Her mother was killed by Yagyu Tajima Shou, other people didn't feel it, but she already hated her father.

Remember to hate him, let yourself lose mother's love since childhood.

And yet Yukihime, who was raised as Yamato Nadeko, is not without her rebellious period.

It's just that her rebellious period didn't come early and didn't end, but was delayed.

As in the original book, she resolutely fought against her father for Duan Tianya, a brother-killing enemy, and finally died under the sword of Liusheng Danma Shou in order to save him.

However, in fact, she and Duan Tianya had never met several times at all.

Yamato Nadeko is very reserved, but she asked Duan Tianya to carry her back when she met Duan Tianya for the first time.

It's not so much a love at first sight, it's a deformed love that evolved from rebellion. After all, it's probably the case for people who grew up in a conflicted family and a conflicted race.

"No, I didn't mean to look down on women."

Fang Tianfeng shook his head and said with a serious face, "On the contrary, I respect women the most.

I'm just ashamed because I'm too weak.

If I must say that I should look down on it, it should be said that I look down on myself."

"Hmph, that's about the same."

The little loli raised her head proudly, and the dagger in her hand was already hanging down.

Obviously, Fang Tianfeng's praise made her very useful.

The social status of men is higher than that of women, which has existed since the beginning of farming.

Even before the emergence of Cheng and Zhu Li in the Song Dynasty, although women were very free and did not have so many constraints, their social status was still lower than that of men.

Therefore, when Liu Sheng Piao Xu was recognized, she was still very happy.

"Since you are so weak, let me teach you martial arts!"

Liu Sheng Piaoxu patted Fang Tianfeng's shoulder excitedly, as if he had encountered some fun toy.

Chapter 044 Little Teacher! (please subscribe)

044 Little teacher! Please subscribe. There is no doubt that Fang Tianfeng's learning talent is amazing.

Liu Sheng Piao Xu just rehearsed it once, and Fang Tianfeng can learn it now and sell it now.

If it weren't for the unfamiliar movements, and the kind that couldn't be pretended..., I'm afraid Liu Shengpiaoxu would really doubt whether his family's martial arts were really leaked out.

Liu Sheng Piaoxu squatted under a big tree in a daze, staring at Fang Tianfeng without blinking.

As if looking at a monster.

Even if she and her sister thought they were gifted and intelligent, they would never be able to remember them.

If it's just rote memorization, it's not a big problem.

Although it is not as exaggerated as it is to remember it, it can be remembered after watching it several times.

However, martial arts is not reading.

The moves of martial arts are all specific, and they are all unfamiliar poses.

The human body has a word called muscle memory.

The muscles of the human body have a memory effect. After the same action is repeated many times, the muscles will form a conditioned reflex.

Human muscles acquire memory very slowly, but once acquired, they forget very slowly.

Therefore, those... martial arts moves need to be converted into muscle memory through constant contact.

So when it is hostile, the brain will not crash and do not know what to do at all, but once the muscle memory is formed.

Even if your brain hasn't reacted, your body has reacted.

For most people, it takes years or even decades of hard work to develop this muscle memory.

But what is shown in front of Liu Sheng Piao Xu now subverts her common sense.

It was stiff and unfamiliar at first.

Obviously, it looks like a beginner, and it needs to rely on the brain to search for some specific memory of moves in the mind, and then the body will respond.

But after practicing over and over again, Fang Tianfeng was able to use these moves freely.

It was as if he had been immersed in it for several years or even a dozen years...! Even Liusheng Piaoxu felt that his efforts and perseverance over the past ten years were not as good as Fang Tianfeng's more than an hour of cramming. .

What the hell is going on in this world, Fang Tianfeng rehearsed for the last time, and with some satisfaction he retracted his long sword.

Because he has almost learned it, it is not considered to be the pinnacle of perfection, but it can be regarded as an entry into the room.

What's more, he still doesn't believe that it is impossible to practice such basic martial arts to the peak.


Although Liu Sheng Piao Xu is very attentive and kind.

