Xue Ji was a little nervous, her sister practiced martial arts without telling her.

Such important news, but before, I was only jealous of the wind and completely forgot to ask about it.

This is a big deal! How on earth did my sister do it, hiding from her father and herself, to be able to get to this point.

Know how to practice ninjutsu and swordsmanship.

But not... cultivating immortals is not just sitting there cross-legged.

It needs a lot of space to practice constantly, but if you want to practice, how can you not be discovered! Unless, your sister's talent is really terrifying.

Just like Fang Tianfeng, you can learn by watching it once.

If that's the case, it's not surprising.

But, if that's the case.

That can only prove that you are in danger! If you don't work hard, you will really be taken away by your sister! "Piao Xu,"

Fang Tianfeng hesitated a little, and whispered, "Piaoxu's talent is very good, and now, you should have the same strength as Xue Ji.

Moreover, I have also discussed with Piao Xu, her strength will not be worse than yours."

Although he knew that the girl on his back couldn't see his expression, Fang Tianfeng was still acting dutifully.

After all, the details are important.

"Isn't it worse than me?"

Xue Ji murmured, her heart was covered with a haze.

Even my own sister is hiding it, her sister is indeed a bit scheming.

Before she knew it, she had grown to the point where she could compete with her older sister.

Sure enough, I underestimate this sister.

It's ridiculous that she had always thought that she had protected her sister well enough to allow her to escape the fate of the Yagyu family's children.

But who knows, he has been in a cocoon all the time.

If the younger sister is allowed to practice, I am afraid that she is already a jounin, even if it is not as good as her father, she must be a master of Yagyu.

However, now, because of her own limitations, she only has the strength of Chunin.

Would she blame me for thinking that her sister, because of her talent, kept the secret from everyone, just to make the face of Xue Ji, the resource of the Liusheng family, darken.

Although she regards Piao Xu as a rival in love, she is her own sister after all.

In her heart, there is also guilt for her sister.

However, even a younger sister can't take away her happiness! She is a girl who can turn against her father for her own happiness! Rebellious period or something, not... only other children have it!" Xue Ji. "

Duan Tianya trembled all over, as if struck by lightning, he stood there in a daze, with an incredible expression on his face.

Because, he heard the voice of the goddess in his dream.

And that voice, Hao Ran came from the girl on Fang Tianfeng's back.

In other words, that girl is Xue Ji.

The goddess in my dream would not go to the mountains with Fang Tianfeng to fight in the wild, impossible! It is absolutely not like this! Duan Tianya does not accept, nor does he want to accept such a fact.

He frantically wanted to throw this thought out of his head, frantically jealous of Fang Tianfeng, who could be so close to Xue Ji.

Suddenly, there was a sharp killing intent in his eyes.

And this scene, Fang Tianfeng and Xue Ji both saw it.

A playful smile appeared on the corner of Fang Tianfeng's mouth, and he had already guessed Duan Tianya's reaction.

Since Tianya can be trapped by love in the middle of the original novel, it is not incomprehensible that he is crazy about love now.

Because of envy and jealousy, it turned into hatred, and finally turned into killing intent towards him.

Duan Tianya is about to go crazy.

He came to Dongying: he had a mission, and the Marquis of Iron Courage sent him to Dongying:.

It is to let him learn the ninjutsu of Dongying: not only ordinary ninjutsu, but the top-notch unique skills that belong to the bottom of the box.

Learn from the barbarians to control barbarians.

Although there is no such statement, but the meaning is the same, the purpose is the same.

He wants to learn the ninjutsu of Dongying: so as to resist the continuous invasion of Japanese pirates on the coast of Daming.

And now, his mission has failed.

His identity is now known to everyone, and everyone knows that he is a Chinese named Duan Tianya but under the pseudonym Takizawa Ichiro.

The purpose is... to steal the martial arts of the various sects.

And, in addition, a series of incidents involving the assassination of Daimyo.

Although it was clarified, he was a complete failure.

From now on, he will not even think about learning anything in Dongying.

So, he should have left.

However, it didn't.

He did not leave, but stayed in Dongying: stay.

It is because there is still a glimmer of hope and a glimmer of fantasy in his heart! Because of Xue Ji! He likes Xue Ji, he has never told anyone, and he fell in love with Xue Ji at first sight two months ago.

