When he heard Xue Ji's narration just now, a glimmer of hope rose in his heart, how much he hoped that Xue Ji could still remember him.

In this way, he still has a chance! Even though Xue Ji was fighting with that man in the mountains just now, he still loves her! "Is there any?"

Xue Ji was stunned for a moment, her cute head tilted slightly, frowning and thinking for a moment, then she couldn't help pouting, "I don't remember, anyway..., it's not an important person, right Fang Jun, your friend?"

"Not a friend, barely heard of it."

"Oh, then you don't need to know."


A sound that seemed to be broken glass resounded in Duan Tianya's heart, he never thought that he would have such an evaluation in the girl's heart.

After all, people who are unrequited love for others always think that the object of their unrequited love also likes them.

However, the other party had no impression of him at all.

Duan Tianya suddenly remembered that on that day, Liu Sheng but Ma Shou wanted to introduce him to Xue Ji.

Then, Fang Tianfeng came to kick the hall.

All this was interrupted because of his kicks.

The fate between him and Xue Ji was over.

So, it's definitely that person's fault!

Chapter 069 Angry!superior! (please subscribe)

Chapter 069 ━━━━━━━━Angry! Go! Please subscribe Duan Tianya stared at Fang Tianfeng, his face was red and his eyes were full of hideousness.

If it wasn't for Fang Tianfeng's sudden disruption, how could Xue Ji not even know him or even have a single impression! All of this is his fault! In fact, this is really because of Wang Tianfeng.

However, the plot has changed.

Duan Tianya's current behavior is completely like a defeated dog, not only... not feeling sorry for himself, but instead putting all the responsibilities on Fang Tianfeng.


Although it is not unreasonable for him to do so.

After all, it was indeed Fang Tianfeng who ruined his life.

However, what does this have to do with Fang Tianfeng anyway... It's not him who is miserable.

"how do you want"

Fang Tianfeng stopped, frowning slightly and looking at Duan Tianya who was blocking the way in front of him with a slightly unkind expression.

"I want to fight with you."

Duan Tianya stared at Fang Tianfeng with hatred in his eyes.

He has now become: more and more paranoid, love always makes people blind.

But even if it's not love, unrequited love is just as satisfying.

Not only... will make people blind, but also make people crazy.

Originally, he had already passed the two of them, but he suddenly lost the medicine basket on his back.

He directly crossed the two of them, holding a long sword and stuck on the set of the only way to go down the mountain.

The road is very wide, in fact, there is absolutely no need to fight with him.

However, Duan Tianya made it clear that he would block the way.

Therefore, this is not a question of whether Fang Tianfeng is willing to fight.

The girl who was lying quietly on Fang Tianfeng's back and enjoying this moment of warmth also keenly sensed something was wrong, and patted Fang Tianfeng's shoulder, signaling him to put herself down.

"What do you mean"

Fang Tianfeng squatted down slightly, and the girl walked down, looking at Duan Tianya coldly, "Are you trying to trouble us on purpose, or do you think my Liusheng family is easy to bully?"

"Don't dare to go down."

Duan Tianya hurriedly shook his head and hurriedly explained, "It's just that Brother Fang and I are both Han Chinese, so I want to learn from him."

It is clear that he hates Fang Tianfeng to death, but licking a dog is licking a dog after all.

So as soon as he chatted with Xue Ji, he became the essence of a licking dog.

Not only do I want to find Fang Tianfeng's troubles, but I also want to gain Xue Ji's favor.

However, this is not possible.

It's impossible for Fang Tianfeng to agree, that is... Xue Ji doesn't have any good feelings for him now, she's a complete stranger, and even a little bit disgusted.

"He's... the recently rumored one... an Iga disciple named Ichiro Takizawa,"

Fang Tianfeng felt the girl's gaze, and explained with a chuckle, "His real name is Duan Tianya, and he is a Han Chinese."

Xue Ji suddenly realized that she didn't know Duan Tianya, but she knew Takizawa Ichiro.

In the past two months, it has been rumored that Ichiro Takizawa assassinated many famous names.

Moreover, he also revealed his Han Chinese identity.

However, Xue Ji had no interest in his identity or anything.

What she is not interested in, naturally she will not learn about it, just listen to it as some gossip.

There is no need to deliberately understand something in depth, it is meaningless at all.

And thinking of what Fang Tianfeng said just now, the girl reacted.

In contrast, Fang Tianfeng deliberately asked her if she knew Duan Tianya, just... deliberately provoked him in front of the client.

This approach, in fact, is indeed a bit petty.

But, what's the point of doing this, isn't it because he actually likes her and cares about her? If he doesn't care, why should he carefully ask her what she thinks of other men? Xue Ji's beautiful face blooms A beautiful smile appeared, and at that moment, it was as if all the light around him had been taken away and plunged into darkness.

Only the light on that smiling face is so bright.

Because of her jealousy or something, she doesn't hate this kind of practice.

Moreover, she was a little more certain.

Fang Tianfeng likes her from the bottom of his heart.

However, because of his sister's existence, he hesitated.

Thinking of this, the girl couldn't help but cast a shadow over her heart.

Sure enough, what my sister is... Want to compete with my sister for a man? Thinking of this, Xue Ji's heart couldn't help feeling a little stuffy, as if she was holding her breath.

But Piao Xu is her own sister after all, how can she be like this? "So,"

Xue Ji bowed slightly and gave Duan Tianya a salute, which was from Yamato Nadeshiko's upbringing, "Let me replace Fang Jun and compete with you."


For a moment, the sound of something shattering sounded again.

It was as if a glass heart with 1 shattered in half was torn apart at this moment.


The expression on Duan Tianya's face became more and more hideous, he could no longer maintain his rationality and questioned angrily.

However, he forgot that he had nothing to do with Xue Ji at all.

He didn't question her qualifications at all.


There was a trace of anger on Xue Ji's beautiful face, she was very angry now.

Chapter 070 Angry!Down! (please subscribe)

Chapter 070 ━━━━━━━━Angry! Down! Please subscribe to Xue Ji because she wants to replace Fang Tianfeng.

Because, she just lost to Fang Tianfeng.

Although this is an excuse, it is enough to perfunctory others.

If you want to challenge Fang Tianfeng, then you need to beat her loser first.

However, the words were not spoken.

Because she was disgusted by Duan Tianya.

"Because, Fang Jun and I are one."

Xue Ji looked at Fang Tianfeng affectionately, and Fang Tianfeng looked at the girl affectionately, as if feeling something.

As a result, Duan Tianya was hit hard again.

The whole person seemed to be hollowed out, sluggish, and even vomited out a mouthful of blood.


Fang Tianfeng looked at Duan Tianya who was vomiting blood in the crowd with some disgust. If it wasn't for him and Xue Ji flashing fast, I'm afraid this mouthful of blood was... coming towards them.

Although not all over the body, but I am afraid that there will be a few drops of blood.

"Let's go, leave him alone."

Fang Tianfeng shook his head slightly, and did not want to argue with Duan Tianya who was vomiting blood.

Because it's so boring.

If it was said that he had a little interest in stimulating Duan Tianya just now, now he is...completely disappointed, and he has no interest at all.


Xue Ji nodded obediently, and at the same time glanced at Duan Tianya with some disgust.

Just now, she was almost sprayed with that blood.

Being disturbed by Duan Tianya, Fang Tianfeng and Xue Ji could not continue to lean on each other and carry each other down the mountain.

So, we can only walk down the mountain holding hands.

However, in Duan Tianya's eyes, all of this is no different.

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