Xue Ji is very light, she can hardly feel any weight on her back, and it will not make people feel heavy and want to put it down.

On the contrary, he enjoyed the feeling of the girl snuggling on his back.

Even, I want this moment to last until the end of the world.

However, Fang Tianfeng's dream is always the Crystal Palace.

Therefore, only Xue Ji is not enough.

Not even half of it.

There was a sweet smile on Xue Ji's mouth, a jade bracelet like tender lotus was wrapped around the neck of the young man, and her small head rested on Fang Tianfeng's shoulder, quietly enjoying this moment of snuggling.

Because they all know that when they go down the mountain, they will be separated.

Liu Sheng but Ma Shou would not be willing to see his daughter meet a Han man behind his back, and he was still so close.

Moreover, Liu Sheng Xue Ji was also unwilling to cause her father to stare at Fang Tianfeng because of her momentary...willfulness.

Even though she and Piao Xu are almost at war now, they are not willing to let Liu Sheng and Ma Shou find out.

This is a semi-public, semi-private war.

And, there are bound to be no losers.

"Xue Ji."

Fang Tianfeng carried the girl on his back and slowly walked down the mountain, speaking softly with some emotion, but quickly stopped.

Hesitant to say, maybe, that's it.

Although, it is acting.

Well, Fang Tianfeng is someone who is determined to become a scum.

If you can't even act like this simple 'stop talking, wanting and refusing to return', then there is nothing to say.


The girl turned her head sideways, a look of doubt flashed across her pretty face.

Obviously, I don't understand why Fang Tianfeng suddenly called her name.


A wry smile appeared on the corner of Fang Tianfeng's mouth, then he stopped talking and walked straight down the mountain.

Chapter 066 Duan Tianya's suffocation! (please subscribe)

Chapter 066 ━━━━━━━━Duan Tianya's suffocation! Please subscribe to Duan Tianya's grievance now.

For no reason, a large number of people throw pots and dirty water on themselves.

Even though he has never even been out of Edo, there have been frequent reports of Daimyo being murdered.

And those...survivors, one or two were directly named by him.

However, many of these survivors were disciples of the Iga sect who were sent by the Iga sect to protect the daimyo.

Although the strength is not very good, but he is proficient in escaping, so he can escape by luck.


And it just so happens that... these... people from the Iga faction, some people know Duan Tianya.

After all, Duan Tianya has been in the Iga faction for five years, and in the past five years, he has also established a good relationship with the brothers of the Iga faction who were somewhat unfamiliar.

So, as soon as they met, they were recognized.

The first big name was accused that Duan Tianya did it, and no one dared to help him to testify.

Because no one is with him all day long, who can guarantee that he will have time when he is alone... ran out to assassinate the daimyo, so he was escorted back to the Iga faction.

However, one has two.

News of Daimyo's murder came one after another, and there were still survivors.

Because Duan Tianya had a precedent for assassinating the daimyo, those...survivors also came to the Iga faction without exception.

Because they felt that it was... Duan Tianya did it.

As soon as he arrived at the Iga faction, he met Duan Tianya.

Duan Tianya's guilt was directly confirmed.

Because, they all recognized that Duan Tianya was... the person who assassinated Daimyo.

However, the Iga faction jumped out.

The big name was definitely not killed by Duan Tianya.

Because since the first daimyo was killed, Duan Tianya has been imprisoned in the Iga faction, with disciples guarding him day and night.

It's impossible to have a chance to join the Iga faction, let alone travel thousands of miles to kill people.

Not only did the Iga faction testify, but even for fear of the Iga faction giving false testimony.

The original ones...Those who suspected that Duan Tianya was the murderer...the survivors of the Daming House hated him to the core, so they were also in the Iga faction, just to find opportunities Kill Duan Tianya.

In the end, not only did he fail to kill Duan Tianya, but he indirectly helped prove his innocence.

Because of the time, Duan Tianya has been in the Iga faction all day, and there is no such opportunity to commit the crime.

Since then, although Duan Tianya has more and more black cauldrons, they are gradually being cleaned up.

They all began to think that that person might really just look a lot like Duan Tianya by chance.

However, it is definitely not Duan Tianya.

In fact, it was Fang Tianfeng who underestimated the wisdom of the Dongying people.

This low-level frame-up is useless at all.

Moreover, it is also related to Duan Tianya.

If it were another person, knowing that there was news that he had assassinated Daimyo outside, a bunch of people were chasing him.

I'm afraid he would have run away long ago, and he would even be scared to take a boat back to Daming.

As long as we go back to Daming, these people...the people of Dongying are not to be afraid of.

However, Duan Tianya is different.

Knowing that he had been wronged, his first thought was not to run away, but to go to the Iga faction and surrender himself to prove his innocence.

As in the original book, he killed Yagyu Jubei but did not escape, but took the initiative to admit it.

It can only be said that Duan Tianya is a real idiot.

Because of his stupidity, Xue Ji was killed.

However, everything is different now.

Because of his foolishness, the foolish man has a foolish blessing to prove his innocence.

So he doesn't have to be imprisoned anymore and is allowed to go out.

It's just that there are some famous family members who are likely to ignore him and insist on assassinating him.

And these risks are also borne by Duan Tianya alone.

On the other hand, it can be regarded as an explanation sent by Iga to the families of those who...killed the daimyo.

The Iga faction helped prove Duan Tianya's innocence, so those... daimyo had no excuse to attack the Iga faction.

However, if you want to find this thing under the pretext, you will definitely find it.

So Iga Pai simply released Duan Tianya.

Didn't you say that he was the murderer? Well, then you can just kill the murderer, and kill for life.

Anyway... our Iga faction doesn't cover him, you can kill him if you can.

As for Duan Tianya, he believed that he was not afraid of ghosts knocking on the door.

Therefore, he was not afraid at all, and just waved everywhere as usual.

It just so happened that he was going up the mountain today to collect poisonous weeds for ninjutsu.

Originally, Xue Ji should have arrived earlier, and he and Xue Ji met by chance on that bridge.

And now, because of Fang Tianfeng's spoiler.

Therefore, when Duan Tianya was carrying the medicine basket up the mountain, he happened to meet Fang Tianfeng.

Not only Fang Tianfeng, but he also saw Fang Tianfeng carrying a woman on his back.

Because of the angle, and Xue Ji put her face on Fang Tianfeng's body.

Therefore, he was not able to see the girl's face clearly.

Naturally, it was impossible to know that it was Xue Ji.

He just nodded lightly as a greeting.

After all, they are all Han people, so it is normal to say hello in a foreign country.

Then, he wanted to leave.

After all, he and Fang Tianfeng have nothing to do with each other......, it is polite to say hello.

After all, he has business affairs, and he has collected poisonous weeds for more than ten years.

It's not like Fang Tianfeng took a woman up the mountain to run wild.

Chapter 067 ━━━━━━━━mania! (please subscribe)

Chapter 067 ━━━━━━━━Fever! Asking to subscribe, he didn't want to pay attention to Fang Tianfeng.

Until, he heard the voice of the girl on Fang Tianfeng's back.

"Hey...!!!, Fang Jun."

Xue Ji leaned lightly on Fang Tianfeng's shoulder and said softly, "Piaoxu her, is her martial arts good?"

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