However, he never said anything.

He didn't stay for the mission, but for Xue Ji, for personal love!

Chapter 068 Defeated Dog! (please subscribe)

Chapter 068 ━━━━━━━━ Lost dog! Asking for a character to subscribe has failed, he stayed in Dongying: he won't get anything.

Instead, he will be looked down upon by everyone and assassinated by countless ninjas.

However, he still stayed.

Just for Xue Ji.

But now, Xue Ji was lying peacefully on the back of the Han man named Fang Tianfeng, with a happy smile on her face.

So, I have done so much, and I have been in Dongying for the past two months: I have been scorned because I don't understand what it is, I really don't understand.

Fang Tianfeng naturally noticed Duan Tianya, and also saw the killing intent flashing in his eyes.

However, he didn't take it to heart, instead he looked at him with some playfulness.

Of course Duan Tianya is not a bad person, and can even be said to be a good person.

The secret agents of the No. [-] village in the world were all instilled by the prince of iron bravery with the idea of ​​being loyal to the monarch and serving the country.

Why because he is... wanting to make others feel that he is also a person who is loyal to the monarch and serves the country.

After all, even their own confidants are like this, and the Marquis of Iron Courage who taught them to be loyal to the monarch and serve the country is even more loyal.

However, who would have thought that he was the biggest villain in the original novel, Duan Tianya and the others could even directly turn against him after learning about the purpose of the Marquis of Iron Courage.

Therefore, if Fang Tianfeng wanted to win over them, it would be even less of a problem.

As long as they can see the true face of the Iron Man.

Even if they couldn't see the true face of Divine Marquis of Iron Courage, Fang Tianfeng could still use them to do some things.

However, Fang Tianfeng didn't need it and didn't want to.

Duan Tianya is indeed a good man, even a chivalrous man.

However, how can this be a mere martial artist, there is no Duan Tianya, and there are Lin Tianya and Li Tianya.

In this world, there is no shortage of masters.

Judging from the fact that he coveted Xue Ji and even showed killing intent to himself, Fang Tianfeng had enough reasons to kill him.

It's just that Fang Tianfeng is also very puzzled, Duan Tianya is too incapable of controlling his emotions.

Moreover, he has nothing to do with Xue Ji at all.

It's just...he is unrequitedly in love with Xue Ji.

So, you can show killing intent to him like this, where did you come from? Long Aotian is puzzled, but Fang Tianfeng stimulates him.

"Xue Ji,"

Fang Tianfeng suddenly smiled and said, "Do you remember the day we met?"

"Well, remember."

Xue Ji's heart was full of sweetness, her little head rested on Fang Tianfeng's shoulder with peace of mind, and a sweet smile appeared on the corner of her mouth, "That day, I was performing martial arts for the disciples of the Xinyin School in the martial arts field, and Mr. Sato also came to Liuyu's house.

And at that time, you just called in like that, and said you wanted to worship my father as a teacher."

As she said that, Xue Ji burst out laughing, "At that time, I really thought you were overthinking your abilities.

He is obviously a Han Chinese, but he wants to worship Dongying: Shangnin as his teacher.

And, in the end, the defeat is in my hands."

Fang Tianfeng had a faint smile on the corner of his mouth, he didn't think it was embarrassing to lose to Xue Ji.

After all, he is going to pick a girl, so what's so strange about admitting defeat in the competition? If someone is to use this to ridicule him, then kill the opponent.

Let's see if he is really inferior to Xue Ji, or if he deliberately admits defeat in order to win the girl's favor.

But unfortunately, no such person came to pretend to Fang Tianfeng.

Of course, there may be.

However, Fang Tianfeng went to assassinate the daimyo and the ninja beside him during the day, and cultivated feelings with the little loli piaoxu at night, and he didn't have the intention to find a bunch of passers-by to prove anything.

That would be really petty.

Where in this world are there so many mentally retarded young people who don't know what to do to pretend to be "Then, do you remember the... person that Mr. Sato brought?"

Fang Tianfeng looked at Duan Tianya not far away, the corners of his mouth were slightly upturned, and he asked deliberately.

Duan Tianya's expression changed, and he also looked at Xue Ji quickly and diligently.

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