Fang Tianfeng was helpless, how could everyone have any confidence in him? As long as Princess Pingyang is willing to believe in him, he can definitely help Princess Pingyang to retreat.

It's just that since she doesn't believe it, there's nothing she can do, it's useless to say anything.

After all, Princess Pingyang herself is the party involved. If she is unwilling to fight, even if he is willing to help, it will be of no use.

Because even the parties have given up.

Therefore, Fang Tianfeng decided to curve the curve to save the country.

Since Princess Pingyang insists on getting married, let her get married.

In the process of her marriage, let her see clearly Cao Shou's true face and his strength.

Then, make your choice again.

As for Cao Shou 0 tsk, since he chose to join the Empress Dowager, there is nothing to say.

Fang Tianfeng has already announced his end, including the entire Cao family, will be doomed because of his choice.

Originally, Cao Shou would just be a good marquis waiting to die.

You have to come over to touch the bad luck of the royal family and participate in this royal struggle that others can't avoid.

In the end, it's no wonder that you don't get smashed to pieces.

As for letting my sister marry the person she wants to marry, it doesn't exist.

Isn't the meaning of the existence of a creature like the elder sister just to marry the younger brother...... Otherwise, what do you want the elder sister to do and the person that Princess Pingyang wants to marry, Fang Tianfeng also Powerless to rant.

He knew that there must be Tiandao's will in this, because Tiandao wanted things to go according to the set plot.

It's like Princess Pingyang, she wants to marry a 'a man who can stand up to the sky and make achievements in the battlefield', it seems that everyone's dream is like this.

But it's not.

Because, other people are at most the fantasy of a little girl in her youth.

And Princess Pingyang really thought so.

Because, if according to the plot, she will marry Wei Qing in the future.

Although today's Wei Qing is regarded as a slave by his father, the future Wei Qing is indeed a great general who has made great achievements in the battlefield.

Moreover, his achievements are as widely passed on even to later generations.

If he is a good brother, he will surely help his sister to realize her ideal.

Unfortunately, Fang Tianfeng is not a good younger brother.

So instead of... not helping her, he would crush her fantasy with his own hands.

Let her only choose to marry her brother!

Chapter 080 Brother Marry!middle! (please subscribe)

The matter of Princess Pingyang getting married has now become a foregone conclusion.

Cao Shou was overjoyed and naturally would not object to the two parties involved, and Princess Pingyang had to agree.

And the Empress Dowager tried her best to facilitate this matter, it would be useless if Fang Tianfeng continued to oppose it.

Unless he directly kills Empress Dowager Dou and Cao Shou.

However, this is no good.

Killing Cao Shou cannot directly gain the heart of his sister, and even has the opposite effect.

Although Pingyang was not afraid or even hated him because of this, it would leave an indelible shadow in her heart.

This is not a good thing.

And kill "Seven Seven Seven"

Empress Dowager Dou is even worse, and now the entire Dou clan is gathered under Empress Dowager Dou's command.

And if Empress Dou dies, the entire Dou family will become a runaway wild horse.

Empress Dowager is still here, so she can restrain the ambition of the Dou family.

Moreover, the position of Empress Dowager Dou also determines that although she values ​​the interests of the Dou family, she will not turn a deaf ear to the interests of the Liu family.

Of course, this is when King Liang is still there.

Fang Tianfeng suddenly regretted killing King Liang, because once King Liang died, the last trace of Empress Dou's nostalgia for Liu's family would be gone.

Even if Fang Tianfeng is taken down, it is estimated that the Queen Mother Dou will not be able to find anyone else to hold the throne.

After all, both of her sons are dead.

If you want to find the son of King Liang, it is better to find the prince Liu Che, anyway... they are her grandson.

At that time, I am afraid that the Queen Mother Dou will really rebel.

Now, the reason why she is so slow to take action is because she is afraid of Lu Shi's fate.

After all, Empress Lu is beautiful, but once a person dies, the entire Lu family is gone.

This is not a special case of a person, as soon as a person dies, nothing is left.

Even Li Shimin, who was known as Mingjun in ancient times, who said that 'using bronze ancients and people as mirrors can release the starburst forbidding healing slash', is also a small belly.

Wei Zheng has always been known for daring to scold Li Shimin, and he was not very good during his lifetime.

No matter how much he scolded him, Li Shimin didn't do anything to him.

Why because Li Shimin needed his daughter to buy horse bones.

So, he has always endured it.

And the phrase 'using bronze ancients and people as mirrors can give up healing and beheading' is also the sigh of Li Shimin after Wei Zheng's death.

However, in fact this is not the case.

Wei Zheng's scolding was really cool, but he also broke his career.

Fang Mou Du Duan Fang Mou Du Duan, he Wei Zheng does not belong to these two people, but just because he scolded Li Shimin, he has been on the top.

Not only him, but the entire Wei family.

After his death, although Li Shimin cried hypocritically, he directly smashed his tombstone.

Therefore, the resentment in Li Shimin's heart can be imagined.

And now it's almost like this, the Queen Mother Dou wants to support the puppet and become the emperor herself.

sure, no problem.

Not only did not many people object, but some people sent congratulations.

Even Liu's kings won't have an opinion.

Although not as good as Empress Lv, Empress Dowager Dou still has some intimidation after being Empress Dowager for so many years.

However, wait for her to die.

Those Liu clan who are crowned kings will definitely raise troops to serve the king, and directly lead a large army to Chang'an, and directly dig the grave of the Queen Mother Dou and whip her corpse.

As for the Dou family, it will only be worse than the Lu family.

Therefore, it was precisely because he had anticipated the consequences and anticipated this fear.... Therefore, the Empress Dowager could not let go for a long time, and did not dare to make up her mind to rebel.

As for Fang Tianfeng, in fact, thanks to her inability to let go of her heart and dare not rebel, otherwise she would not have been able to: He who had accumulated strength to develop his power would have nothing to do.

He can only use the simplest, crudest and most inefficient way to kill those who oppose him one by one.

However, this method is not in line with Fang Tianfeng's character.

So, if you can, you don't.

The engagement of Princess Pingyang and Cao Shou has been settled, just three days later.

Because that time was... auspicious day.

Before that, Princess Pingyang would not go to the Princess Mansion, but stayed in the palace.

After all, they are about to get married, and according to the rules, they cannot meet Cao Shou before this.

The Princess Mansion can only be visited when she is married.

Of course, the wedding will also be held in the Princess Mansion, so Cao Shou has moved into the Princess Mansion.

He also has to take advantage of these three days to prepare for the wedding banquet.

Empress Dowager Dou achieved her goal and was in a good mood. 4.

6. I also want to hold Princess Pingyang's hand and talk about family life.

However, Princess Pingyang was not in a good mood.

Even if the old witch who didn't directly scold her shameless was restrained, it was impossible for her to give Empress Dou a good face.

It was only because he said that he was not feeling well and wanted to rest earlier, and went straight back to his palace.

After all, she only has three days to live here.

And Fang Tianfeng also threw his sleeves back angrily.

However, no one found out.

After Fang Tianfeng returned to the palace, he quietly left to find Princess Pingyang.

After all, time waits for no one.

Chapter 081 ━━━━━━━━━

The defense of the palace is naturally extremely strict, even if the current guards of the palace are almost all of the empress dowager.

However, it has nothing to do with who they are.

Because if anything goes wrong in the palace, they will be beheaded.

Therefore, they worked extra hard when guarding the palace.

However, to Fang Tianfeng, these guards are useless.

When he appeared outside Princess Pingyang's door, no one noticed the abnormality.

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