only trustworthy help.

After all, their family are all behind the gate, and they pay attention to loyalty and not serving the two masters.

And then, there are only his younger brothers... who study together.

But only these people don't pay attention to the sky at all, let alone fight against the empress dowager.

777 In addition, even if it is the Imperial Forest Army, even if Li Gan is the general of the Imperial Forest Army.

But Fang Tianfeng still couldn't believe it, because before the Tang Dynasty, the composition of these...the imperial army was too complicated.

It is said to be an elite army directly under the emperor, but there is no army more chaotic than the Royal Forest Army.

It is not necessarily elite, but the nominal status is indeed very high.

Moreover, the generals in the Imperial Forest Army were all entered by racers from major families.

Because he has control of the Imperial Forest Army, it is equivalent to having control over the palace and the royal family.

They don't want to rebel, but they always have a scheming.

And today's Royal Forest Army, there is no doubt that it has almost been completely corroded by the Dou family.

Fang Tianfeng was able to mobilize less than [-]% of the garrison army.

And among these [-]%, those who are truly loyal to him are less than [-]%.

Because there is still [-]%, it belongs to the grass on the wall that sees the wind.

If you really want to believe that the grass on the wall can be depended on at a critical moment, then you are stupid.

And not to mention in the palace, there is no one in the entire palace who dares to wrestle with the empress dowager.

Not even Queen Wang, because she is too cowardly.

Her fear of the Empress Dowager has taken root in her heart.

As for the eunuchs and maids in the palace, Fang Tianfeng did not protect these people. It is... the confidant of the empress dowager, even the eunuch maids who have just entered the palace.

Because, these people are also very likely to be the sleeves of the back tongue.

Therefore, Fang Tianfeng is almost isolated and helpless.

And Princess Pingyang, precisely because she knew that she didn't want to embarrass her younger brother.

So, she took the initiative to agree to the marriage.

She wants to sacrifice herself, buy time for her brother, and win the support of the Cao family for her brother.

Although Cao Shou is incompetent, he can only inherit the legacy of his ancestors, and then live a life like eating and waiting for death.

But even so, the skinny camel was bigger than the horse.

The Cao family, that is the family that used to be the prime minister! Even after so many years, it already has a lot of energy.

As long as he can win over the Cao family, Fang Tianfeng's pressure will be much less.

Princess Pingyang is undoubtedly very courageous, and can sell herself without hesitation for a chance.

"I said, I don't agree."

Fang Tianfeng took a deep look at Princess Pingyang and said lightly, "I am still the emperor, don't I even have this little right?"


The Great Empress Dowager was furious, slapped the table with her palm, pointed at Fang Tianfeng, who hated iron but not steel, "You are now the emperor, so you can't pay attention to the influence that Pingyang is the leader of the Han Dynasty. Princess, sooner or later she will marry.

What's the use of protecting her like this now, I'm afraid you will take the initiative to marry her out in the future."

"Even, to marry the Huns!"

"Instead of that, wouldn't it be beautiful to let her marry Cao Shou? Cao's family has been a prince for generations, and Cao Shou is also sincere to Pingyang.

Why don't you agree, do you really want Pingyang to marry the Huns?"

The Empress Dowager angrily scolded Fang Tianfeng, looking like she was righteous and awe-inspiring.

Empress Dou never thought of usurping Liu's Han Dynasty, so she never thought of rebelling.

The reason why she worked so hard to ask King Liang to ascend to the throne is mainly because King Liang can guarantee the interests of the Dou Group.

And Prince, this is not an option at all.

Because the prince is still young.

Because even without the support of Empress Dowager, the prince can still become emperor.

Therefore, the prince does not need the help of the Queen Mother Dou, and there is no interest in it.

In addition, young people are motivated, they are bound to be hostile to the Dou family and try to weaken the strength of the Dou family because of the powerful Dou family, which will also damage the interests of the Dou family.

But Liang Wang is different, Liang Wang cannot ascend to the throne without the support of the Queen Mother Dou.

So as long as the Queen Mother Dou and the Dou family support him, he is willing to pay any price.

However, the King of Liang was dead, and the crown prince had already succeeded to the throne.

However, the prince who just succeeded to the throne has clearly shown his hostility to the Dou family.

Therefore, the Empress Dowager did not mind using the Dou family's power to bring down the new emperor.

However, even if the Empress Dowager Dou targets the emperor Fang Tianfeng because of a conflict of interest.

But that doesn't mean she doesn't really have any feelings for Liu Shi.

Chapter 079 Brother Marry! (please subscribe)

"so what"

Fang Tianfeng looked at Empress Dou indifferently, and said lightly, "As long as my sister doesn't want me, I won't force her to marry.

in spite of....

Either now or in the future."


Empress Dowager Dou smiled coldly and interrupted Fang Tianfeng's words directly, "Even if you are an emperor, there are still many things that you have to do.

In the future, even if you don't want to, Binh Duong will definitely become the capital of political marriage."

"At the beginning, the first emperor and I wanted to marry Guantao, but in the end, didn't we still use Guantao as a tool for marriage?"

Empress Dowager Dou's eyes became a little sad, as if she was lamenting the things she had done...the things she had to do.

However, Fang Tianfeng didn't believe a single punctuation mark in what she said.

"I'm not like you,"

Fang Tianfeng shook his head slightly, and was about to continue to say something, but was interrupted.

It is Pingyang.


Princess Pingyang walked in front of Fang Tianfeng very calmly, with a satisfied and proud smile on her delicate pretty face.

Bai Nen's jade hand slowly stretched out, as if he wanted to touch his brother's head.

But soon she gave up this idea again, because her younger brother was already the emperor.

As an emperor, you must have the majesty of an emperor, and you can no longer be touched by her.

Instead, the girl stretched out her hand and stroked her brother's slightly tired face from being busy and anxious, but there was a helpless mature face in the tenderness.

"Brother, enough is enough."

There were tears in Princess Pingyang's jewel-like eyes, which was brought about by an emotion called moving, "The imperial grandmother is right, my sister will get married sooner or later.

It's because my sister's own requirements are too high, and she wants that kind of...a man who can stand upright in the battlefield and make achievements in the battlefield as a husband."

"But now my sister wants to understand.

It's better to give up this kind of unrealistic fantasy, Cao, Cao's concubine,"

Princess Pingyang closed her eyes in pain and said something against her heart, "Cao Consort Cao, he is also very good.

At least, he likes his sister a lot, doesn't he?"

Indeed, Cao Shou likes Princess Pingyang very much.

To the Princess Mansion, he gave money and people, and now he is willing to go against the emperor and take refuge with the Queen Mother Dou.

Fang Tianfeng opened his mouth, but did not stop him.

He knew why Princess Pingyang made such a decision, because in her opinion, he couldn't fight Empress Dou at all.

So if you continue, you will only hit the stone with an egg, and you will be riddled with holes or even directly.

But the other side remained motionless.

At most, it was covered in his blood.

And in the end, he definitely won't be able to live with Princess Pingyang.

So instead of that, she might as well sacrifice herself to avoid this confrontation in advance.

Anyway...the ending is the same.

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