Even if there is, which bear child will run so far, deliberately run to the back mountain far away from the city to build some secret base, this special meow, with the strength of the child's feet, it will go back and forth for a whole day, okay! Are you sure? Aren't the family in a hurry?

Chapter 042 Private Teaching!superior! (please subscribe)

Chapter 042 ━━━━━━━━private education! Go! Please subscribe though.

But in the end, Fang Tianfeng still came to the top of the mountain.

Not to mention, standing on the top of the mountain, it is really strange that there is a kind of momentum of 'will be Ling Jueding to see the mountains and small'.

The top of Te Meow's top is not a good point! This is not those... Qishan, the larger the area of ​​the top of the mountain, the more easy it is to cut! And there are trees around it, so the line of sight They are all covered up, look at the mountains! Are you all crazy? Fang Tianfeng is really powerless to complain, but there is nothing he can do.

He had to lean back against a big tree and quietly closed his eyes.

It's still early, although it's promised to see you tonight.

But it's still growing tonight, God knows when Xue Ji will come.

Moreover, the family education of the Yagyu family is still very strict.

If Xue Ji ran out in the middle of the night, she would undoubtedly have to escape the detection of many people.

At the very least, wait until most people are asleep.

So, just wait.


Fang Tianfeng's guess was not wrong, he waited in place for an hour.

And an hour later, someone came.

However, it wasn't Xue Ji who came.

It's a small ninja wearing a night suit.

Fang Tianfeng suddenly opened his eyes, and a bright light flashed in his eyes.

I didn't find Liusheng Piaoxu this little loli in the city before, that's because he was preconceived.

In addition, in the city, there are a lot of streets and alleys, and it is easy to run away.

However, this is in the mountains.

Although there are a large number of trees as cover, but in the silent woods on an otherwise silent night.

Suddenly there was an unusual noise, how could Fang Tianfeng not be able to find it, and it was definitely not Xue Ji.

Xue Ji's figure is taller than many men among the neon people, and even if the slender body is tightly wrapped in a pair of wraps, it is enough for a man to bleed from his nose.

However, this time it was a very small ninja.

It's almost shorter than the average neon man, just like a child.

But also normal.

Some of the neon people are specially trained for such short stature ninjas. Because of their short stature, they are not easy to be exposed, and they are more flexible and family-like.

It is also easier to assassinate its target.

Therefore, Fang Tianfeng was not surprised.

He directly regarded this person as someone sent by Tajima Yagyu.

There is no doubt that it was Liusheng Xueji who was discovered by Liusheng Dan Ma Shou, and then he sent his younger brother over to get rid of himself, who even 'Yusheng Xueji can't beat but has amazing talent'.

Fang Tianfeng's mouth turned up, revealing a sneer.

It's not that easy to kill him.

However, Fang Tianfeng did not intend to scare the snake.

He was waiting, waiting for the opponent to take the lead.

Let the opponent think that he has succeeded, and then fight back.

Well, it's not impossible to play like a pig and eat a tiger occasionally.

It's just that sometimes some people's IQ is in a hurry, and pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger is written as a sand sculpture.

The petite figure kept running through the woods, hiding behind a big tree from time to time.

Because of her petite stature, most trees can perfectly conceal her stature without showing a trace.

The girl has been very careful, trying very hard not to show a trace.

Every step is very careful, and it will not be like a sand sculpture that just happens to step on a certain root: a dry branch.

Finally, it's near.

getting closer.

In the end, the gap between her and Fang Tianfeng was only a few meters! However, there was still a voice after all.

In order to prevent the reflected moonlight from the blade from revealing its newness, the blade is always scabbard.

Although you can also wrap it in a cloth, it is more troublesome.

And if the knife is put into the scabbard, there will be noise when the knife is drawn.

Therefore, it is bound to wake up the other party.

This is unavoidable.


It is the dark moon and the wind that kills people! Unfortunately, the moon is full tonight.


The sound of the blade unsheathed broke the silence of the jungle, and a cold light reflecting the moonlight appeared in front of Fang Tianfeng's eyes.

At the same time, accompanied by the bright and bone-chilling light of the sword, was the coquettish voice of the girl.

