And Qian Long's three people 3 is only first-class, and can't feel the slightest fluctuation of internal force in Fang Tianfeng.

Either... Fang Tianfen is an ordinary person, or he is born above.

In the case of inability to distinguish, and then look at the age of the place, it is only a teenager.

Therefore, Qian Long took it for granted that he was just an ordinary person.

Fang Tianfen............I don't care, after all, on the surface, he is really just a white face.

Well, being handsome means you can do whatever you want.

In the eyes of Qian Long and the three of them, Fang Tianfeng is the best. He has learned a few tricks of three-legged cat kung fu from the martial arts instructor in the city.

Even, at a critical moment, I want to pretend to be forceful in front of my companions.

"You say Xiaobai face is Xiaobai face."

Fang Tianfeng shrugged and didn't care. Instead, he turned to look at the girl beside him and said with a smile, "Haitang, what do you think I need to kill them?"

"one move"

Haitang mixed her eyes with a mischievous look, looking at him with a smile on her face.

Obviously, she was deliberately embarrassing Fang Tianfeng.

Because even a congenital expert, it is not so easy to kill three people with one move.

After all, they are first-class powerhouses, and although they are not opponents, they cannot escape.

But you can also struggle.

Moreover, they are not fools, they just stood there and waited for Fang Tianfeng to kill them.

Even if one strike kills a person, it takes three moves to kill the whole person.

Of course, this means that Haitang is not innate yet, so she doesn't know innate masters either.

Otherwise, she would not find it difficult.

In fact, most congenital masters can do this.

Chapter 119 Thirteen thousand!superior! (please subscribe)

"Boy, don't be ashamed!"

Qian Long was completely provoked, and he didn't know why he was so angry, he was provoked in a few words, and his mouth was fragrant.

I really don't know how this person has survived until now, but he wasn't used by those... young chivalrous girls who pretend to be the protagonists to pretend to be slapped in the face.

"Brother, I support you, you are so arrogant!"

Cheng Hu also had a look of anger, and said angrily, "I wanted to give you a good time, but now I have changed my mind, I will break your limbs and throw you into the toilet!"

"Second brother is right,"

Sun Bao also nodded, with a look of approval, and the same look of anger.

However, Fang Tianfeng was very speechless.

You said that you were provoked when you were provoked, then you are......Go on...he is just an ordinary person, the one you can kill with any casual move kind….

In most cases, didn't the provoked person just rush up to kill him? You don't look like a qualified villain at all! "Big brother! Go!"

Cheng Hu roared angrily, then jumped up instantly, rushed to the door with lightning speed, and ran away.

"You bastard! Second brother, you don't show loyalty!"

Qian Long's lungs exploded with anger, and roared in the air, "What kind of brother are you like this, labor and capital will kill you!"

In an instant, Qian Long, who was swept away by the anger, chased after Cheng Hu, who had broken out of the door, and disappeared without a trace in an instant.

Looking at the other side, the third child, Sun Leopard, had already jumped out of the window and ran away.


Fang Tianfeng was speechless, and he pretended to be forced to slap his face.

Haitang also laughed out loud, she had never seen such a cowardly villain.

"You're not chasing."

Seeing the resentful look in the man's eyes, Haitang gave him a look and said speechlessly, "What's the use of looking at me, if you don't... chase people, you'll really run away."

"Run, run, run."

Fang Tianfeng shrugged with an indifferent look on his face, and said lightly, "They have no grudge against me, and, although they say they are villains.

But I'm afraid they are more disciplined than ordinary Jiang people, and they have to kill them for what?"

"That's true."

Haitang nodded thoughtfully and said she was a villain, but there was no doubt that the people in her were very restrained.

Just now, although Qian Long wanted to bully the middle-aged man.

However, he was already very angry, but that... Qian Long's first reaction was to flip the table.

When he flipped the table, he didn't even think about hitting someone, but reached out to grab the middle-aged man's clothes.

Undoubtedly, he just wanted to scare people, and he didn't think about how to beat people.

If it were those people on the rivers and lakes, I'm afraid it would just be... a punch.

Not only did they hit people, but they might also be maimed or even killed.

In comparison, this so-called villain looks a little cute.

After all, who has ever seen a wicked person flip a table instead of killing someone? Anyway... Fang Tianfeng has no intention of chasing after him.

If they really rush up or speak rudely, Fang Tianfeng doesn't mind giving them a lesson.

If they really wanted to kill people, Fang Tianfeng wouldn't mind killing them with one sword, as Haitang said.

However, none of these....

They are also bullying others, and it is enough for Haitang to act bravely.

Anyway..., there is no contradiction between the two sides, and it is not impossible for the road to go to one side.

"Forget it, let's eat first."

Fang Tianfeng shook his head, the three of them had already run away without a trace.

It's not that you can't catch up, it's just not necessary.

They're not beautiful women, they're chasing what they do, they're full, or their sexual orientation is abnormal. "Well."

Haitang nodded obediently, then found a fairly complete table and sat down.

"Little Er, what about the little two?"

Fang Tianfeng frowned as he looked at the empty teahouse, and shouted, "The food is served, so I'm not going to do business."

"I'm coming."

Outside the door, Xiao Er, who heard the shouts of the guests in the teahouse, ran over quickly, with a smirk on his face, "Guest officer, what do you want?"

"First, two catties of soy sauce beef, and two bowls of plain noodles."

Fang Tianfeng said lightly, and suddenly frowned when he saw Xiao Er's smirk, "What are you laughing at?"

"Ah, ah, sorry, objective, sorry."

After being told by Fang Tianfeng, Xiao Er also quickly reacted, wiped the possible liquid at the corner of his mouth, touched his head and said embarrassedly, "It's just, the objective just gave me a lot of money, I'm so happy.

So, for a while, I got a little carried away.

Well, two people, this meal is my invitation, how about it?"

Haitang looked at him with a strange expression, and seeing his appearance, she really felt a little rich.

As the second child, he said.. to pay for the two of them.

This is really, the world is full of wonders.

"How much did he give you"

Fang Tianfeng's heart moved and asked.

"Look, sir,"

Hearing this, Xiao Er was also excited, and quickly spread out the bank note in his hand, "A full one hundred taels of silver!"

Chapter 120 Thirteen thousand!middle! (please subscribe)

What is the concept of one hundred taels of silver? During the Ming Dynasty, it was established that silver entered the currency system.

One hundred taels of silver is... ten taels of gold.

It's equivalent to 35 copper coins! [-] copper coins means... It will take three to five years to earn [-] years if the shop assistant does not eat or drink! [-] yuan can buy this teahouse! He just said a few words for help , have one hundred taels of silver.

It has to be said that this is indeed a windfall, and it can be regarded as a small fortune.

It could be considered a small fortune.

And because of this, Fang Tianfeng was basically completely sure that the middle-aged man just now was... [-].

On the other hand, the Three Evils who ran away without saying a word also had an expression of the rest of their lives.

One or two panting.

To be able to tire three first-class masters like this is enough to see how long they have run.

"Big, big brother, didn't you keep up?"

Cheng Hu, who was originally running at the front, was now behind, gasping for breath with a look of joy.

"should not."

Qian Long breathed a sigh of relief, and felt quite helpless in his heart, "Tell me, these... How come one or two of the congenital masters like to pretend to be forceful?"

"It's just that,"

Sun Bao had a bitter expression on his face, and those who didn't know it thought he was a little girl who was raped, "Our three brothers 3 are because we offended the innate master who pretended to be an ordinary person, and this is our turn.

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