All she taught him was the best martial arts she had learned, but after all, it was women, not as good as men.

What she has learned.... martial arts, after all, is not a true tradition.

Just some ordinary martial arts.

In other words, in fact, Yagyu but Ma Shou never took their sisters seriously.

Otherwise, with their talent even stronger than Liuyu Shibei, how could they still be in this realm now, if they put all their efforts into training, I am afraid that Liuyu Xueji would have already reached the end of the ninja.

But still the same.

Women's colleges do not stay.

Even if you raise an ineffective son, you will never raise a daughter who is a genius.

Because the daughter is going to marry sooner or later, once married.

All the hard work spent on the daughter can be made for other people's wedding dress.

In fact, Yagyu Jubei's talent is really not that great.

As the eldest son of the Yagyu family, he received the full training of the Yagyu family.

But he is already [-] years old, but he is still just a spicy chicken.

All I can say is, it's a little underwhelming.

"you learned"

Liu Sheng Piaoxu's eyes widened, looking at Fang Tianfeng angrily.

She didn't mean anything, she was just sulking out of a little girl's temperament and felt it was unfair.

Why did she endure all the pain from laughing, but couldn't compare to the one-hour cramming of others, it was because she was just a little loli now, and if she grew older, she would become more mature.

If you grew up in an environment like the Yagyu family, you might even kill people with jealousy.

Liu Sheng Piao Xu is too smart, much smarter than her sister.

So her sister can kill her face without changing her face, or be a Yamato Nadeshiko with a gentle and submissive face.

And Liu Sheng Piao Xu, because he is too smart, thinks more and becomes easier to become: mature.

Under the subtle influence of Yagyu Tajima's father, he will become as cold-blooded and cruel as him.


It's not too late now.

Cultivation should start from Lolita, as long as you train Liusheng Piaoxu properly now.

Leave an indelible yin... seed in her heart, then this 1 seed will sprout sooner or later.

Once sprouted, the little loli will grow in the direction he needs.

Fang Tianfeng has made up his mind to save Little Loli from the abyss of Liu Sheng's house. Although she is smarter, she is more difficult to break free than her sister.

Don't look at Xue Ji to Liu Sheng but Ma Shou seems to obey, but in fact Xue Ji has already started a silent resistance.

In the original book, she will keep contacting Duan Tianya under the circumstances of express prohibition, which is... the best proof.


The current contact person has been replaced by Fang Tianfeng.

: Push the halo of the protagonist of the old book. Although it is old, it is still there: Write it yourself, ask for support.

Chapter 045 Sisters (Subscribe)

Chapter 045 ━━━━━━━━ Sisters ask to subscribe "Of course, I am a genius."

Fang Tianfeng raised his head arrogantly, pretending to be a childish stinky fart, making the little loli pouted again in annoyance.

He kept muttering things like 'God is really unfair'.


Fang Tianfeng frowned and said doubtfully, "The swordsmanship you taught me seems to be Liu Sheng..."

"how is this possible!"

Before she finished speaking, Little Loli hurriedly and loudly retorted, "I'm obviously from the Iga faction, how could I know the swordsmanship of the Xinyin faction? Don't think about it, this is just the most basic sword of my Iga faction. It's just the law."

"However, there are many traces of the Yagyu family in the swordsmanship."

Fang Tianfeng suppressed his smile, looked at the girl with a look of 'I'm serious, you believe me', and deliberately teased, "Also, it is said that the Iga faction does not learn swordsmanship at all, right? Are they all specialized in ninjutsu?"

"You don't understand that."

As if regaining some confidence, Liusheng Piaoxu raised his head proudly with a light snort, "Hum, although the Iga faction is more focused on ninjutsu, it doesn't mean that we don't learn swordsmanship.


Moreover, generally speaking, basic swordsmanship is mutually circulated among the various schools.

At most, certain changes are made according to the preference of each genre."

"It's just because you came to Dongying: the first time you saw... Liuyu swordsmanship, so you felt that this swordsmanship was very similar to that of the Liuyu family.

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