Fang Tianfeng had already opened his eyes and charged up.

They are all ready to kill each other with one hand.

He didn't even have any idea of ​​leaving the other party in one breath, letting him torture him, and then asking who killed him.

Because he has already determined that it was Yagyu Tajima who did it.

However, now you tell him that he is a girl at the moment and, looking at the originally short and disgusting figure, it is clearly... a small loli! So, how is it possible to be a lolicon It will kill a loli! In that case, wouldn't it turn into a beast, and at the same time, the inner force quietly gathered in Fang Tianfeng's palm also dissipated in an instant.

But Loli's sword edge had already killed him.

Because he was worried about hurting the little loli, Fang Tianfeng unloaded.

But if the force is removed, it will be like now, defenseless.

Chapter 043 Private Teaching!Down! (please subscribe)

Chapter 043 ━━━━━━━━private education! Next! It doesn't matter if you ask for a subscription.

Fang Tianfeng didn't care, not to mention that he ate the Transforming Pill.

Even his King Kong Immortality Magic will automatically trigger the Guardian.

It is impossible to kill him at all.

At least, in this world it is not possible.


Dao Guangming had already killed Fang Tianfeng, but Lolita, who was holding the Taidao, couldn't let go.

The tip of the knife was slightly raised, and a sword stabbed at the big tree that Fang Tianfeng was leaning against.

In an instant, a large section of the original thick tree was cut off! Although she is a loli, her strength cannot be underestimated! In the end, he deliberately lost to her.

However, he has almost tested Yukio Yuki's strength.

If Chunin is to be divided into four levels, lower, middle, upper and peak, then Yukini Yagyu is the upper level of chunin! And this little loli has already reached the level of lower level of chunin! Fang Tianfeng is actually almost in an instant. Judging the identity of Loli, the younger sister of Yagyu Yukihime, Yagyu Kagami! As for the reason, he only came to Edo for a day, and he also had a entanglement with the Yagyu family.

Except....... Liusheng's family, whose daughter would suddenly run to the back mountain of Liusheng's family in the middle of the night to find trouble with him, but you must know that Liusheng Piaoxu is several years younger than Liusheng Xueji! It's only a first-time chunin, but her potential is even more terrifying than her sister! As for the possibility that Fang Tianfeng, a pseudo-mother who knows pseudo-voices, flashed a cold light in his eyes, if so.

Then, don't blame him for being ruthless.

"Why don't you hide!"

The girl's coquettish rebuke sounded in Fang Tianfeng's ears, and when he heard the tone, there was quite a feeling of hating him.

"The strength is too weak to react in time."

Fang Tianfeng sighed helplessly, and said with a sullen face, "It's not the first time, I lost to Miss Xueji of the Liusheng family during the day.

And now, it's just another loss to the woman."

"What's wrong with losing to a woman"

Liu Sheng Piaoxu pouted in dissatisfaction, "Is it so shameful to lose to a woman? It's because you southerners are unwilling to teach us good martial arts, or sister... Miss Xue Ji would have been promoted to Shangnin long ago. .

At that time, even those soldiers and guards will not be my sister's opponent."

Fang Tianfeng's heart moved, he could be sure.

She is definitely a cute little loli, and she is indeed the younger sister of Liu Sheng Xue Ji, Liu Sheng Piao Xu.

Poor Liusheng Piaoxu, although talented and intelligent, is not mature enough.

She is still a little girl, and she said everything with just a little probing.

Although he changed his tune in time and instead of calling her sister, she called Miss Xue Ji, but Fang Tianfeng was not a mentally retarded sand sculpture.

Just relying on the word sister, you can guess seven, seven, eight, eight.

However, it was a little unexpected.

His original plan was to attack his sister first, and then his sister-in-law.

But now it seems that my sister-in-law is more active than my sister.

So, should I start with my sister-in-law first, and then take my sister step by step? Well, as expected, Lolita is the best! Lolita is the best! Liusheng Piaoxu's talent is indeed very high, and she is not as obedient as Xue Ji. .

Simply put, it's..., rebellious.

There is no doubt that the current floating Xu is... in a period of rebelliousness.

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