However, he didn't have time to commit the crime.

After all, he has always been in the palace! It is even more ridiculous to want to send someone out of the palace to find other people to kill.

After all, the people around him in the palace are all from the Queen Mother Dou.

If someone disappeared, how could she not know? "Your Majesty, if, if it really doesn't work, let us do it."

Nian Nujiao pondered for a moment, gritted her silver teeth, and said seriously, "We have also been to the Princess Mansion, although the defense is strict, it is not as good as the Yanci Hou Mansion.

Sooner rather than later, the wedding will begin the day after tomorrow.

We'll start tonight and kill him without leaving any trace."

Although the Princess Mansion is the residence of the princess, the princess also has a distinguished status.

However, the guards of the Princess Mansion are indeed not as tight as those of the Yanci Mansion.

Because the Princess Mansion is in Chang'an after all, where the Son of Heaven is.

In other places, even if there is a famine, even if there is a flood, even if the people are struggling.

But Chang'an will not, because Chang'an is the capital, and it will be a thriving scenery at any time.

Therefore, the relative security is also much better.

Therefore, not many guards are needed.

The Yancihou Mansion was located in a remote place, and there were many, many thieves and gangsters.

Therefore, the home of a local emperor like Marquis Yanci must be strictly guarded.

And Chang'an is actually the same, because Chang'an has a real emperor.

Therefore, the guards of the palace are more important than anywhere else, while the guards of other noble ministers' residences are not so important.

And in Yanci, the Marquis of Yanci is... the emperor of the earth, and his family is also heavily guarded.

And those... small nobles, merchants' homes, there are no guards.

Actually these are relative.

And because of this, Nian Nujiao has absolute certainty that he can go to the Princess Mansion to assassinate Cao Shou.

And the reason why she took the initiative to bring it up actually has many considerations.

On the one hand, she felt that she couldn't stay like this all the time without doing anything, and wanted to help Fang Tianfeng.

And unfortunately, their sisters can't do anything but...kill.

On the other hand, she did not want to hurt the feelings of both parties.

Because, he felt that Fang Tianfeng came to them and told them about it, just to make them do it.

So instead of...let Fang Tianfeng say it, let them do things like the superiors and subordinates.

She prefers to be like now, like a friend, she offered to help the other party solve this trouble.

There may also be a reason why a naive girl's careful thoughts are at work here.

In any case, she didn't want their relationship to become a mere subordinate.

"Need not."

Fang Tianfeng shook his head slightly and said with a chuckle, "I have a better solution. It seems that since Cao Shou chose to join the Empress Dowager, I naturally have to help him.

Didn't he want to have a wedding? I'll make it happen for him."


Nian Nujiao nodded lightly and breathed a sigh of relief, with an inexplicable feeling of peace of mind in her heart.

Nian Nujiao turned her head slightly and wanted to see how Qiu Chan was doing, because she hadn't spoken since just now.

As a result, I didn't know if I didn't read it, but when I saw it, I found that Qiu Chan had fallen asleep in Fang Tianfeng's arms.

Nian Nujiao couldn't help laughing bitterly for a while, she was the one who was clamoring to see Fang Tianfeng's Zhao Qian at first.

And now, the person who fell asleep early was also her pure.

However, she soon found that the atmosphere had changed inexplicably.

Because after Qiu Chan fell asleep, Fang Tianfeng's eyes changed when he looked at her.


Of course Nian Nujiao understood what this look represented, and said nervously, "Qiu Chan, Qiu Chan is still here."

"where is her room"

Fang Tianfeng smiled slightly to show his understanding, and asked softly, "I'll send her back to her room to rest, it's not good to fall asleep outside, it's easy to catch a cold."

"I, I'll take you there."

Nian Nujiao hurriedly broke free from Fang Tianfeng's arms and walked towards Qiu Chan's room, her footsteps speeding up a little unconsciously.

