Well, work must be done, and Gillian just wants to have something to do.

So, hand over the memorial to her for correction.

Then he entered the room and did not come out. The eunuch who was guarding outside the door did not dare to enter, but only dared to guard outside the door.

Anyway... they determined that this palace has only one gate.

So they felt that if the emperor wanted to leave, he had to go through the gate.

And as long as they go out through the gate, they will definitely be discovered and reported to the Empress Dowager.

However, they were still too naive.

Fang Tianfeng really wanted to leave, how could the eunuchs of them be able to keep an eye on him? Whether it was flying out or burrowing into the ground, it was easy for him.

There won't be any bloody 'five roads to the sky, no way to enter the ground'.

After all, after eating the Transforming Pill, you can really 4.

6 Do whatever you want.

Therefore, they thought that Fang Tianfeng did not go out one step.

However, in fact, Fang Tianfeng had already left the palace and came to the princess palace.

Isn't Cao Shou going to hold a wedding? Of course Fang Tianfeng wants to satisfy him, not only to satisfy him, but also to replace him to make the wedding go on successfully.

No matter it's windy or rainy, no matter what happens, keep going.

Therefore, Fang Tianfeng looked at Dongfang Shuo who walked indifferently into the Princess Mansion in white clothes, and he had already thought about it.

Dongfang Shuo came to replace the empress dowager, and he came to replace Dongfang Shuo.

Chapter 094 The Unlucky Dongfang Shuo! (please subscribe)

094 The unlucky Dongfang Shuo! Asking to subscribe Dongfang Shuo actually doesn't want to attend this wedding, so even if Cao Shou receives him graciously.

But he did not appreciate it, and went to the backyard after being received by the maid.

However, the backyard is never a place to pick up guests.

"Enough, little girl, what did you bring me here for?"

Dongfang Shuo slowly stopped, looked at the girl in pink Hanfu in front of him, and said indifferently, "I've already come with you, then, you should tell me your purpose."

"I didn't let you come."

Wei Zifu stopped, turned his head, and shook his head slowly.

She is Cao Shou'an's spy in the princess' mansion, that's right, this time, if there is no mistake, she will actually become the dowry maid of Princess Pingyang.

However, she didn't like this ending.

0 "Boom!"

Dongfang Shuo didn't have time to ask carefully, but he only felt a pain in the back of his head, then his eyes darkened, and he fell straight to the ground.

Fang Tianfeng shook his head, more relaxed than he imagined.

"His Majesty."

Wei Zifu took two steps forward slowly, and asked with a little hesitation, "Is this all right?"

"Well, that's enough."

Fang Tianfeng nodded lightly, paused, and said again, "Don't show up, go to the princess's room to hide, Cao Shou will not go there to find you.

As for him, leave it to me to handle."

"The slaves obey."

Wei Zifu nodded lightly and left with light steps.

The originally heavy heart also relaxed inexplicably, as if no matter what...

Anything will be solved as long as it is handed over to Fang Tianfeng.

Wei Zifu left, and Fang Tianfeng, he was responsible for dragging Dongfang Shuo to a place where no one went back to find him.

The Princess Mansion is very big, but it's just the backyard, not too small.

Now all the servants in the whole house are waiting for guests in the front yard or helping in the kitchen.

In the backyard, not many people actually come back.

Therefore, Fang Tianfeng just found a room he could go to, and then threw Dongfang Shuo under the bed.

Then, he pushed open the door and walked out.

And, he took the initiative to find a servant.

"Mr. East."

The servant bowed his head and bowed respectfully, knowing why Dongfang Shuo appeared here.

But he only knew that his master, the princess' concubine Cao Shou, had instructed him to be respectful.


Fang Tianfeng nodded slightly and asked, "Where is Cao's concubine, I have something to do with him."

"Wait a minute, sir, I'll call the master right now."

The servants responded quickly, because Cao Shou told him if Dongfang Shuo asked him.

in spite of....

You must tell him what he is doing.

And now, Cao Shou is... entertaining guests in the front yard.

And counting the time, in fact, it is almost the time to worship.

Therefore, it stands to reason that all the guests have arrived, and those who should not have come will not come back.

At this point in time, Cao Shou has nothing to do.

So, Fang Tianfeng just... picked this time to call him over.

Because Dongfang Shuo represents the Empress Dowager.

There are some things that are hard to say in front of other people, of course, it can only be said when there are only two people.

"No, I'll go there myself."

Fang Tianfeng shook his head and said slowly, "Go ahead, I know the way."


The little man bowed his head respectfully, not daring to have any thoughts.

Fang Tianfeng wanted Dongfang Shuo's identity to be useful, not just to deceive Cao Shou.

He still has to fortune teller, after all, he is a fortune teller himself.

On the day of great joy, it is better to calculate a hexagram.

Originally, according to the traditional benefits of marriage.

The bride cannot lift the red hijab before entering the bridal chamber.

However, it is a pity that this traditional etiquette started in the Northern and Southern Dynasties.

Moreover, at first, it was only because I wanted to shelter from the wind and cold, so I covered it with a piece of cloth, and it only covered the top of my head at that time.

In the early Tang Dynasty, this kind of hijab gradually began to grow longer, from the top of the head to the shoulders, which was used to cover shame at that time.

From the late Jin Dynasty to the Yuan Dynasty, this hijab began to appear on the festive ornaments of the bride's wedding, and at that time, in order to look more festive, there were red hijabs.

And now, in the Western Han Dynasty, bring your sister's red hijab.

Moreover, Cao Shou said that he was the concubine, but in fact even the wedding was held in the princess palace.

The status of the ancient concubine is really not high, in fact, it is completely equivalent to entering the family.

The princess is the real master in the dominant position.

Even if the Empress Dowager wanted to pit Fang Tianfeng and Princess Pingyang, this would not change.

Therefore, the wedding was held in the Princess Mansion, although it was Cao Shou who received the guests.

But this is only because Princess Pingyang is a woman, and women are not meant to do this high-profile work.

So don't look at Cao Shou as if he is standing in the position of the master, but in fact, he is just the top.

He specializes in doing things that princesses are not suitable for, and he not only can't resist, but also tries to do the best in everything.

Chapter 095 ━━━━━━━━━ Wedding! (please subscribe)

Han Dynasty.

Although the wedding ceremonies in the Han Dynasty were relatively simple and clean, there was no such ceremonies as hijabs and bridal chambers, but there was one thing that remained unchanged.

That is, the bride cannot come out until the wedding officially begins.

However, this is for women who are not as good as men.

Unfortunately, Cao Shou's status is not as high as that of a princess.

Therefore, not only did Princess Pingyang come out, but also Cao Shou did not dare to say anything.

He just stood there with a smile on his face.

But Princess Pingyang didn't even look at him, even if he was her future husband.

Because she doesn't care, she has already made up her mind.

One who is born as a younger brother, dies as a younger brother's ghost.

It's just marriage, she doesn't care about anything, it's just a matter of reputation.

She doesn't care about her reputation for a long time, as long as she can help her little brother, she doesn't care about anything.

However, the reputation can be ignored, but the body must be clean.

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