Chapter 091 Nian Nujiao!Finish! (please subscribe)

This chapter ━━━━━━━━ rectification within a limited time, please understand the inconvenience caused to everyone, please forgive me for the inconvenience caused to everyone, please understand

Chapter 092 ━━━━━━━━ Love is all stolen (please subscribe)

This chapter ━━━━━━━━ rectification within a limited time, please understand the inconvenience caused to everyone

Chapter 093 ━━━━━━━━━ Wedding! (please subscribe)

Chapter 093 ━━━━━━━━Wedding! Please subscribe Fang Tianfeng left the palace in his spare time, and then used this time to push Nian Nujiao and Qiu Chan.

However, the three days passed quickly.

During these three days, Fang Tianfeng had no way to find Princess Pingyang through various formal means.

Because according to Empress Dowager Dou, that is, the princess should not see anyone for a few days before she gets married.

However, the palace is still there after all: Empress Dowager is under the control of the Queen Mother.

Therefore, even if Fang Tianfeng is the emperor, he can only avoid his edge.

Then, sneak in quietly to find the princess.

So, three days passed quickly, "seven, eight, zero"

The wedding of Princess Pingyang and Cao Shou was held as scheduled, and all the civil and military people came to congratulate.

Not only that, the funeral of the late emperor was just held more than ten days ago.

Therefore, there are still many kings who have not returned, but are waiting for this wedding.

Because people with discerning eyes can see that this wedding is actually... the foreplay of the war between the emperor and the empress dowager.

And among them, the happiest ones are naturally those...Liu's kings.

For example, Liu An, the king of Huainan.

During the Rebellion of the Seven Kingdoms, Liu An actually wanted to rebel.

However, his number one younger brother, the prime minister of Huainan Kingdom, was very ineffective.

He wanted to rebel, but the prime minister was loyal to the court.

Therefore, he defrauded Liu An of military power, and then went out of the city.

Therefore, Huainan did not succeed in rebelling.

Originally, the prime minister actually wanted to keep Huainan for the imperial court, but the result was to keep his throne for the king of Huainan.

Because King Huainan did not succeed in rebelling, even if he had this intention, he could not be convicted in the end.

Therefore, the prime minister can be considered a good-hearted person to do bad things, and save the Huainan king Liu An once.

Otherwise, the chaos of the Seven Kingdoms would have turned into the Chaos of the Eight Kingdoms.

There won't be any change in the ending, but there will be another family of goddamn kings.

Of course, because King Huainan had a good prime minister, he escaped.

Therefore, he still has the courage to continue to accumulate strength to rebel.

It is a rule that a king cannot stay in Chang'an for a long time.

Even if he came to pay his respects to the late emperor, then it was time to go.

He is not the King of Liang, and with the protection of the Queen Mother Dou, he can be shameless and not leave.

The reason for the delay in leaving was actually tacit consent.

He was able to stay so long in Chang'an on the pretext of attending Princess Pingyang's wedding.

But even so, it's coming soon.

After attending the wedding, he will have to keep his fief.

And the reason why he stayed was, of course, to observe the habits of Empress Dowager Dou and Fang Feng, the emperor.

So I want to find an opportunity in it, and then rebel.

Because he is not orthodox after all, the only way to inherit the throne is to rebel.

So a rebellion is definitely a rebellion, and it depends on how you rebel.

It is worth mentioning that the wedding day of Princess Pingyang and Cao Shou.

Neither Fang Tianfeng nor Empress Dowager Dou came in person.

The Queen Mother sent her newly recruited capable general Dongfang Shuo to come to congratulate her, while she herself guarded Fang Tianfeng in the palace, just because Fang Tianfeng would be shameless and forcibly interrupt the wedding.

However, what puzzled her was that Fang Tianfeng didn't mean it at all.

On the contrary, he actually managed to keep his composure, and seriously corrected the memorials in the palace! This made the Queen Mother Dou puzzled. According to Fang Tianfeng's resolute attitude a few days ago, it was impossible to be so calm.

It can only be said that he must have...premeditated 0.... Therefore, the Queen Mother Dou felt that she had to keep an eye on him in person.

However, she didn't know that it was just an illusion.

The real Fang Tianfeng had already left the palace.

Now it is Gillian who is correcting the memorials in the palace.

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